Episode 18: Caretaker Spinoff pt 1

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Ami had just left through the teleporter.
"What was it that you just said?"(Tiana smirked at Damian)
"What?"(Damian was taken aback by her persona)
"You love her like a daughter?"(Tiana)
"Yea, I was gonna just say straight up 'I love you' but somehow I'd thought that someone would think that that was pedophilic."(Damian)
"I just thought that was precious coming from you, you're not the type to express your feelings"(Tiana smiled)
"Well, I tried to get better at it so that Ami can feel more free and comfortable"(Damian starts to blush)
"But, why are you studying this?"(Damian)
"Oh, I didn't mean to. I just wanted to compliment you"(Tiana)

Damian went back to his house.
He picks up a table picture frame a looks at it. It was a picture of Ami taken on Earth. It was of her working in the lab with Tony Stark.
He looks at it endearingly.
"This isn't the first time I had to send you away, but I'll still miss you a lot. I hope you know that and I hope you get back safely"(Damian said the things he wished he had time to say)
He puts the picture down and cooks some lunch for himself.
He receives a call from Hawk.
"Hey, Damian, do you want to hang out? Mina is with Lita and Rei at Terence's right now. Darien, Henrique and I are going to the cafe to chill."(Hawk)
"I'm always up for that, so Terence is watching them this time?"(Damian chuckles)
"Yea, again. But hey, he doesn't mind it"(Hawk)
"Ok, I'll see you there after lunch"(Damian)
"Sounds good."(Hawk)

At the cafe*
Henrique, Hawk, and Darien got a table and were drinking Green tea lattes.
"I'm here now."(Damian arrives and pulled out his chair)
"What's up?"(Henrique)
"Had to send Ami away not too long ago...didn't you?"(Hawk)
"Yea, it was tough but it's not the first time so it is ok."(Damian)
"I know how you feel."(Henrique)
"With that being said, where did you and Rei go?"(Damian)
"Oh, well. It was strange but honestly pretty wholesome. Rei loves stuffed animals and this was a world full of creatures that looked like plushies. And they weren't just stuffed animals, they all had the most unique charm where they weren't perfect but that was kind of the charm to them."(Henrique)
They all stared at Henrique with confusion.
"Well, Rei said that she wants to take the girls there one day. So you guys will find out sometime"(Henrique)
"So, Rei liked it?"(Darien)
"I think so."(Henrique)
"How is she now?"(Hawk)
"Let me just tell you guys...by the end of the trip I could literally see her face becoming more lively and warm. It seems like she finally forgave the past. Now these days, she's her normal self except more relaxed. Only one thing..."(Henrique)
The other guys looked at him with anticipation.
"The only thing I don't understand is how she feels about me"(Henrique)
When Henrique explains it, it doesn't sound like he's hurt by it. It just seemed like her was genuinely curious about it.
"Can you give us examples of real scenarios that got you confused?"(Hawk)
"See, when she's in Maho no Kuni, she seems reluctant to even be with me or talk to me. But when we are anywhere else, she looks for me, she looks at me whenever she's concerned and she seems to want to stay with me. I mean a perfect example. Literally when I went to go pick her up to go to Earth to do a neuro exam she gave me some looks, but the minute when we arrive on Earth she clings onto me and pleads with me to stay with her. I get that maybe when she's in an unknown place she feels closest with me but it's still confusing"(Henrique)
"I think it's because she doesn't think about how much we care about her, but when the time comes her instinct just kicks in. If I put it in a different way, deep down, she knows that you love her, but when situation doesn't call for it, she doesn't care. She knows that you will let her use you for comfort when she needs it."(Darien)
"So do you think she likes me or not?"(Henrique)
"Can't say for sure. Maybe a neutral feeling?"(Darien)
Henrique feels a little let down deeply, but he doesn't show it.
"Oh, well at least she comes to me for comfort."(Henrique)
"Don't worry Henrique, I'm sure all of our scouts feel that way. I'm pretty sure of it."(Hawk)
"Of course. I literally told Ami that I loved her before she left, she didn't say anything back to me."(Damian)
"And me and Mina haven't had a good interaction for a while. She hugged me for comfort and slept in my hands when I picked her up from Earth, but whenever we're home, she almost always wants to stay with the other scouts. So I'd say at this point, we should just do our jobs and ensure their safety and health."(Hawk)
"Don't get me wrong, sometimes me and Ami have our moments, but they're rare. Also to be fair, Ami is arguably the nicest and a gentle soul type of gal. The rest tend to be fighty and more expressive. So if we are basing this on whether or not we failed, I failed the most because I have the 'easiest scout'"(Damian)
"That is true...."(Henrique)
"Don't be too down about it. You really did your best. You should be proud of yourself. I don't know if I could've been up for days to try and cheer someone up."(Darien)
Henrique felt better knowing that he really did everything for Rei.
"You know? I want Terence to be with us. What is Serena doing, Darien?"(Henrique)
"She's with Amara, Michelle, Tristan, and the cats at home."(Darien)
"Can they be with the girls instead?"(Hawk)
"Let me call and ask Serena."(Darien)

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