Episode 8: A second week's rest pt 2

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After a week of Ami's rest, Scott Lang is on his way to meet her.
"Are you excited, Ami?"(Hank)
Ami just stared at him without a response, not knowing what to say.
Nick Fury slapped his arm.
"What do you expect, she hasn't even met him!"(Nick)
'Thank God, he answered for me.'(Ami thinks in relief)

Then a young-looking man enters the building with one backpack strap on one shoulder.
"Scott!"(Steve goes to the entrance to greet him).
"Hey Cap! So where is she?"(Scott)
"Yea, she's waiting for you over here with Hank and Nick."(Steve guides him to Ami who is standing anxiously on a half wall).
"Oh is this Ami?"(Scott)
"Don't greet her too strongly, she's shy."(Steve)
Ami is visibly embarrassed by the fact that was exposed about her.
"Don't worry, Ami. It's as expected."(Steve)
"Are you intimidated by our sizes?"(Scott)
Ami looks down as if she's thinking and looks back at Scott.
"Ok, I'll be back."(Scott)
"Do you want us to leave, for now, Ami?"(Nick looks down at Ami)
They didn't even give Ami time to Answer.
"Yea, let's get you to the lounge, we can't leave you here on the wall, can we?"(Hank Pym)
Ami is confused and a little frightened by so many things happening at once.
Then someone swiped her off the surface and starts walking towards the lounge and dropped her on the couch.
Ami looks up after that sudden movement to find that Steve took her to the lounge.
"Did I do something wrong?"(Ami asks as if she is sorry)
"No, of course not, Ami. Just stay there Scott will be back to meet with you."(Steve)
Then Steve leaves.
'I don't understand what's happening'(Ami thinks while she sits in a stride sitting position on the couch alone in the big room).
Then her communicator rings.
"Hi, Rei"(Ami says exhaustedly)
"Ami, are you okay? It's my birthday and I miss you!"(Rei)
"I feel alone, I miss you guys."(Ami)
"Aww, Ami. Are they keeping you company?"(Mina)
"Well, no. I guess it's kind of my fault. I have a hard time talking."(Ami)
"Ami, once you start talking, you'll get used to it."(Lita)
"You're lucky that you were in a situation where you had no choice but to talk..."(Ami)
"Yea, I guess I was fortunate."(Lita)
"Uhh, this is just me again before I met you guys. You guys really help me a lot with my shyness."(Ami)
"Aww, Ami. Even when we are not with you physically we are in your hearts. And you are in our hearts. I hope you learn a lot there"(Rei)
Ami smiles.
"Thank you, guys. I have to go now."(Ami)
"Okay! Just talk to us when you have free time."(Rei)

The door opens.
Scott comes in with a funny suit.
"Are you going to hurt me?"(Ami says as she backs up)
"Ok, hold on. No. Stop. Just watch me."(Scott)
Then Scott closes his helmet and presses a button, then he disappears.
Ami stands up in shock.
"Where are you?"(Ami)
"I'm down here."
Ami looks down to see that Scott has become Ant-man, now he was even smaller than her.
"I want to make you more comfortable to speak to me."(Scott)
Ami sits down as if to have a meeting with him.
"Do you have anything inside of you that you want to let go of?"(Scott)
"Well, I'm just shy. Before I was discovered as a scout, I had no friends because I never spoke. But then I met the girls and they really brought out my true self. But now they are not here, and I feel lonely and I feel like I'm unable to speak."(Ami)
"Huh, then this is a good experience for you. To learn to not rely on your friends."(Scott)
Ami has a realization and smiles.
"That is right. I should rely less on my friends. They should be able to rely on me more."(Ami)
"Yea. Now we are cool, right? We have some missions we have to complete."(Scott)
"Yes...I can do it."(Ami says with a reassuring tone"(Ami)
Ami feels an automatic bond to Scott.
"Atta girl. Now let's go train."(Scott)
Scott presses the button on his suit and expands. Then he picks up Ami and puts her on his shoulder.
Scott comes out of the lounge and meets Nick Fury.
"She's ready."(Scott tells Nick)
"Ok Ami, let's see what you can do."(Nick)
They walk to the big pool.
Scott puts Ami on the floor.
"Now, do your thing."(Nick)
Ami Transforms.
"Ok, so what can you do?"(Nick)
"Well, what would you need for me to do?"(Ami)
"Ok, I'm going to go to the other side shoot a bullet and tell me what you are going to do with the bullet."(Nick)
Scott moves out of the way.
Ami gets into her ready position.
Nick takes out a gun and shoots above her.
Ami jumps up in front of the bullet and forms a bubble shield.
The bullet just crashed into the shield and turns into bubbles.
"Woah! Does it even turn humans into bubbles?"(Nick)
"If I power it up enough."(Ami)
"that's Amazing."(Nick Fury)
"Now, heads up, I'm going to shoot another bullet."(Nick)
Ami prepares to stop it.
"Freezing Bubbles Blast!"(Ami shoots bubbles and the bullet freezes and falls into the pool.
"That's so cool, Ami!"(Nick)
"What else can you show us?"(Scott)
Ami thinks.
She looks at the pool.
"Since I'm a water element, I can't drown."(Ami gestures to the pool)
"I think we should go to the gym, maybe we need to work on your athletic skills."(Nick)
Ami nods in agreement.
"Come on, follow me."(Nick)
Ami flies following Nick, then Scott follows.
Steve was in the gym on the treadmill.
There was a big track, a ton of treadmills.
"Hey, Steve, I think you should train Scott and Ami."(Nick)
"Ami, transform back."(Nick)
Ami did what he asked and sat on Scott's shoulder.
Scott felt pride in her doing that.
"Let's start by running around."(Steve).
Scott puts Ami on the floor.
"Start from the starting line on the track field. Scott, you run a mile. Ami, You just keep running until you can't handle it anymore."(Steve)
"Ok"(Ami and Scott)
Ami walks to the starting line next to Scott who also prepares.
"Ready? Just a light jog if you need it."(Steve)
"Ready, and go!"(Steve)
Then Ami and Scott start to jog around the track.
Of course, Scott runs ahead of Ami, but Ami will not give up.
Scott ran a mile while Ami is still running.
"Ami! Do a flip!"(Steve)
Ami runs and attempts to flip, but lands on her back(the gym floor is cushiony)
"No!"(Ami exclaims as she lands)
"Don't panic! You're doing great!"(Scott)
"Ok, give it a rest today. Go home with Peter today"(Steve)

Peter goes to Avengers headquarters to pick up Ami and is walking back home with Ami in his pocket.
"How was the week?"(Peter)
"It was good."(Ami)
"That's good. You actually have new confidence about you now, it's attractive."(Peter)
Ami smiles.
"thank you,"(Ami)
"Well, here we are."(Peter)

They go inside.
Ami goes to sleep then Peter also goes to bed.

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