Episode 25: Rei and the Trinity pt 4

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Rei and Tinkerbell made it to Tinkerbell's house in Pixie Hollow.
"What did you want to talk about?"(Tinkerbell)
"I think I'm just in a state of shock and I just want to let it out privately."(Rei)
"Shocked about what?"(Tinkerbell)
Rei starts to tear up. 
"I can't believe that Sora chose to spare me rather than save his best friend."(Rei)
"Did you think that he was gonna hand you over?"(Tinkerbell hugs her)
"Yes, I did."(Rei)
"Were you scared?"(Tinkerbell)
"A little bit. But I knew that I could just fight them away and I could've just flown off."(Rei)
"You were awesome today."(Tinkerbell)
Rei and Tinkerbell continued their conversation.

The Trinity were getting the Gummi Ship ready while waiting for Rei to finish her time with Tinkerbell. 
Their video call rings. 
"Uh oh. Should we answer?"(Donald)
"Why not? It's not like we don't know where Rei is."(Sora)
"Where is she exactly?"(Goofy)
"Uhh, she's with Tinkerbell."(Sora)
"Guys, we have to answer and tell her or else she might cancel this agreement we have, and I don't want to lose her trust."(Sora)
They answer the call.
"Is it time for Rei to go home?"(Sora)
"Yes, and I'll send you another scout after."(Tiana)
"So, your majesty. Here's the thing."(Sora)
Tiana stares in suspicion.
"Here's Rei's bracelet"(Sora holds up her bracelet)
Tiana gasps and Henrique appears in frame gasping as well. 
"Woah, woah, woah. Don't worry, she's out with a friend."(Sora)
"But, I don't allow her to take off the bracelet. How dare she?"(Tiana says a bit furious)
"Are you mad at us?"(Goofy asks carefully)
"No, I understand that this isn't your fault."(Tiana)
"We would've tried to stop her, but she just handed it to me and left."(Sora)
"How did she leave? She can't fly without her bracelet"(Henrique)
"Well, Tinkerbell's flight is fueled by pixie dust. And she's able to sprinkle that dust on someone and they can fly. And Rei and Tink are best friends almost now."(Sora)
"Who's Tinkerbell? Another fairy?"(Henrique)
"Oh, did I forget to mention that?"(Sora)
"Don't worry, your majesty, we'll send her over as soon as she's here."(Goofy)
"So, which scout do you guys need next?"(Tiana)
"Well, looking at our new world Map, our next world is going to be underwater, can Ami swim?"(Donald)
"Yes, she can. But how about you guys?"(Tiana)
"We'll cross that bridge when we get there."(Donald)
"Got it, I'll send her over when I get Rei over here.  I want Rei in about ten minutes. Go find her"(Tiana)
"Sure no problem."(Sora)
The call hangs up. 
They all start to panic.
"Gah!! We need to find her as soon as possible!"(Goofy)
"Don't worry I'll find her."(Peter Pan appears behind them)
"You know where she is?"(Donald)
"I do. Stay here."(Peter Pan)

"Of course he would save you, Rei. You saved him."(Tinkerbell)

"TINK!"(Peter's voice)
"Agh, we gotta go out. We don't want to cause too much havoc between him and Pixie Hollow."(Tinkerbell)
Tinkerbell held her hand and guided Rei out of Pixie Hollow to Peter.
Peter gently caught Rei. 
"You gotta go home now your queen wants you in ten minutes,"(Peter)
"What?"(Rei was initially shocked)
Then Rei crossed her arms. 
"Rei?"(Tinkerbell flew closer to Rei)
"Now, I get to see what happens when we get in big trouble."(Rei)
"I'm curious, but also, I gotta get you to your ship soon as possible."(Peter)
Peter held Rei closer and flew as fast as he could towards the ship. 
Rei tried to look behind him to get a last look at Tinkerbell. 
She's sad that she couldn't give her a proper goodbye.

They  made it to the gummi ship. 
Peter put Rei into Sora's hand. 
Rei looked up at Sora. 
Sora hands her her bracelet. 
"Rei? Good Luck."(Sora)
"Tiana sounded mad."(Goofy)
"Oh whatever. I'm willing to go through anything to spend as much time as I could with Tinkerbell"(Rei)
"Ok, we'll miss you Rei."(Sora places Rei on the teleport)
He presses the button and she got transported. 

When Rei arrived in the lab Henrique and Tiana were there to greet her. 
Tiana looked at her with disappointment and anger and Henrique's expression wasn't pleasant either. 
Tiana exhales and takes Rei off the Teleporter.  
Tiana puts Rei down on a table. 
Henrique and Tiana started the conversation by staring down at her intimidating her. 
Rei just backed up and shied away. 
"Rei, what were you thinking?"(Tiana)
"Why did you take off your bracelet?"(Henrique)
Rei wondered if she should tell them. She did promise to not tell anyone else. 
"Because I wanted to."(Rei)
"I'm tired of being tracked."(Rei)
Rei couldn't think of a response to that.
"What did you do while it was off?"(Tiana)
"I was playing with Tinkerbell."(Rei)
"If you do this again, I have no choice but to keep you in one place for a month."(Tiana)
"Rei, I thought I gained trust from you."(Henrique said disappointed)
Rei did want to tell them so that they could maybe understand but she felt trapped. 
Henrique got down to her level. 
He wiped the tears falling from her eyes. 
"Rei, sorry for being so harsh. I just want you to know that we were so worried about you."(Henrique pushed back Rei's hair behind her ear)
"That's right, Rei."(Tiana's tone becomes a lot more gentle)
"Is something holding you back?"(Tiana rubs Rei's head)
Rei nodded her head.
"I'm sorry that I ever doubted you. I should've known."(Henrique)
"Are you sleepy?"(Tiana)
Rei shakes her head no even though she is half falling asleep. 
Henrique cradles Rei which puts her to sleep fast.

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