Episode 20: Reikanda! pt 2

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"Alright, it looks like we're about done here. Let's call Tiana and go home."(Henrique)
Henrique calls Tiana and after a while a portal opens.
Henrique enters the portal.
They enter Tiana's lab, which seems to be the point of destination and expedition for now.
When they got to the lab, Amara, Michelle and Tiana were in the lab just talking as friends.
Henrique looks down at Rei in his pocket.
She was just leaning to the front of the pocket, not really moving.
He can't tell if she's sleeping or just staying hidden from Tiana and Amara. Probably hiding from Amara.
"Rei"(Henrique calls her quietly)
Rei lifts her head up to look at Henrique.
"Do you want to go to my room or the girls?"(Henrique)
"Why are you guys talking quietly?"(Amara teases)
"Oh, it just seems like she doesn't feel like talking right now."(Henrique)
Amara walks up to him and digs into his pocket and pulls Rei out.
Rei squirms trying to make her let go. But Amara is obviously very strong. She's not going to budge.
"Rei. Why are you acting like that? I thought we were buddies."(Amara joked)
Rei just looked at her with a stink face.
"Yea, Rei. What happened to our friendship?"(Michelle continues)
"Let me go, please!"(Rei asks desperately)
"As you please."(Amara)
But Amara just gave Rei to Michelle.
Michelle wrapped her hand around Rei's body firmly but gently enough that she could breathe.
Rei just gave up to prevent herself from being more frustrated and just rested in Michelle's hand.
"Guys give her to me, she needs to rest."(Henrique)
Michelle finally gives Rei to Henrique.
Henrique hugs her and soothes her and she falls asleep.
Then Tiana gets on that phone call with the Trinity.
"What happened guys?"(Tiana)
"Will we get a scout soon?"(Goofy)
"Umm, do you guys want to have Ami, Lita or Rei?"(Tiana)
"But isn't it an easy option? The only scout we haven't had is Rei."(Sora)
Tiana looks off to the side.

Henrique shakes his head no.
She had just gone on a Mission. Rei isn't a pushover. Her dad doesn't want her to be physically overworked.

"Guys, I think I'm going to hold off on send you scouts for about 3 days. Then I'll send Rei.
The Trinity hesitates.
"Ok, sure. We can handle things on our own."(Sora says with uncertainty)
"Why can't you do it on your own?"(Amara)
"We could, but the scouts were so much help for us and we felt actually safer with them. "(Tiana)
"But, Rei just came back from a mission. It wasn't too hard but, I don't want to exhaust her too much. I'll send her in two days, how about that?"(Tiana)
They hang up the call.

"What is Mina doing now?"(Henrique)
"She's in Lita's Mini house with Ami too."(Tiana)
"Do you know what to do?"(Henrique)
"Did you not hear me? I think it will take time."(Tiana)
"She's right Henrique, I know its been long but we have to be patient with these kind of things. But be proud of how long we've come. Look at where Rei feels comfortable enough to sleep."(Michelle gestures where Rei is sleeping right now, in his hands)
"I just wished that when she wants to talk, she talks to me. I want to be the one to comfort her in everything."(Henrique says with passion)
"We know, but I think that we are on that path. That's what we are saying."(Amara)
"You think we just joked with her to give her a hard time? We want to get closer with her too. But what was her reaction? We thought she's gone through therapy. She has and she's happy now. But it didn't make her closer with us."(Michelle)
"Ok, it's night time. Take her home. Let her sleep."(Tiana)

Henrique's house
Henrique laid Rei in her bed in her mini house and locked it to protect her.
Then he lays in his bed and falls asleep.

Next day at around noon
Rei wakes up in her room.
She gets up and takes a shower. After putting on an outfit she tests if her house door is locked by jerking the knob.
It was locked.
Rei sighed. She sits against the door and calls Lita.
"Lita, where are you?"(Rei)
"Hey, Rei. I'm just roaming Terence's apartment. Where are you?"(Lita)
"I'm locked in my room"(Rei)
"Yea, it be like that though."(Lita)
Rei exhales.
She hears her door unlock from the outside.
"I'm gonna go."(Rei hangs up)
Henrique opens her door.
Henrique picks up Rei and puts her on the kitchen table.
"Ready for breakfast?"(Henrique)
Rei nods.
Henrique gives her some pomegranate seeds and grape pieces that were the size of her hand and also her favorite drink, Lavender tea.
"Rei, I hate to tell you this. But tomorrow it's your turn to go to Kingdom Hearts universe."(Henrique)
"What?"(Rei perks up, but not in a good way)
"I know. I tried to get you out of it. But I think it's just because it's literally your turn."(Henrique)
Rei just sighed of exhaustion.
"I mean how do you feel about it? I can try to still get you out of it."(Henrique sits at the kitchen table next to Rei and just looked down at her)
"I'm tired. I just want to stay with the scouts now."(Rei)
"Would it be better if I tried to get Ami to go with you?"(Henrique)
Rei thought about it.
"It would be better, but I just want to stay home for a while"(Rei)
"If they won't budge, I'll do everything I can to get Ami to go with you."(Henrique)
Rei feels more with Henrique. It sounds like he actually understands her now. He has always tried his best to cheer her up, but it felt like he didn't understand her until now.

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