Episode 20: Reikanda! pt 1

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Rei and Henrique arrive in Africa.
"Rei, hide in my patch pocket, you can't be seen by these people"(Henrique puts Rei in his pocket)
Henrique walks around and finds T'Challa.
"Hello Your Majesty!"(Henrique)
"Henrique! What's up brother? Here, let's take my ship to Wakanda"(T'Challa)
They enter the ship.
After a while, while riding the ship Henrique opens his pocket and takes Rei out. He holds her almost like a hamster with two hands.
"There's the little pumpkin!"(T'Challa)
"Yup, here she is! It was hot in there wasn't it?"(Henrique says with an endearing tone)
Henrique blows her forehead with his powers which blew the sweat off.
Admittedly Rei does feel more easy because Henrique was with her. It was just a little weird with the tone everyone was using.
"Well, we are almost here."(T'Challa)
"Should I hide her again?"(Henrique)
"If she doesn't want to hide, it's not too big of a deal. At this point after the avengers' wars we are use to seeing anything now"(T'Challa)
"Rei, do you want to?"(Henrique)
Rei thinks about it. She doesn't like to be in the pocket but she doesn't want to attract attention.
"I can also hold you and cover you."(Henrique)
Rei can't believe she's saying this.
"I want to be held..."(Rei)
Henrique was a bit surprised.

They arrive and get off the ship.
As promised Henrique held Rei against his body covering her from everyone.
They arrive in front of the Citadel.
Okoye walked up to T'Challa and Henrique to greet them.
"Hey, are you sneaking in something?"(Okoye gets a bit suspicious)
"No, calm down."(Henrique opened his hands enough for her to see Rei burying her face in Henrique)

They make their way to Shuri's lab.
"This is my sister"(T'Challa)
"Nice to meet you"(Henrique shakes Shuri's hand)
"Rei, let's come out now, shall we?"(Henrique whispers)
Rei clings on to Henrique's shirt tighter signaling a 'no'.
"Rei come on. You can sit on my shoulder"(Henrique)
She slowly lets go of Henrique accepting that bargain.
Henrique smiles of relief.
He let's Rei perch on his shoulder.
Shuri is touched by the interaction between the two of them.
"So, brother. I want to show you your new suits. You guys will have a mission in South Korea."(Shuri)
"That's right, an illegal buyer will be there to buy a stolen vibranium artifact."(T'Challa)
"We have to stop him because if they get ahold of that, the world is doomed if Vibranium is used for bad"(T'Challa)
"Ok, but come get your new suit, first"(Shuri)
"Ok, Rei, transform and we'll discuss things"(Henrique)

South Korea
Rei was on a top ledge hiding observing the whole casino. She gets into a mission mood.
She had a ear piece to communicate with everyone.
"I see someone that's giving me bad vibes"(Rei)
"You know, I feel like having you is a cheat, haha"(T'Challa says proudly)
"But I can't be for sure. I think we should get Henrique in there."(Rei)
"Ok, Rei. I'm going in. Just describe him to me."(Henrique)
"He has a beard, tattoos on his arm. He's talking someone that he's meeting in there. And he's speaking to someone with greyish hair and a suit."(Rei)
"Gotcha. I'm coming in. I'm not gonna talk to you because I don't want to sound sus, but continue to give me directions."(Henrique)
Henrique enters the Casino.
"Ok, keep going straight, then turn left. It's the guy in front of you, Henrique"(Rei)

Henrique approached the man and spies on him.
Henrique gives Reí the signal to tell T'Challa to go inside.
T'Challa marches in and all hell breaks loose.
A fight broke out and the Casino cleared out. When it cleared out Reí found this opportunity to show what they are up against.
She sends fire soul bird to give a mark to the seller: Klaue.
Klaue who was reacting to the burn and his team pause and look out where that came from.
"If you don't want to face the wrath of what we have give us back that artifact."(Henrique also threatened by pulling out his electric whip)
"Well what do you have?"(Klaue)
Reí came from above and started fire on the ground next to Klaue's feet.
Klaue and his men tried to hold in their laughter.
"Is it just because I'm small?"(Rei lit fire on her hand threateningly)
"Yea..."(Klaue tried to hold in his laughter again)
Rei glowed up.
"Give us that artifact"(Rei)
"Alright fine, here"(Klaue)
Everett Ross came from the side.
"It's a scout!"(Everett Ross points at Rei)
"Agent Ross, why were you trying to buy it?"(T'Challa)
"I didn't think anything of it. I just wanted to study the material,"(Ross)
"Let's go back to Wakanda"(T'Challa)
Rei went to Henrique and went in his pocket and transformed back.
Henrique blushed in that moment.

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