Episode 8: A second week's rest pt 4

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It's the Wednesday of the second week and Ami has been working in the lab for the past two days. They gave her, her own mini science lab coat.
She has learned a lot of things that she didn't know and she is getting more comfortable every day.
"Ami, you've been more helpful to me than most interns. You've taught me things that I never thought of before."(Tony)
"This is fun!"(Ami)
"What did you want to be when you grow up Ami?"(Tony)
"I really wanted to be a doctor. But now since we live in Maho no Kuni I don't have to stress over school anymore. I have a lot of time to learn what I want to learn."(Ami)
"That would've been nice though."(Tony)
"Yes, if me and the girls were given choices we would never choose to leave life on Earth."(Ami)
"I see, do you miss your mom?"(Tony)
"Yea, I do. Even when I lived with her, I didn't get to see her often. Even so, I had a good relationship with her."(Ami)
"Do you know how Mina was with her family?"(Tony)
"She had a good family."(Ami)
"I bet she misses them a lot doesn't she?"(Tony)
They continue to speak about the scouts' past life on earth.

Nick Fury comes into the room.
"Ami, we have your first mission for you today."(Nick)
Ami looks at him with determination.
"There is a gang group that goes by the title 'Team N' and they are working to brainwash sea creatures to destroy the Avengers headquarters."(Nick)
"How are they doing it?"(Tony)
"They have these caps where they can magnet to a shark's brain or any aggressive whale"(Nick)
"That's awful."(Ami)
"I thought that this can be the perfect mission for you since you are able to swim well."(Nick)
"But I would like to call Tiana and ask her to send me a companion."(Ami)

Ami calls Tiana.
"Tiana. I have a water mission where we are trying to save marine life and the avengers' headquarters. Can you send some water pokemon?"(Ami)
"Sure, Ami. I'll send 12 companions."(Tiana)

Tiana opens a portal and sends some water pokemon(Feraligatr, Samurott, Milotic, Manaphy, Suicune, Kyogre, Lapras, Sharpedo, Kingdra, Gyrados, Empoleon, and Primarina) into the ocean near the building.
"Thank you!"(Ami)
"See you soon, Ami. Good luck"(Tiana)
Tony puts Ami on her shoulder, then Nick, Tony, and Wanda go outside to see what Tiana has sent.
"Wow! incredible."(Tony)
"So do you know where they are?"(Ami)
"Not quite Ami. You'll have to find them."(Nick)
Tony attaches tags on each pokemon so that if they see something suspicious they can teleport there."
"Now, if you find them, call me, I'll come to help you."(Tony)
"Ok! got it."(Ami)
Ami goes to the water to greet everyone.
All the pokemon pay their attention to the tiny scout.
"Alright everyone, are you ready to save the world?"(Ami)
There were shrieks of agreement.
"Let's ride! I'll fly around and call if I see anything."(Ami)
"Ami, be careful. They should be around this continent."(Nick)
Ami transforms. Then flies into the clouds so that she can stay hidden but still see everything.
She talks into the earpiece that can communicate to everyone's tags.
"Ok guys, the men said that they should be around North America."(Ami)
Ami hears whirring beside her.
She sees a Megamoon ship.
"Uh oh."(Ami)
"What's uh oh?"(Tony)
"The negamoon, I think they are here to kidnap me."(Ami)
"Attack the ship!"(Tony)
"Can anyone come to help me?"(Ami)
Suicune appears and shoots ice beam at the ship and destroys the engine.
"Mercury! Freezing bubbles blast!"(Ami freezes the entire ship)
The ship freezes and falls into the ocean.
"I did it!"(Ami)
Then Ami hears evil laughing from strange creatures behind her.
Ami looks behind and sees a lot of flying creatures chasing her.
"Oh shoot."(Ami)
Then Ami dives into the ocean to avoid them.
"A bunch of creatures are after me. I dove into the water but I don't know what to do."(Ami)
"Ok Ami, let me check your tracker, we'll come to save you."(Tony)

"Nick, how did you find out about Team N?"(Tony asks while suiting up)
"Steve told me about it."(Nick)
"Steve, how did you find out?"(Tony)
"Well, someone told me?"(Steve)
Tony paused.
"Ok, we are getting to the bottom of this, there is no way that this many things would know where Ami is."(Tony)
"Ami! Find a pokemon and stay with them. We'll come for you!"(Tony)
Ami meets Suicune and sits on his back and Suicune helps her run away from the strange creatures while Ami attacks them with her bubbles.
"All, Pokemon! Go to Ami! and protect her!"(Tony)
All the pokemon rush to Ami's aid.
Kyogre tackles them all with its big body.
Empoleon uses whirlpool.
And all the pokemon are attacking all the creatures along with Ami.

Back to Tony...
"I think it's supposed to be a trap."(Tony tells Steve)
"I think you're right. I'm such a fool, but I believed Rumlow."(Steve)
"Ok, you guys gather the soldiers, I'm going to confront Rumlow"(Nick)
"Take someone with you,"(Steve)
"I'll take Maria Hill."(Nick)

Tony calls for the Soldiers(Sam Wilson, Rhodey, Wanda, Vision, Natasha).
"Ok! Let's go see what's going on."(Tony)
"Right"(Says, everyone)

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