Episode 15: It's getting way more serious pt. 4

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They take the gummi ship to the next world they come by. This world looked pink and fancy from far away(Wonderland)
Lita was awake and was on Sora's shoulder.
"Hey Lita, are you ready to rescue everyone?"(Sora)
Lita nods her head.

They fly down and they land. They get off the gummi ship.
They end up in a strange building where things were physically impossibly placed. They all looked around awe.
Then they see a rabbit run out of nowhere.
"Oh, my fur and whiskers! (pants) I'm late, I'm late, I'm late! Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear! I'm here, I should be there. (pants) I'm late, I'm late, I'm late! The queen, she'll have my head for sure!"(Rabbit)

They follow the rabbit through a door, but by the time they got there. It seemed that the Rabbit has shrunk to fit through a small door. A little bit bigger than Lita's size. Lita was 6 inches tall and this door was about fifteen inches tall.
"How are we supposed to get through there? Lita can fit, but not the rest of us..."(Sora)
Lita flew down and tried to open the door.
The doorknob suddenly opened its eyes?
Lita screamed and formed an electric force field around her body.
"Must you be so loud? You woke me up"(Doorknob)
The doorknob looked at Lita a bit surprised.
"Wow, you're the first person that doesn't have to drink the bottle to fit,"(Doorknob)
Lita gives him a stinkface for reminding her.
"Don't worry Lita, it's a charm."(Goofy)
"Why don't you open?!"(Lita)
"You need a key of course."(Doorknob)
Lita is getting frustrated with all these obvious statements. Then out of frustration she looks around and then realized...there was a tunnel to go through.
"Look!"(Lita pointed at the tunnel)
"Oh hey, how about that? But we still can't fit. How was that rabbit able to go through?"(Donald asks the doorknob)
"Why don't you drink the bottle?"(Doorknob)
"The bottle?"(They all said at the same time)
They all look around and see on a table there is a bottle full of liquid.
They all shrug.
Goofy, Donald and Sora drink the potion.
Then they all shrink.
Lita gets really excited because now she doesn't have to be the absolute smallest for now.
They all shrink to 12 inches or so. So a bit taller than Lita, but better than nothing!
"Hey Lita, now we get to see how it is to be your height!"(Goofy)
Lita's eyes shine a little.
"I haven't felt this in a long time now!"(Lita starts to gain life immediately)
They go through the tunnel.
They hit a grassy field but it seems like a trial is going on.

"The court is now in session!"(White Rabbit)
They are accusing a poor girl of stealing hearts!
Sora, Goofy, and Donald hesitate to help her until,
"Off with her head!"(Red Queen)
Now they can't just stand around.
They run to the front and try to reason with the ridiculous queen.
The queen wants solid evidence that it's not Alice.
They lock Alice in a cage to hold her hostage.

"I'll catch up with you guys later."(Lita)
"Why? What will you do?"(Sora)
"I want to talk with her."(Lita)
"Well, actually I want to talk with her too."(Sora)

Surprisingly the Red queen and the card soldiers are letting them to speak with the girl for a little bit.
"Thank you guys. Sorry you got mixed into this nonsense."(Girl)
"What's your name?"(Lita)
"My name is Alice, you?"(Alice)
"I'm Lita, and this is Goofy, Donald and Sora."(Lita)
"What happened?"(Sora)
"I'd like to know myself, honestly. I just took the stand and I was just accused of stealing hearts apparently."(Alice)
"SILENCE NOW. The defendant will be silenced now."(A card Soldier)
They walk away.
"Sora, should I try to break her out of there?"(Lita)
"I don't know what will happen if you try to."(Sora)
Lita sighs.
"I wouldn't suggest it. It could cause chaos."(Goofy)
"It seems like chaos will happen regardless..."(Lita)
"Let's just look for these evidence and see what happens. And after you can follow whatever your instinct tells you."(Donald)
Lita agrees.

They look around for evidence and eventually they find 4 pieces of evidence.
They go back to the queen and present her with it.
"What was that?"(Queen)
"There you go, Alice is innocent."(Sora)
"Let her go!"(Lita)
"No! I'm the queen, I'm only right! Who ever defies the queen is guilty! Seize them!"(Queen orders the cards to attack them)
The cards cover Alice's cage and raise her to the top. They start fighting the Trinity(Sora, Donald, and Goofy)
Lita just flies up to Alice.
"No! You there! If you go there, I'm taking off your head if you let her out!"(Queen)
"Huh! Try and get me then!"(Lita)
"NO!!!"(Queen knows that she can't stop Lita)
Lita flies to Alice's cage and opens the curtain.
Alice is not here?
The battle was so loud on the ground Lita knew she can't just get everyone's attention by yelling out to them.
Lita calls thunder to all the cards individually. They all faint.
Everyone who was standing stares at Lita.
"Alice is gone!"(Lita)
"What?!"(Said everyone including the queen)
Then a weird ghost cat appears in front of Lita(Cheshire Cat)
Why is this place so weird!?
"If you're looking for Alice, she's not here she's gone into the shadows..."(Cheshire)
Lita tries to zap him for being creepy.
Cheshire disappears and then reappears right in front of her face but bigger than before.
Lita by instinct keeps leaning back.
"Calm down. I'm one of the good guys"(Cheshire touches Lita's cheeks with his paws)
Lita tries to shove him away, but he's literally a ghost how could she feel him touching her but she can't feel him?
Everyone on the ground is just watching the whole scene unfold.
"How can I trust you?!"(Lita)
"Well, you'll just have to decide for yourself."(Cheshire Cat)
He finally disappears.
Lita looks down at everyone defeated because Alice is gone...
"Come down, Lita. We're going to save her."(Sora tries to make her feel better)
Lita flies back down.
They leave the field and go back into the room.
The trinity drink the growing potion and they get on the gummi ship.

On the gummi ship, they get a call.
"Hello Queen Tiana,"(Goofy)
This is Sora's first time meeting with Lita's queen.
"Hello boys. I think it's time to switch scouts."(Tiana)
They all look at Lita.
"Yes, I think so too."(Sora)
They have a teleporter in the gummi ship.
Lita goes in and she arrives in Terence's house.
"Let's do rock paper scissors. If Donald wins we get the Fire scout, if Goofy wins the water scout, and if I win the other one."(Sora)
"Fair enough"(Tiana)

Who will it be?

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