Episode 22: Lita's Week pt.3

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Day Four
It was Lita's day to spend time with Serena and the others(Amara, Michelle, and Tristan).
Terence had brought Lita to Serena and Darien's house and they were waiting on the others to arrive.
"Ok, today, first we are going to the grocery store and then we'll get back here and we'll bake some cookies."(Serena says excitedly)
"That sounds cool"(Lita says a bit sassily)
"What kind of cookies are you going to bake, Lita?"(Serena)
"Serena, how can I bake small cookies in your very big oven?"(Lita)
"Well, we can either get a sailor size oven or you can decorate our big cookies."(Serena)
"Ok, I'll do whatever"(Lita)
"Did you eat before coming here?"(Serena)
"I did, about 3 hours ago."(Lita says with confidence)
Darien hears her and rolls his eyes.
"Here Lita, I'll give you some almonds"(Darien digs into the pantry)
He finds a bag of roasted sliced almonds and he gives one to Lita.
"So, they should be here in any minute now."(Serena looks at her watch)

They all arrive and they make their way to the grocery store.
Lita was perching on Serena's shoulder.
"So Lita, what kind of cookies are you going to make?"(Michelle)
"I don't know. If I see nice cookie cutters I'll just use those."(Lita says elegantly)
"Wow, what is this persona?"(Amara giggles)
"Well, are you excited?"(Tristan)
"I don't even know how it's going to go. Am I baking by myself or with you guys?"(Lita)
"Well, we'll do it together of course."(Serena pets Lita's head)

They arrive at the grocery store.
Serena let Lita look around the Sailor baking section.
Lita just dug through the whole section.
Then she found heart cookie cutters.
"Hey, maybe I can make cookies for the others."(Lita)
Ideas start to form in her head.
She picked up cute empty cookie gift boxes, sprinkles, Icing bags, and tweezers. He arms start to get full.
"Hey, do you need a basket?"(Brock the store runner appears)
Brock walks to Lita and squats to her level and gives her a sailor size basket.
"yes, please."(Lita)
Brock helps her put everything in her basket.
"What are you going to make, kiddo?"(Brock)
"I'm going to make cookies for my friends."(Lita)
"For the other scouts? Well, here is a sailor cookie kit and you can make about 50 cookies."(Brock)
Lita gleamed.
"This is vanilla flavor. Would you like a different flavor?"(Brock asks gently)
"Lita, we're done, are you?"(Serena)
Serena and the others arrive and find her talking with the sweet store runner.
"Can I have chocolate too?"(Lita)
"Of course you can, sweet pea."(Brock)

They make it home.
"Serena, did you get me a sailor oven?"(Lita)
"Don't worry, I didn't forget!"(Serena pulls out the oven from her bag that she just brought)
They use the kitchen table to make their cookies.
Lita tiredly is rolling out her dough and she's getting ready to use her cookie cutter.
"Is there a reason you're going to make so many?"(Tristan)
"I'm going to give them to the girls."(Lita sounded like she was very sleepy)
"Lita, why are you a bit off today?"(Amara)
"You seem very tired."(Michelle)
"I was up until 4 last night and I had to wake up at 8 today."
"What? Did you tell Terence?"(Tristan)
"I did, but he told me that I had to come here anyway."(Lita)
"Is there a reason?"(Amara)
Lita hesitates.
"I don't think I can tell you."(Lita)
"You have to, you're in my house now."(Serena)
"Then kick me out."(Lita)
"Okay fine. We won't push it."(Serena)
Lita cuts out a lot of heart cookies.
When they were done baking and she waited for them to cool off she starts decorating them.
For most of the cookies she used the icing as glue and stuck sprinkles on them carefully. One advantage she had of being small was that laying on your stomach made it easier to stick the sprinkles in the exact places.
"At around 5, me and Michelle are going to the park for a date."(Amara)
"Ok well it's only 3:30 now"(Tristan)
Lita continued to make her cookies and when she was done with them she boxed 4 boxes of cookies.
When she was finished it was 4:40 and it was about to be time for Amara and Michelle leave.
"Lita, those are beautiful! You are going to give those to the other fellas?"(Michelle)
Lita nods.
"Well, it's about five. We are going to go now."(Amara)
They left the house and now Serena, Tristan, and Darien were left in the house.
"Are you ready for dinner, Lita?"(Darien)
"Yes."(Lita says plainly)

Darien made chicken over rice.
Lita had her stack of pretty boxes near her while she ate.
Terence arrived after they cleaned the dining table.
"Lita, what lovely boxes of cookies you made!"(Terence said as he came in)
Lita was happy that he complimented her.
"Do you need help with those?"(Terence)
"Yes please,"(Lita)
On the way home Lita was on Terence's shoulder.
Terence had the boxes of cookies laid out in his hands so that he doesn't damage them.
Lita was nervous to tell Terence.
"Yes, darling?"(Terence)
"One of the boxes are for you..."(Lita)
"Gasps* really, Lita?"(Terence was beyond surprised)
"I know that you won't be able to taste it because it's too small for you. But I didn't know what else to do for you after you made those knitted things for me and taught me how to knit..."(Lita)
"Lita, I appreciate that you did anything for me! Are you kidding? This is the best day of my life!"(Terence)
Lita smiled pleasantly.
They arrive home at around 7pm.
Lita and Terence sat at the table and they ate the cookies together.
Lita had the one box of cookies in front of her. She would eat one and then give every second one to Terence cutely.
"Lita, these are amazing!"(Terence)
"You can actually taste it?"(Lita asked proudly)
"I can. Since it's very small I treasure every bite. Thank you, Lita. Please keep making things for me"(Terence pushed her bangs behind her ear)
"I hope I can give these to the girls soon!"(Lita)
"Are you ready to go to bed?"(Terence)

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