Episode 12: Rei's Gramps pt 4

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Ami and Henrique are still conversing.

"Ami, then there's something I need you to tell Rei..."(Henrique)
"What is it...?"(Ami)
"Her Grandpa was killed."(Henrique)
"What?"(Amy was in disbelief)
"His heart was stolen and crushed by Loki."(Henrique)
"Who's Loki?"(Ami)
"He's the God of mischief. He was trying to take Rei away so he tried to black mail with her grandpa's heart. But we couldn't have Rei turn herself in."(Henrique)
"...So can you tell her?"(Henrique)
"I will. But I don't know how to help her."(Amy)
"You know what...I'll go with you. And I'll tell her."(Henrique)

In Rei's Room
"Rei, why was your trip cut short?"(Lita)
"Because it was just too dangerous for me, they were about to take me away and they were holding my grandpa hostage"(Rei)
"Wait, are you serious? They know who your family is?"(Mina)
"Apparently they did."(Rei)
"But other than that did you like the trip?"(Lita)
"It was honestly nothing to me it was just a mandatory trip that I was forced onto. I didn't love it or hate it."(Rei)

The door opens and Ami was on Henrique's shoulder. They both looked at Rei with dark expressions.
"What happened?"(Lita)
"What's with the down faces?"(Mina)
"Don't tell me."(Rei)
Henrique and Ami's face said it all.
Rei looked at Henrique and Ami back and forth in disbelief.
"Rei, it's gonna be okay"(Henrique)
"Rei, what happened?"(Lita)
"Her, grandfather...didn't make it."(Ami)
Rei kneeled down and sobbed quietly.
Lita hugged Rei.
"I want to be alone guys..."(Rei)
"Sure, Rei"(Henrique)

50 minutes later*
Rei was sitting in her dark, quiet room thinking about what has been happening to her since she got to Maho no Kuni.
- She got kidnapped first so she was alone for the first few weeks.
- She tried to escape because she was scared.
- Before this trip she was kidnapped by the bad guys and then "saved" by doctor strange.
- Doctor Strange caged her several times for the littlest reasons.
- Also they almost lost Mina to the Negaverse one time.
- They almost lost Lita and Ami too.
Sure they got a load of this back home but whenever their families were in danger they were there pronto to save them.

Rei hears a knock on Henrique's door.
The door opens and she hears Tiana's voice.
She hears footsteps approaching then her door is opened.

Tiana opens Rei's door and looks down at her with a merciful expression.
Rei looks up at her with a hopeless expression.
Tiana wipes the tear off Rei's face with her finger.
Rei looks down and starts crying some more.
Tiana cups Rei with two hands and picks her up.
Tiana hugs Rei into her chest.
"Rei, I'm here for you. Stay with me for as long as you need."(Tiana)
Rei sobs more.

Tiana sits on Henrique's couch with Henrique, still holding Rei.
While Rei sobs Tiana tries to sooth her.
"Ohh Reí, it will be ok."(Tiana)
They all stay on the couch for 5 hours.
Eventually Rei falls asleep.
"I'm gonna leave now. Keep holding her."(Tiana)
"Got it"(Henrique)
Tiana gently hands Rei to Henrique. He holds her into his chest and gently rocks his body. He gets up and sits in the rocking chair.
He's gonna stay like this until she wakes up. No way is he letting her go and letting her spend the night alone.
He gets out the tv remote and turns on soothing music.

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