Episode 13: Therapy Bootcamp pt 3

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All the Caretakes, All the scouts, Serena, Darien, and Tiana decided to come together for Rei . They all gathered in the conference room eating fruits.

"You guys, don't really have to do this."(Rei said feeling a little embarrassed).
"Are you kidding? We are not leaving you until you are 100% ok!"(Tiana)
"So are you Okay now Rei?"(Lita)
"Yes. I'm perfectly fine you guys."(Rei)
"So Rei, I'm curious. Usually when you go through a hard time you meditate and usually you're able to withstand emotional pressure"(Henrique)
"Well, it's not like I could handle everything YOU guys throw at me."(Rei said a little angry).
Everyone tried to calm Rei.
"Rei, what can we do to make it up to you?"(Damian)
"That ship has sailed and crashed. I don't have anything I want anymore."(Rei)
"Come on Rei, what did we talk about at dinner yesterday?"(Darien)
"I get it Darien, but I'm not talking about how you guys feel about me. I'm just talking about everything I feel like I had to endure so far."(Rei)
"Hmm, ok let's see, Scouts. Raise your hand if you can relate to Rei."(Terence)
The scouts slowly rose their hands.
"Ok then, let's talk about it. Let's talk about everyone's frustrations. Lita, you first."(Terence)
"Umm, well. My hardest time was when I was trying to deliver something and then I got caught with Thor. I like Thor but it was the most stressful time. I got put to sleep twice by the bad guys and by the second time I woke up I had no energy."(Lita)
"Really? Did you ever tell us about this?"(Ami)
"Huh, I guess I never did."(Lita)
"Any other hard times Lita?"(Tiana)
"Well of course when I first got here, that was hard and it took about a month to get at least a little settled"(Lita)
"Ok good, Ami, you next."(Terence)
"Let me see. It was also hard for me when I first got here. Also when I was sent to New York. I was, very uncomfortable almost the whole time."(Ami)
"What was uncomfortable about it?"(Henrique)
"I mean I guess it was normal for the most part I guess. It was that they pushed my social limit and also I was with Nick the whole time."(Ami)
"The scary guy?"(Mina)
"The scary guy?"(Tiana said laughing)
"You guys all collectively think that he's scary? That's adorable. He's the most caring man I met. He saved you Mina."(Tiana)
"I know..."(Mina)
"With that being said, Mina, it's your turn"(Terence)
"Well, I was kidnapped by the negaverse. Then we can talk about my first times here. I was the second one to be kidnapped. I was put to sleep by something and then I woke up in a bag. Matter of fact, I was kidnapped right after I was trying to get used to being here which was very stressful. Then I fainted again and then I fell off the negaverse some how and found myself in front of Nick and Tony. Caged a second time."(Mina)
Rei was listening to all this and confirmed that in fact she was having the hardest time. This whole thing didn't make her feel any better. It made her feel more stressed out.
"Now Rei,"(Terence)
"I don't want to talk about it."(Rei)
"Why not?"(Terence)
"Because if I talk about it again I will literally lose it."(Rei)
At this point everyone felt like they tried everything to help Rei relax and get over the past and try to start a new, free, and happy life naturally. They wanted her to look at the past and understand but even if she does understand, she still has all these events piled up in her heart. Especially since her grandpa passed away it's much harder. But she'll never be happy if they leave her like this.

The scouts got locked in a playroom so that they can't hear what the giants are saying.
"Rei, how long do you think it's going to take for you to let go of the past?"(Lita)
"I don't really know. It's like I have one situation and then I try things to get over it. And then I run into another situation soon after and I didn't have enough time to heal myself from the last situation so I have no idea."(Rei)
"So...can you please tell us what happened on earth? I want to help you but if I don't know what's going on I can only make guesses on how to help you"(Mina)
"How would you know how to help me?"(Rei)
"Was it that traumatizing that you can't talk about it?"(Ami)
Rei looked at her making it clear that she doesn't want to talk about it.

In the conference room*
They were on a call with Nick Fury and Doctor Strange.
"We tried everything. All the other scouts are fine, but admittedly Rei has had it worse than them,"(Tiana)
"I mean I guess it's 90% our fault. But we forget about it because we care about her physical well being."(Henrique)
"We asked her what to do to make it up to her, but she says that she doesn't know."(Darien)
"We tried to give her nothing but love, but it seems like she doesn't care if we care about her. All that matters is what happened to her. She doesn't even care about getting love from me."(Henrique says broken heartedly).
"So, let's think about it. What has she been through?"(Nick)
"Well she won't even talk about it, but I only get a gist of it."(Tiana)
"She gave me an overview"(Serena)
"So how did we get them here? Lita, Ami, and Mina were all tranquilized and bagged. But Rei, we just sent Braviary to catch her."(Tiana)
"You guys didn't put her to sleep? She was just grabbed by plain Eagle talons?"(Nick)
"...Yup. But hey. We had to do it without planning because the bad side wanted to kidnap her."(Tiana)
"Ok, well it kinda makes sense, but what else?"(Nick)
"Because we kind of had to do it cold turkey she was the only scout here for about a month. She tried to escape once, so...I had to lock her in her room for a lot of the times."(Henrique)
"And then the day when we were about to send her she was taken by the negaverse..."(Henrique)
"And then I had to save her."(Strange)
"She didn't trust me at first and she tried attacking me so I put her in a cage to calm her down. And then in the middle of the 'trip' Loki actually grabbed her and almost got away with her."(Strange)
"He did?!"(Tiana)
"Yea, after Rei left it was never a good time to mention it until now"(Strange)
"And now her grandpa passed away and Loki was the one that threatened the world and her grandpa if we didn't hand her over."(Strange)
"This is bad. This is going to be tough"(Nick)
"I just want to get her out of this burden. She pretty much only trusts the other scouts but she wouldn't even tell them about what happened to her on earth. I mean I guess I know why she doesn't want to talk about it. Maybe she wants to forget about it faster."(Henrique)
"But she should know that she won't just forget about it, she has to face it and we want to face it with her but she won't let us in to her heart."(Hawk)
"Do you have any advice for us?"(Serena asked desperately)
"I would let her relax however she wants to. Take her to wherever she wants to go but stay with her so that she won't get kidnapped again. I think out goal is to make her feel safe but also free. Where is she right now?"(Nick)
"She's in the playroom with the girls,"(Tiana)
"Are they locked in there?"(Nick)
Silence answered the question.
"Well first step let her out. Stop locking her into places."(Nick)
Nick thinks for a second.
"You know what? Bring her to me. Henrique come with her."(Nick)

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