Episode 6: Lita's Errand pt 4

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Tiana is in a holographic video calling room with Amara, Michelle, Serena, Heimdal, and Darien on her side and is calling Nick Fury, Carol Danvers, and Natasha Romanoff.
Tiana has a face full of regret.
"I shouldn't have left her up to the task. I'm so ashamed that I would risk her like that, I thought it would look suspicious if anyone else were thinking if we were carrying a powerful object such as we had"(Tiana tears up)
Amara puts a hand on Tiana's shoulder.
"Queen, it's going to be alright, we just have to have faith in our little Lita because she is more powerful than we give her credit for"(Amara)
"That's right"(Darien says with an assuring expression)
Ring* A video call.
Everyone gasps.
Tiana presses a button and Lita shows up on the screen.

"Lita!"(Serena exclaims)
"Hey guys I'm fine"(Lita)
Everyone sighs with relief.
"But, I couldn't get the jewel to earth, I was caught in the way of Thor"(Lita)
"No, don't worry about that any more, honey bear, I can send someone else,"(Tiana)
"Will you send a sailor scout, Queen?"(Lita)
"No, of course not, I don't want to have two sailor scouts out there."(Tiana)
Lita sighed with relief.
"So you can make another one?"(Lita)
"No, I have one last one, so just do your best to bring that one back, if possible"(Tiana)
"Yes, Tiana"(Lita)
"Let me talk to Thor"(Heimdall)
"Thor"(Lita flies to Thor)
Lita grabs his finger with her little hand and guides him to the corner and shows Thor to the video Call with her tiny communicator.
"Where are you guys?"(Heimdall)
"We are on a planet called Sakaar. We were kidnapped and brought to this dungeon. We are to be here until someone fights the champion and win"(Thor)
Everyone in the video chat is shocked.
Lita covers her face in embarrassment on the side.
"Then we have to save them!"(Serena)
"No! There isn't an easy way to get out, the easiest way is to defeat the Champion."(Thor)
"But what about Lita, does she have to fight?"(Darien)
"We'll see, maybe there can be a way for her to escape, see they attached these electrocuting devices if they click a button on their remote control or whatever then you get tased essentially. But here's the thing, you know that Lita isn't affected by it. So no matter how much they try to electrocute her she just absorbs its power, it's incredible."(Thor)
"Well then that's great, now you guys try to find a way to escape,"(Tiana)
"Thank you for your kindness, Tiana"(Thor)
"Hey, take care of the kid"(Heimdall)
"Of course"(Thor)

Thor is getting ready for the big fight.
As he was gearing up on armour..."Say, Korg, is there a way for the little one to escape?"(Thor)
"There is, when we watch you fight we watch through bars."(Korg)
Thor's eyes brighten.
"Will you tell her?"(Thor)
"I'm right here"(Lita slowly flies towards Thor)
"How about you Thor?"(Lita)
"Don't worry about me Lita, focus on getting yourself to safety."(Thor)
Lita goes up to Thor and holds his finger and looks at him with puppy eyes.
Thor already couldn't resist.
"But it's so scary out there."(Lita buries her head into Thor's finger tips)
"I can't go without you, please."(Lita)
"But Lita, my job isn't over after this, after this I have to get to Asgard and save my people from my ancient sister who is plotting to take over"(Thor)
"Why didn't you tell Tiana?"(Lita)
"No Lita, my sister is too dangerous."(Thor)
"Nothing is too dangerous for Tiana, please. She is wise, strategic and powerful. Plus she has a whole army of legendary pokemon to help."(Lita)
"Thor please, I need you, I can't go without you"(Lita begs)
"Alright Lita, call Tiana"(Thor)
Lita smiles and goes to make another call.

Lita explains the whole situation to Tiana.
"Okay, here is my solution, I will send Palkia, Dialga, Latios, Latias and Lugia to go destroy her and her army."(Tiana)
"Now you focus on getting both of you out of there ok?"(Tiana)
"Thank you so much, Tiana"(Lita)

Lita goes back to Thor after the call.
"I got it covered, A whole bunch of very powerful creatures will come and destroy you sister for you."(Lita)
Thor lands his finger on her cheek.
"thank you so much, Lita, now let's focus on getting out of here."(Thor)
Thor goes to the ring.
"good luck!"(Lita)

Thor goes out to the ring...The fight begins.


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