Episode 10: A fun week pt 3

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Enrique's House

Enrique is cradling Rei walking to her room to tuck her into bed.
"Now Rei, let's go to sleep now. I have an important meeting to go to, so please just stay asleep."(Henrique says as he rubs Rei's cheeks).
"What is the meeting about?"(Rei)
"I don't know. But it's with Tiana, so I know it's important. I don't really have sit down meetings with her a lot."(Enrique)
"I might have an idea..."(Rei)
"What do you think?"(Enrique)
"I heard a conversation that I might be the next one to visit Earth."(Rei)
"How do you feel about it?"(Enrique)
"I don't know...Ami liked it, Lita had a good time, but I feel like I'm not the kind of person."(Rei)
"Well don't knock until you try ay? Anyway if that is true you need your rest now. Go to sleep."(Enrique)
Enrique opens her room door and lays her on her bed.
"Shh...go to sleep."(Enrique)
Rei leans into her bed and lays her head back.
Enrique watches her until he was sure she fell asleep.
"And...time to go"(Enrique)
Enrique makes his way to the Conference room in the castle.

Tiana's Palace
A group of people gathers. Tiana, Enrique, Darien, Serena and Tristan.
They are in a holographic video call with Nick Fury, Stephen Strange, Thor, The ancient one and Tony.
"So, Serena what did you say Rei's strengths were?"(Nick)
"She can predict the future, she can expel evil spirits, and she's the best at sensing an evil presence."(Serena)
"That's why I invited Dr. Strange. He is a sorcerer, he can predict the future, he knows how to spell, he's a portal master and he learned at an academy. I think Rei would benefit greatly from this training."(Nick)
"It would kick ass if Rei can learn the spells. Even if she learns just one spell."(Strange)
"So you are willing to take Rei in?"(Enrique)
"Is there supposed to be a caution sticker on her?"(Strange)
"I know you guys said that she is not violent..."(Tony)
"I wouldn't mind her being violent."(Strange)
"You would mind, she can kill you, and if you're dead what effect do you think any training would do for her."(Serena)
"Can she come in a cage?"(Ancient One)
"I would prefer not to."(Enrique gets ready to argue)
"Just try to put her in a cage! I'll-"(Darien)
Enrique quiets Darien by blocking his mouth.
"But that's the absolute last resort and I won't be the one to do it."(Enrique)
"Then I'll come do it."(Ancient One)
"Today or Tomorrow"(Ancient One)
"Well, Enrique?"(Tiana)
"She's not ready."(Enrique)
"you know, how?"(Tony)
"Because she's already anxious about it even though no one told her"(Enrique)
"Then that will make her stronger, just send her"(Ancient One)
"Ok. I'll tell her tomorrow."(Enrique)

Enrique's house
When Enrique arrives at his house to get Rei.
But his house came with a surprise.
He sees a dark creature in the darkness of his house.
"What? How did you get in here?"(Enrique takes out his whip to threaten him)
"Uh, uh, uh"(The creature says as a 'no' tone)
The creature holds up his hand to reveal Rei tied up trying to free herself.
"Mars...Ruby..."(Rei tries to say her line).
But the creature shakes her to prevent her from speaking.
Rei starts to scream.
"make a move or yell out, lose her life."(The creature)
"What do you want?"(Enrique)
"Glad you asked...But she is exactly what I want!"(Creature)
The creature teleports and disappears.
"Oh no!"(Enrique)
Enrique runs out of his apartment and runs to Tiana.
"Rei got captured!"(Enrique)
"Wow, what perfect timing"(Amara was present)
"I think someone may be spying on us, it's no coincidence that those monsters knew where Ami was."

Villain Lair

"Great. We need her."(Jedeite)
Jedeite, Malekith, Zoisite and Nephrite are looking down at Rei who's in a fire proof cage.
She already transformed and looks up at them with determination to escape.
However on the inside she is scared to death.
"What do you guys want?!"(Rei)
"You, Sailor Mars, are going to work for us, and we will torture you everytime you don't listen to us."(Nephrite)
"I...I'll. never listen to you guys! I guess it will be a torturous life for me, so let me out! Do whatever you want to me."(Rei)
"Oh, trying to be a saint."(Jedeite)
"Now let me take you out, there's no way a pip squeak can do anything to us."(Nephrite)
"Wait!"(Jedeite just remembered how strong Sailor Venus was)
But too late Nephrite takes out Rei and attempts to tie her with evil magic.
Rei blasts fire from her hands at their faces.
They all get a 2nd degree burn.
Rei flies fast to find an opening.
"Get her!"(Jedeite orders some creatures to capture her).
They all shoot fire at her to try and slow her down, but all it did was charge her up.
Rei counters the fire stronger back at them.
Eventually she finds a window and escapes through there.
There someone was already waiting for her.
"Hello Rei, I am here to save you and take you to Earth."(Strange)
Rei had no other choice so she went through the portal behind him.

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