Episode 30: 100 acre woods! pt 2

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The others started arguing about how this is unfair and the dads are trying to explain and convince them that it's not that bad and Ami is there wanting to talk about something else.
"Guys! Please!"(Ami silences them)
There was an awkward pause.
"I'm sorry, Ami. We all got way off topic."(Henrique)
"Oh, but this conversation is NOT over."(Rei)
"Rei, we never been mean to you have we?"(Henrique)
"You know what would be so much better? If we all lived here and everyone had their own lives where we don't always have to be looked after"(Mina)
"Even if you guys were your original size, you'd still have people trying to kidnap you. And you would be no where near as strong as you became. Being smaller does help you unleash more power. That was another reason."(Hawk)
"Guys, can we stop this? We started this whole conversation because Ami was talking."(Terence)
Everyone looked up at Ami to see if she wanted to say anything else.
"Actually...you know what? I don't know why I care so much about if Damian is here with me. I'm out of mind. I shouldn't be sad about that."(Ami says as if she's mad at herself)
"But, we completely understand. You'd feel more secure if he was here, wouldn't you?"(Terence)
"Mm."(Ami agrees)
"Ok but, I agree, let's not ruin this trip arguing over this. We should help Ami feel less lonely."(Rei)
"Yea, Ami. Who do you want to sleep with?"(Henrique)
"I think that Lita wants to sleep with me. Don't you?"(Terence)
Lita gets up and crawls on to his lap showing that he's correct.
Rei also gets up and goes to Henrique.
"Ami, why don't you sleep with us?"(Mina)
Ami shrugs.
Hawk goes to Mina and picks them up
They all open their magical tents that they each brought.
In each tent their is a soft bed, heater, bedside table where the scout could sleep on if they want.
Hawk puts Ami and Mina on the bedside table to set up the bed to be more comfortable.
He pulls out two sailor size fleece blankets.
Mina and Ami slept on top of his comforter with the fleece blankets over them, next to each other.

It's been a long night, so everyone slept for as long as they wanted to.
Ami woke up first.
Mina and Hawk were still sleeping.
Ami used the magic shower to clean herself up.
Then she went outside to check if anything is happening.

"Good morning, Ami!"(Roo and tigger came over)
"Good morning."(Ami said a bit surprised)
"We are gonna go to the river to hop stones!"(Tigger)
"Sure! I'll come. I don't know if I'll be able to do it."(Ami)
Tigger picks up Ami.
"Don't worry! You can perch on my shoulder if you can't do it."(Tigger)
They all bounced away to get to the river.
Ami knows that she probably should've told Hawk. But she wants to be in a more cheery mood. She doesn't want to hear the answer "No," at this time.
Ami isn't normally the rebelling type, but she doesn't feel that what she's doing is all that bad.

"Hawk! Hawk! Wake up!"(Mina shouts)
Hawk groans and tries to open his eyes.
Then Lita shows up at their tent to find out what Mina is shouting about.
"What happened?"(Lita)
"Ami is gone!"(Mina)
Hawk woke up and sat up which caused Mina to roll down the bed ended up next to Hawk.

Hawk and Mina show up at Henrique and Terence's tent.
"Guys! Ami is gone! We have to find her!"(They both said to both of them)
Everyone got right up and they all walked together to look for her.
Then they run into Kanga.
"Hey, do you know where Ami is?"(Hawk)
"Well, she's with my son and Tigger, they are playing at the river."(Kanga explains to them politely)
"Thank you."(Henrique)
They all get to the river.
They see Roo and Tigger hopping on the rocks.
Ami is watching them and giggling having a good time.
But for some reason she is all wet now. More wet then you'd expect from just getting splashed.
Terence went closer behind her.
Ami gasped and looked up and behind her.
"You're all wet, sweetie, what happened?"(Hawk says with compassion while picking her up)
"Oh, I tried to hop the rocks like they did and I landed inside the water. But luckily Tigger saved me."(Ami said rather excitedly while Hawk blew on her to dry her off)
"But why did you leave without telling us?"(Henrique asked gently)
"Oh, I didn't get the chance to. They asked me to come with them...I'm sorry."(Ami looked down and did feel a bit guilty)
"It's okay, since we are in a safe place, but don't pull that off anywhere else, you understand?"(Hawk held her chin up with his finger)
Hawk put her back down and then the rest of the scouts were all put on the ground to go play with Tigger and Roo freely.

The dads went back and sat down and watched their scouts play with each other happily.
"Do you guys think, that there was more to Ami just leaving like that?"(Terence said concerned)
"Definitely. I think she truly misses Damian but is too scared too show it. There are many possible reasons why."(Henrique)
"Yes, either she thinks she's overthinking of a make believe scenario that she formed in her mind, or it's because she's just overall embarrassed."(Hawk)
"I don't mind her being embarrassed. I just don't want her to carry worry or feel lonely."(Henrique)
"Me too. I want to think of something we can do for her. I don't think Damian will be back until about three weeks later."(Hawk)
"Which one of us should take her in, in the meantime?"(Terence)
"Out of us, who does she feel more secure with? Who does she feel the most protected with?"(Henrique)
"You know I think she should stay with either Tiana or Serena. I feel like that would be best."(Terence)
"Or, maybe we should convince them to let her go to Damian and help him on his mission. Just like Rei did."(Henrique)
"Mmm. For her safety. Just because it's not that well planned, I don't think it's the best idea. We can ask Ami what she wants but sending her there wouldn't be ideal."(Terence)

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