Episode 21: Rei's Week pt. 1

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Rei was still with the girls in Mina's mini house.
"Mina, what is up with you?"(Lita)
"I just had a major flashback to when I first got brought to Maho no Kuni. It's not a big deal. I'll get over it."(Mina)
"Dude, I really don't want to go on a mission already. I'm so tired. But if they want me to go I guess I don't have an option but to go."(Rei)
"Well, just in case you do get sent, we'll tell you everything"(Lita)
"That's right. The first thing you got to know is that you're going to do a lot of traveling"(Mina)
"The three people you will primarily be with are Sora, Donald and Goofy. They are referred to as the Trinity. Sora is a regular boy."(Ami)
"Regular boy?"(Rei)
"Oh just you wait."(Mina)
"Donald is a duck"(Ami)
Rei's eyes expanded.
"And Goofy is a dog. He's the nicest."(Ami)
"Don't forget about Jiminy. Jiminy is the nicest."(Lita)
"Yea. I think so too. But regardless they are nice."(Mina)
"Would you compare them to the Avengers?"(Rei)
"Mmm, a little bit. The biggest difference is that all the Avengers missions have a very serious vibe to them and The trinity is more light hearted but I had harder fights in the Kingdom Hearts universe."(Ami)
"You did?"(Rei)
"But you can handle it. But I never seen The Trinity been able to handle things without me."(Lita)
"Well, by the time I got there they trained well and they became stronger."(Ami)
"Yea, they were doing well."(Mina)
"Hello? Guys. Can you give me a straight answer? Stop freaking me out."(Rei)
"We did give you a straight answer."(Mina)
"No, you guys gave me different answers."(Rei)
"But Rei, if you go when are you going?"(Lita)
"It's supposed to be tomorrow. But It's not fair. I just got back yesterday from a mission."(Rei)
"Yea, tell us about that."(Mina)
"It was short but it's just the traveling that exhausts me."(Rei)
"Was it better with Henrique?"(Ami)
"It was. Come to think of it me and Henrique are sent to places together quite often."(Rei)
"Huh, that is true. So I guess its kind of feels like a nuisance."(Lita)
"Well it's strange too. Each of the three times were all a different vibe. The first time was to do a Psychological Exam, second time was to find my sanity,  and the third time was for serious business. I would say, in all of them I would rather go with you guys, but it was honestly better than nothing. I hate to admit it, but Henrique does feel like home when we go out."(Rei)
"I'm kind of curious. I low key  want to see how it feels"(Lita)
"I kind of got that feeling. When Hawk came to Earth to pick me up. I did feel more at ease being held by Hawk at the time. But of course the best was when I went on a mission with Ami. That was the best for me so far."(Mina)
Ami smiled.
Then they heard from outside Hawk's door opening.
They hear a tapping on Mina's door.
"Lita, it's time to go home."(Terence calls to her)
"Ugh, I gotta go. See ya, guys."(Lita)
Then Ami got picked up.
Lastly Henrique tapped on Mina's door.
"Bye Mina. I hope I don't go, but if I do, I'll see you later."(Rei)
"Rei, let's go."(Henrique calls to Rei)
Rei goes out.
Henrique scoops up Rei and he exits the apartment and he makes his way to his apartment.
"Rei, want to hear the verdict?"(Henrique)
Rei covers her ears and closes her eyes. She'll find out later.
Henrique looks at her with pity. He feels bad that she's scared to hear it.

They arrived at his apartment.
He puts Rei on the table which causes her to open her eyes.
Then he takes a sailor size plushie ice cream and shoves it into Rei's hands which causes her to hold it which uncovers her ears.
Rei just looks at Henrique with confusion and fright.
"You're not going until later. Not until next week okay?"(Henrique)
Rei feels a bit better. Now she has a week to rest and time to be with the other girls, right?

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