Episode 16: Are we finally finished with Therapy? Pt 2

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They arrive at Kanga's house.
Kanga and Roo were outside. Kanga was doing outside work and Roo was just playing outside.
"Hello Kanga! Hi Roo!"(Christopher)
"Hello Christopher Robin"(Roo hopped towards Christopher)
It took him long enough that he has something unusual in his hand...
"What's that?"(Roo points at Christopher's hand)
Christopher looks happily at Rei who's in his hand.
Rei looks up nervously at him.
Christopher puts Rei on the ground.
"This is someone I want you to meet. But be gentle and welcoming, she's very shy."(Christopher)
Roo quietly and softly jumps towards what he just saw Christopher put down.
He sees Rei.
Roo gasps excitedly.
"Whoo hoo! A new friend! Hey mom look! I got a new friend!"(Roo)
Kanga gently hops towards where Roo is.
"Oh! what a darling!"(Kanga)
Rei backs up into Christopher's shoe.
Christopher picks up Rei.
"This is Rei. She's going to be here for a while. She's here to make friends."(Christopher)
"Well, Rei. Welcome to the 100 acre wood."(Kanga)
Rei starts to feel a little more relaxed. She loves stuffed animals and that's basically what they all remind her of.
"Want to come inside for supper? I can invite the other fellas."(Kanga)
"That sounds great."(Christopher)
"For now, why doesn't Rei get to know everyone?"(Kanga)

40 minutes later everyone shows up at Kanga's and they all sit in a circle outside in the nice windy weather and they all observe Rei who's just sitting awkwardly by herself.
"So Rei, where did you come from?"(Piglet)
"I'm from Maho no Kuni"(Rei)
"Why are you here?"(Rabbit)
"They want me to make new friends and be more relaxed."(Rei)
"Is there a reason for that?"(Tigger)
Rei looks down signaling that she doesn't want to talk about it.
Everyone respects her boundaries.
"Everyone! Dinner's ready"(Kanga)

Dinner wasn't really anything special. Everyone just ate.
Although Rei was starting to get a little more relaxed with them. Something about everyone's quirkiness just cheered her up little by little and Christopher did notice.

They all went home. Rei ended up sleeping in Christopher's house on a pillow on the floor.

The next day
Tigger, Piglet, Pooh, Rei, and Eeyore were gathered in a forest.
"Everyone! Today we are going to try to get an abundance of honey!"(Rabbit)
"I love that Idea. Can never have enough honey."(Pooh)
Rei was just standing on the ground observing everyone's conversation.
"So what is our plan?"(Eeyore)
"We are going to make a fake hive and when the bees go inside we are going to block it with tape and then we gather the honey."(Rabbit)
Rei was shocked at the plan but was amused at the way Rabbit said it.

"What will my job be?"(Piglet)
"You can't do it this time, Piglet. You are just a wee bit too small"(Rabbit)
Rei was surprised at the remark.
"You and Rei go play along. We will share the honey when we are done."(Rabbit)
Piglet sighs.
Rei was 4 inches shorter than Piglet so her helping was out of the question.
Rei wasn't offended particularly but Piglet looked a little down.
Piglet walks towards Rei.
"Let's go Rei. We can go deeper into the forest and draw on the sand."(Piglet)

In the deeper forest
Rei and Piglet took sticks and started drawing on the dirt.
"How is it on your home planet, Rei? Do you get left out sometimes because of your size?"(Piglet)
Rei thinks about it.
"Well, to be honest. I have to take on big things because I have superpowers when I transform."(Rei)
"That must be nice, to be always needed. At least you have a useful skill. I don't have any"(Piglet)
"Also, I'm lucky to have friends that are my size and are just like me."(Rei smiles)

They hear screams.
"They need help! Rei, do you think you can use your superpowers to help them?"(Piglet)
Rei hesitates.
"Are you sure they're in danger?"(Rei)
"Yes, I'm sure. I mean think about it. They are dealing with bees!"(Piglet)
"Why don't we try to help them in our normal form?"(Rei)
Piglet looks at Rei surprised but he thought about and puts on a determined expression.
"Ok, I have an idea, let's help them"(Piglet)
Rei nods.
Piglet and Rei run out and put their plan into action.

Piglet runs in and grabs the fake hive and he angles it so that the bees just all fly into there.
Everyone looks at Piglet surprised.
"Piglet! You did it! Now let's have a honey tea party and invite Christopher Robin as well!"(Rabbit)
Rabbit carries all the honey.
Tigger picks up Rei with his Tail and they all walk to the picnic table and have a honey party.
"To piglet that helped us get all this honey!"(Pooh)

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