Episode 12: Rei's Gramps pt 1

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In the Kitchen after dinner

Rei, Strange, and the Ancient One are sitting in the meditation room and just relaxing after an intense day of training and everyone has gotten ready for bed.
"Rei, want to go see your grandpa tomorrow?"(Strange)
"I definitely want to, will you help me see him?"(Rei)
"Why yes, of course. You deserve it. We leave at dawn."(Strange)

The next Day

"Let's go, Rei" (Strange carries Rei in his hand)
Strange opens a portal and walks through.
When they got to the other side Rei sees her temple that she hasn't seen in the last 7 months.
Strange tip toes around then all of a sudden they see a body on the floor...
"That's my grandpa! Go check on him!"(Rei)
Strange puts Rei on his shoulder and goes to check on the man.
"He's not dead, he's unconscious. I think he got his heart stolen..."(Strange)
"I'm familiar with heart snatchers. They were a pain to deal with."(Rei says with a desperate tone)
"We have to find whoever is responsible!"(Rei)

"Looking for this?"(Said a familiar voice)
Strange and Rei turned their heads.
"Hello, guys"(Loki)
"What do you want?"(Strange)
"You know what I want. Don't act naïve"(Loki)
"Come on, Loki. Why do you want her anyway? You already know she can easily beat you"(Strange)
"Right but she can't be as fast as me crushing her grandfather's heart."(Loki)

Rei's heart dropped. What should she do?

"Don't even think about summoning people. I also have a little army on hand"(Loki)
"Were you the one that attempted to kidnap Ami?!"(Strange)
"Oh. Don't misunderstand. We are a whole army that wants what your side has"(Loki)
"Don't kid yourself. You guys want them to hold them hostage to black mail anyone you want"(Strange)
"Ohhhh..you guys think you're so clever. That's not the only reason."(Loki)

"Ok! Enough ChitChat!"(Rei)
"I'll do what you wa..."(Rei's mouth got covered by Strange)
"No Rei! Think about what everyone that loves you will think"(Strange)
Rei breaks into tears.
"What am I supposed to do? Just let my grandfather die?"(Rei)
"It's not your fault, Rei. Don't blame yourself. It's out of your hands."(Strange tries to comfort Rei)
"Big mistake, Strange"(Loki)
"See Ya Later"(Loki disappears)
"NO!"(Rei cries out)
Strange cages Rei to prevent her from hurting herself.
He puts the cage under his cape and his cape held on to the glass cage. He carries Rei's Grandpa and opens a portal and goes back to Kamar-Taj. He lays her Grandpa on a bed and took the cage from his cape and took Rei out of her cage, then puts Rei on the bed with her grandpa.
"Thank you for bringing him here"(Rei says out of spite)
"No problem."(Strange)
Rei looks at her grandpa enraged.
"Are you ok?"(Strange says carefully)
Rei gets more angry and starts to tear up.
Ancient One and Wong enters the room.
"Rei! What happened, baby?"(Ancient One)
She sees who was laying in the bed and knew everything that was going on immediately.
Rei kneels down and starts breaking down hugging her grandpa's arms.
The Ancient went up to her and got down to her level and turned Rei's body toward her direction.
"Shhh. It's ok"(Ancient One wipes her tears with her thumb)
"I don't know what to do"(Rei whispers)
"I know you don't. But you are strong. And I'll help you do the right thing. I promise you."(Ancient One)
"You are not alone Rei. We are with you"(Wong).
"I'll ask Nick what to do. This may be more complicated than you think but hey. We have a strong team! So let it out Rei. Let all your feelings out, then lets work together on this"(Strange)
"Can I tell my Friends?"(Rei)
"I wouldn't. Why don't you tell Tiana?"(Wong)
"I don't think she'd care enough about my grandpa."(Rei)
"She might not. But I know one thing. She'll care about you and what you have to say."(Strange)
"But if she doesn't do anything what will it help? What if she ruins it?"(Rei)
"Ruin it? What do you mean? What would telling your friends help?"(Ancient One)
"They love my Grandpa too. My temple was one of our everyday hang out spots and we would study together and have deep conversations. He loved my friends too. My friends would put in effort to save him."(Rei)
"I get it Rei. But..."(Strange)
"But what?!?! Do you get how desperate I am?"(Rei)
"I get it but..."(Strange)
"We are stronger than everyone thinks we are!"(Rei)
"Rei stop, calm down!"(Wong)
"Tiana knows how strong you are. But she considers sending you out as high risk. She wouldn't know what to do with herself if she lost you guys(Wong)
"Well...I don't know what I'd do with myself if I let my grandpa die."(Rei)
"Like I said. Rei. Don't blame yourself. If you stay your grandpa doesn't get his heart back the easy way. But if you do go to Loki you hurt 100s of people and plus they'll use you for no good. You'll carry a bigger heart of regret everyday."(Strange)
Rei realizes he's right that that is the reality.
"But like I said no matter what. It's never your fault. It'll just be psychologically hard to convince yourself otherwise."(Strange)

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