Episode 29: Unlocking Bonding Hearts pt 3

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Lita wakes up and she has been laid on the couch with a fleece blanket over her.
Terence wasn't there. She climbed down the couch and went into the kitchen where Terence was cooking.
"Morning, Lita. Did you sleep well?"(Terence)
"Hey, what happened to not letting me go?"(Lita)
"I'm sorry sweet heart. I had to get breakfast started. We are going to the conference room with everyone."(Terence)
"...I have to tell everyone?"(Lita)
"Not exactly, Damian and them witnessed everything. Did they not?"(Terence tried to calm her down)
"I don't know if I'm ready for this, Terence"(Lita looks down)
"You don't have to be. I want you to hear things you want to hear today, which is positive honesty."(Terence)
"Positive honesty?"(Lita)
"It wasn't until now you cared about how we felt about you, was it?"(Terence set the table while talking to Lita who was still on the kitchen floor)
"And who's everybody?"(Lita)
"I know for sure Damian, Henrique, Serena, and Darien will be there. But all of them probably asked some others to be there. Is there anyone you wouldn't want being there?"(Terence)
"I don't want Amara, Tristan, or Michelle there. And preferably, I don't want the girls there."(Lita)
"Fair enough. But why wouldn't you want the girls there?"(Terence went to go pick Lita up and put her on the table)
Lita started eating her meal.
"I just don't want them to see me like this. If I get scared, they will get scared too."(Lita)
"Oh, is it because they might be seeing you as a protector?"(Terence)
"Sort of. And also they see me as the bravest one. But yesterday was too much for me to handle."(Lita)
"You know, out of them, you're probably the one that doesn't like to talk about your hardships. It seems you only tell me. Which I love, but I think if you share yourself with your friends they would like it more."(Terence)
"Maybe. I will tell them eventually. This was the first time when I got this frightened"(Lita)
"And we're always here for you. You can always count on me."(Terence pet her hair)
"Thank you for not judging me, Terence. I'm still scared that the others will judge me for being dramatic."(Lita)
"Of course. I thought Rei was being dramatic yesterday but I didn't judge her. I had compassion for her feeling. If it would've been you I would've felt the same way 7 times more."(Terence)
Lita smiled.
"Ok let's go to that meeting. I'll make sure that the three older girls are not there."(Terence)

They make it to the conference room*
There, the four people and Tiana were there. What a relief.
"We wanted to invite more people, but we didn't want to overwhelm you"(Darien)
"Are the girls here?"(Lita)
"They are with Hawk."(Damian)
"Now, to talk about you."(Tiana)
Serena took brought a sailor plate of pears for her to snack on during the meeting.
Lita looked down at it and all of a sudden she felt pressured.
"We don't want you to feel pressured. But by the end of this conversation if it goes well, I'll give you a new bracelet."(Tiana excitedly showed off her new transformation bracelet)
Lita bounced up and became a bit more motivated.
"You want it, don't you? Let's get this meeting over with."(Henrique smiled)
After that the mood lightened up a bit.
"Go ahead. What's going on with you?"(Serena)
Lita tried to gather herself together.
"Terence didn't tell you guys yet?"(Lita)
"Nope, I wanted it to be all you, Lita."(Terence)
Lita hugs her knees and starts to tear up.
"Do...mmm...you guys knew what was in that injection right?"(Lita)
"No, Lita. What was it?"(Damian)
"Yon Rog said, that it would turn me bad."(Lita)
Everyone lightly gasped.
"I was so scared because...I had no way of protecting myself. And...I didn't know what you guys would do to me if I was fighting you."(Lita)
"What did you think we would do?"(Darien)
Lita buried her face into her knees trying to cover up how much she's about to cry.
"Did... you think we'd kill you?"(Henrique says with an empathetic voice)
Lita moved her face up and down trying to nod while she was face down in her legs.
"Would you believe us if we said that we would never?"(Damian)
Everyone felt hurt by that statement.
'How could she think that we would ever kill her?'
"What could we do to prove that we wouldn't?"(Serena)
"It would have to happen for me to believe it."(Lita)
"Why is that?"(Damian)
"Because, what if I get so bad that you guys wouldn't have a choice?"(Lita)
"Lita, don't worry, we have choices before we would have to kill you. We have containers specifically to resist your powers, we have pokemon that put you to sleep. We know that you will always have a heart of kindness no matter what. And I am more than willing to take a hit for your life. Even if it was from you."(Tiana)
Lita started to feel a bit better.
"Lita, you do know how much we care about you right?"(Darien)
"I guess not. I thought I did. But when that happened yesterday, now I have really no clue. It made me think of all the possible outcomes and I just, don't know. Because, I completely understand if you don't want to sacrifice for me."(Lita)
"Lita... You know I would. Just because we don't talk as often these days, you know me enough to know."(Serena)
Lita thought about all the times her and Serena had on Earth and realized that she was right.
Lita finally ate her first pear during this conversation.
"Are you feeling better?"(Terence rubbed her back)
"What do you want to do, right now? We'll cater to everything you want to do today."(Tiana handed her the bracelet)
"100 acre wood...Me and the girls want to go..."(Lita)
Tiana expanded her eyes..
Tiana thinks about what to say next.
"Ok, I'll call Merlin. I think soon would be a good time."(Tiana)

And while this whole conversation was happening....

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