Episode 18: Caretaker Spinoff pt 3

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The caretakers besides Hawk who's staying at home with the scouts, Serena, Amara, Tristan, Darien, and Michelle are in a conference room with Tiana, they are on a phone call with Nick Fury.
"Hey guys, how is it going? How come we haven't seen scouts for a while?"(Nick)
"Oh, they have taken up another mission so if you need us, I'm going to send you anyone else besides the scouts."(Tiana)
"Will we never see them again?"(Nick)
"Of course not never. But, I'm only going to send them to Earth if they want to go to Earth for whatever reason, but I guess if you really want to see them, you can come to Maho no Kuni sometime."(Tiana)
"Wow, this is admittedly a little hard for me..."(Nick)
"Trust me, we know how it feels, we just had a whole conversation with each other about it."(Damian)
"There's no way they're going to want to visit us...the others will take it badly"(Nick)
"You know, Rogers, and the other Avengers"(Nick)
"Tiana, are you really going to STOP the scouts from going there unless they want to?"(Darien)
Tiana thinks hard.
She does try to be less protective, but just having two scouts away is uneasy to her.
"I think if you need us, I'm going to send them with somebody, either Serena or their caretaker."(Tiana)
"Sounds good."(Nick)
"I don't actually remember telling them whether or not if I'm sending them to Earth anymore. It will be a bit hard to break it to them, but I do think it will be better if I send them with their caretaker."(Tiana)
A lightbulb seemed to go over Henrique.
"I know we agreed to leave it alone, but maybe this way, they'll get closer to us."(Henrique)
All the caretaker's eyes expanded in realization.
"What have you guys talked about while we went to the sanctuary?"(Michelle)
"We were all a little bit disheartened because, no matter what we do they don't get close with us, they only want to be together. It's fine that they like each other more than us, but I just know that they don't think at all about us. They trust to be with us, but they won't go to us, except for certain situations."(Henrique)
"We are supposed to be fine with that...but deep down, we can't and we're not."(Damian)
"It's normal and understandable..."(Tristan)
"Tiana, I think that's a great idea"(Darien)
"Let's do it then, is there a reason why you called Nick?"(Tiana)
"Right, so we do need help in Wakanda. A group is trying to start a war to win rights to vibranium and some of Wakanda. For all we know their intentions are not good if they're trying to start a war."(Nick)
"So, do you know who you want? We have Rei, Lita, and Mina available. Although I would hold off on Lita, because she just got back from a mission. Ami is on the mission right now"(Tiana)
"So the choices are Mina or Rei. How is Rei these days?"(Nick)
"She's better now. She went to Kingdom Hearts universe to find inner peace. By the way that's where they are having the missions now."(Tiana)
"How did that start?"(Nick)
"My friend who lives there got back in touch with me, it's a long story, but anyways hurry up and choose"(Tiana)
"I'll choose...."(Nick starts)

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