Episode 19: Back to the show! Pt 3

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"Goofy! Are you Okay?"(Sora)
They were in a fight with the evil queen who transformed into a old woman who's putting up quite a fight.

Mina came from above and wrapped a metal chain around the evil queen and landed a big sword in front of her face when she fell.
"Why are you after Snow?"(Mina asks the queen threateningly)
"AHahahaha!"(The evil queen laughs at how amusing Mina was)
"Don't laugh, she just owned you"(Donald)
"Are you seriously asking a ridiculous question?"(Evil Queen)
"Doesn't that mean you're trying to kill her for a ridiculous reason?"(Sora)
"Of course I am! I'm the queen, I can get what I want whenever I want it"(Evil Queen)
"Mina, take her down..."(Goofy)
Mina takes a threatening position.
"Okay! Wait, Mina. You got to understand. You have no idea how hard my life has been."(Evil Queen)
"Guess what...My life has been hard too. You think me and my friends been like this for our whole life?"(Mina starts to tear up)
The Trinity gets shocked that they're about to hear the truth.
Mina stops herself before she spits out everything.
"But, I don't kill people that make it hard for me...don't kill Snow, or else you're going to get it."(Mina)
"Ok, whatever you say."(Evil Queen obviously doesn't care about what Mina is saying, she just doesn't want to die)
"Stay like that, get out on your own terms..."(Mina left her tied up and she took back the sword)
"Where is that keyhole?"(Sora)
Mina threatens her by glowing.
"It's in the basement!"(Evil Queen)
"Mina, Donald, observe her while we go down there"(Sora)
Mina is levitating and started to silently let tears fall while trying to watch the evil queen.
"Mina? Are you okay?"(Donald)
Mina tries to cover her eyes turned her head away from Donald.
Donald just looks up at her with pity.
"Wait. She's gone"(Donald looks in front of him and sees that the Evil queen left)

Sora seals the keyhole and came back up.
"Guys, I'm so sorry...something was happening and I lost the Queen..."(Donald)
"Mina, do you know where Snow White is?"(Goofy)
Mina tried to compose herself and look at Goofy.
"Yes. I know where she is"(Mina)
Goofy sets his finger under Mina's chin.
"Mina...are you alright?"(Goofy)
"I'm okay. Let's go. We have to save her."(Mina)
Mina glows up since it was the dark night and quickly guides the Trinity to the cottage.

They arrive...and it was too late.
They see Snow White laying down unconscious in a glass coffin.
The seven dwarves are gathered around mourning the loss.
Mina flew towards Happy the dwarf.
"Happy? What happened?"(Mina whispered)
"We killed the evil old woman. But, it was too late. She made Snow eat the poison apple..."(Happy)
Mina's eyes start to water. The Trinity slowly go to Mina.
"It's my fault! It's not Donald's fault. I distracted him and he couldn't concentrate on her."(Mina)
"No, no, Mina. It's not your fault at all."(Donald)
Sora gathered his hands around Mina. He brings her closer to him and rubs her back to try and comfort her.
Then they hear horse hooves tapping. Everyone looks in that direction.
They see a white horse with a handsome prince on it.
The Prince gets off the horse. He walks up to Snow White. He opens the coffin and kisses her on the lips.
Snow White blinks her eyes open and everyone is relieved.
"See? She's okay."(Goofy bends down and looks at Mina and comforts her with his words)

Snow sits up and looks around at all the dwarves that she has befriended.
She sees the Trinity with Mina in Sora's hand.
"Mina!"(Snow White exclaims)
Mina flies out of Sora's hand and flies to Snow White.
Snow White hugs Mina.
"Thank you, Mina."(Snow White)
"For what?"(Mina)
"For following me and keeping me company in the beginning. Without you, I would've been alone."(Snow White)
Mina smiles and goes back to Sora.
"Let's get on the Gummi Ship."(Goofy)

They get on the Gummi Ship.
Mina is sitting on the ledge hugging her knees.
Sora is driving.
Goofy and Donald looked at Mina mercifully.
They bent down to be eye level with Mina.
"Mina, if you have anything on your chest, you can tell us. We're not just a team, but we are friends, and we have to help each other"(Goofy)
"Everyone tells us that. But they never help. Not even Hawk"(Mina)
"Who's Hawk?"(Donald)
"We each have caretakers. Mine is Hawk."(Mina)
"Do you ever have a deep conversation with him?"(Goofy)
Mina's silence answers the question. She never has had a deep one on one with Hawk. Every time Hawk tries to talk to Mina, she just doesn't feel like talking to him.
"I think if you talk about it, and realize that, hey, we actually want to help, It will probably feel less heavy."(Sora says while driving)
Mina hesitates.
"Me and my friends...we used to live on a planet called Earth..."(Mina starts)
She tells them the basic things that all the scouts have gone through.
Getting shrunk,
Being Kidnapped,
being controlled,
by the people that they have to trust and now they are having to follow the same people that did all this to them.
"So basically you guys feel betrayed but somewhat manipulated."(Goofy)
"Well, maybe not manipulated. But more like, it's our duty."(Mina)
"If, they came up to you and asked you to shrink you and to do everything you're doing now, would you have gone along with it?"(Jiminy)
"I...don't know. Well, I definitely wouldn't have wanted to"(Mina)
"honestly, maybe they knew that."(Goofy)
"And also, the three senshis that arrived before all of us, I'm pretty sure they knew that. Now that I think of it, maybe they contributed to the idea of doing it that way."(Mina)
"Does...it make you mad when you think about it now?"(Sora)
"Of course we try to get over it. But when I think about it, it just makes me more sad. It feels ridiculous to not get over it after all this time...I don't know if I want them to apologize sincerely, or if I want to go back to my old life...because we all did get pretty settled...and I guess deep down we know that they do care. But we don't really care that they care. On top of that, we all don't like to be manhandled much, but we get manhandled all the time."(Mina)
"Come on Mina, how hard would it be if they didn't care for you?"(Goofy)
"I mean, if they didn't care then us and us girls could be together forever, all day every day. We wouldn't have to face the pressure of having to ask our caretakers if we can see each other."(Mina)
The Trinity expanded their eyes in realization. One of the reasons they are sad because they don't feel like they have the freedom of seeing each other without having to jump over a hurdle every time they want to do it.

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