Episode 25: Rei and the Trinity pt 2

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"So Sora, Donald, and Goofy. That is my island. We must go over there and plan how we are going to save Neverland from the heartless."(Peter)
Rei looked in the direction that he pointed.
Rei's eyes expanded.
"Rei, what were you doing over there?"(Sora noticed her expression)
"Some boys captured me in a net. That's why I was flying away."(Rei)
"Were they? I'll give them a good scolding"(Peter)
"I'll protect you, Rei."(Sora let out a hand for her to land on)
"Or you can hold my hand, I'll stop them from hurting you."(Tinkerbell chimed in)
Rei smiled and held Tinkerbell's hand.
Tinkerbell, Rei, and Peter Pan flew a bit ahead.
Sora was a bit bummed out.
"It's ok, Sora. You knew how she was going to be."(Goofy put a hand on Sora's shoulder)
"I know. I'll be okay."(Sora)

Rei and Tinkerbell had a conversation on the way.
"Rei, are you okay?"(Tinkerbell)
"Yea, I'm fine. Just a bit nervous."(Rei)
"But we are friends right? I'd love to be friends with you."(Tinkerbell)
Rei smiled.
"Yes, we are."(Rei)
They all arrived at the island where Rei got captured.
Peter whistles.
"Lost boys!"(Peter)
The lost boys come out in formation. Rei hid behind Peter.
"Why did you guys try to capture her?"(Peter)
"Well, you have Tink. We wanted to have a fairy too."(Lost boy)
"Well, she doesn't belong here so don't bother her. Got it?"(Peter)
"Yes, captain."(Lost boys)

Everyone except Tinkerbell and Rei gathered in a tent.
"So Hook's ship holds the most evil energy? So in order to eliminate the heartless we have to take out Hook?"(Wendy)
"Precisely. So we have to find ways to hijack the ship, quickly eliminating them."(Peter)
"So what are we going the have the two cutie patooties do?"(Goofy)
"Cutie patooties?"(Sora chuckles)
"Well, from what we know the scouts are extremely powerful and Rei is probably no different. So we can definitely take advantage of that."(Donald)
"So there is more of her?"(Lost boys)
"Three more. That's it."(Sora)
"Can we see them?"(Lost Boys)
"Because I bet they're cute! I love cute things!"(Lost Boys)
"Well you got that right."(Donald)
"You guys seen them all?"(Lost Boys)
"Well, of course. They are from Maho no Kuni and we have an agreement with them for them to send us a sidekick for every moment we are on this mission. Since they live in Maho no Kuni, we can't bring them all along with us at the same time. That was part of the agreement."(Sora)
"Well, that stinks."(Lost Boys)

Rei and Tinkerbell were in Tinkerbell's house talking.
"So you never really knew them before?"(Tinkerbell)
"No, when we first met, that was when I met them too."(Rei)
"So it's your duty to just go to them and help them?"(Tinkerbell)
"Yes, that's right."(Rei)
"How is that like?"(Tinkerbell)
"Well, if it were up to me, I would be here with one of my scout friends"(Rei)
"How many of you are there?"(Tinkerbell)
"I have three other friends."(Rei)
There was about a 10 second pause.
"Rei, before you leave, I really want to show you where I come from."(Tinkerbell)
"Woah, how many of you are there?"(Rei)
"Oh, there's so many of us. At least a thousand. I can't wait for you to see!"(Tinkerbell)
"What if we go now?"(Rei)
"Won't you get in trouble?"(Tinkerbell)
"Who cares? I want a vacation for once. Also what are we all here for?"(Rei)
"Well Rei, it's pretty far. Also I'll tell you everything about why we are gathered here. But as soon as we defeat the problem I promise you. I'll take you there."(Tinkerbell)
"So why are we here?"(Rei)
"So..."(Tinkerbell starts)
Tinkerbell tells Rei everything. Pretty much the same thing that Peter Pan said to everyone else.
"I'll be honest Rei. I lead you here because I don't feel comfortable with the new family that's there. I love Peter and she's in the way of us."(Tinkerbell)
"I'm sorry? In what way?"(Rei)
"Just as a friend."(Tinkerbell)
"What if he loves her as a lover?"(Rei)
"After she got involved he started ignoring me and just started using me"(Tinkerbell)
"Aww, that shouldn't feel good."(Rei)
"Hey, actually let's go to my home! We can take a break from them."(Tinkerbell says sassily)
"I like that! None of this fighting stuff for now! But..."(Rei)
"But what?"(Tinkerbell)
"Are they going to be okay?"(Rei)
"They all fight, they'll be fine"(Tinkerbell)

Back to the tent
"So when are we going to put this plan into play?"(Sora)
"I say we go right now."(Goofy)
"Okay! Let's go get Tink and Rei. They are in Tink's room"(Peter)

"Uhhh, this is bad."(Peter)
"Yea, duh."(Donald)
"Where could they be?"(Wendy)
"I don't know, looks like we have to carry out the mission ourselves."(Sora)
"Sora, we can't they could be in danger."(Goofy)
"The only danger in this world is Hook, and if she's in danger she's bound to be with them someway or another and that's where we are going."(Sora)
"You're right let's go."(Goofy)

Rei and Tinkerbell
They went far to make it to Pixie Hollow.
"See that tree? That's where I used to live full time"(Tinkerbell)
"That's beautiful! I'm so excited"(Rei)
They make it inside and Rei gasps in awe.
"Hey up there!"(A fairy greets them from below)
They go to meet queen Clarion.
"Hello Queen Clarion! This is Rei. I brought her to show her around our home"(Tinkerbell)
"Well, hello Rei. I never seen a fairy like you. What kind of fairy are you?"(Queen Clarion)
"I'm not exactly from here."(Rei)
"Well, since you are a fairy like us you are welcome but you are not allowed to tell anyone that's not a fairy about this location."(Queen Clarion)
"Okay then, I have to tell you the truth."(Rei)
"What is it?"(Queen Clarion)
"I have this bracelet that helps me fly. But in it there is a tracker where the people who I'm with can track me. And they aren't fairies."(Rei)
"They are humans?"(Queen Clarion)
"Well, not exactly, but they look it. And they all have powers"(Rei)
"Then I don't know Rei."(Queen Clarion)
"It's okay, queen. I will leave at once."(Rei)
"But on the alternative. I can ask my friends to come out and play with us."(Tinkerbell)
"I would love that."(Rei)

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