Episode 29: Unlocking Bonding Hearts pt 4

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The girls gathered in Hawk's apartment. 
They all sat on his living room floor. 
Rei sat there awkwardly. Considering how she acted yesterday. 
"Rei, you can tell us anything. We would never hold anything against you."(Mina)
"That's right."(Ami)
Hawk was sitting on the couch just listening to their convo. 
"Hawk, why didn't Lita want us to be with her?"(Mina)
"We thought we were going to her meeting..."(Ami)
"Well, she said she didn't want you guys to see her in that state of emotion. Yesterday was a lot to handle for her."(Hawk)
"I feel so bad for leaving her like that... But without our powers there wasn't much I could've done. But for her, being alone must've been terrifying."(Mina looked guilty)
"You did the right thing, Mina. If you didn't run away, you both would've been captured, imagine if we didn't know where both of you were. We can't even imagine that scenario. It would be horrible."(Hawk)
"Anyways, Rei. Are you good now? There's nothing you have to feel bad about. We like that you are happy with him. That was our goal anyway. Anyways I believe that it will happen with all of you."(Hawk)
Ami looked down thinking about her and Damian. 
"It's true, Ami. You and Damian are getting a lot better compared to before. Don't worry about a thing"(Hawk)
"Do you think you and Damian are not close?"(Rei)
"Not really. Especially when I compare to you. It looks like you can tell him anything."(Ami)
"I do feel that. But Lita tells Terence everything. That's what I'm confused about."(Rei)
"Well then, maybe Lita isn't far off from it. I think she's very almost there."(Hawk)
"Is there still a tension when you are with Damian?"(Mina)
"I don't think so. But there was one until recently."(Ami)
"Oh, when did you stop feeling this tension?"(Rei)
"About when we were all forced to be with our...dads..?"(Ami had a hard time saying dad)
"What? Ami you seemed the most chill about them calling themselves dad."(Mina)
"You do know how easy it is to pretend through text, right?"(Ami)
The girls sighed.
"I'll admit, I probably had the hardest time about that. I had to spend time alone and then they forced me to join a meeting to talk about it...it was pretty ridiculous."(Ami)
"Wow, I'd hate that too."(Mina)
Hawk came out of the kitchen and gave them the sailor platter of fruits he made them.
"Ami, it's ok, now you feel better don't you?"(Hawk)
"No, but it was really embarrassing"(Ami)
"No it's not. You might feel embarrassed, but we are all family here, we don't judge each other too hard."(Hawk)

The girls ate their fruit and continued to talk. 
Then there's a knock on the door. 
everyone perked up.
When the door opened Terence was there and Lita was on the floor in front of him. 
Lita ran inside happily. 
"Guy! Guess what?"(Lita)
"We get to go to the 100 acre wood right now!"(Lita)
All the girls' eyes expanded with excitment.
"No way!"(Mina)
"Well what are we waiting for? Let's go!"(Rei)
They all start to run. 
Then a hand grabbed Mina and picked her up. It stopped them all in their tracks. 
"Hang on girls."(Hawk)
The girls looked behind and looked up at him. 
"Is it just them? Or are we going too?"(Hawk)
"We are going too."(Terence)
"We thought it was just going to be us."(Rei sounded disappointed)
"We won't be there to disturb you much, we are just going to make sure you don't get into trouble."(Terence)
"Okay, whatever makes them feel better."(Ami)
"I hope we get to play however we want. They always make up fun games and fun things for us to do."(Rei)
"Rei, you guys can go do whatever you want. We promise. It will just be like last time"(Terence)
"Whatever, we must go now!"(Mina squirms in Hawk's hands)
"Ok, ok!"(Hawk giggles as he lets her down)
They all run out of the apartment and all run together towards Tiana's Lab. 
For small ones, they all run pretty fast. 
But before they made it, they all became pretty exhausted. 
"Do you guys need a ride?"(Henrique appeared in front of them)
"Henrique!"(Rei said happily)
"Hey, cherry blossom."(Henrique squat down and greeted her)
"Are you excited to go?"(Henrique)
Henrique clapped his hands and opened his hands.
"Then let's go."(Henrique)
Rei walked up to Henrique and climbed on to his hand. 
Hawk picked up Mina, Terence picked up Ami and Lita. 
Ami was wondering where Damian was, but she didn't want to sound too worried. 
They all arrive in Tiana's lab. 
Merlin was there with the book. 
"Wait. Is Damian not coming?"(Ami whispered to Terence and Lita)
"Oh no, Ami. I'm so sorry, he had a sudden call from Earth. He is there to help them with a mission."(Tiana)
"When will he be back?"(Ami sounded a little sad)
"He'll probably be gone for a while. But, we'll take good care of you."(Tiana pet her head)
"Oh.."(Ami was a bit disheartened)
"Now go have fun."(Tiana)
"Ok!"(The rest of the girls)

They all go into the book. 

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