Episode 13: Therapy Bootcamp pt 1

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The conclusion of War was a success. But again, what were they going lv 29 for? All because Doctor Strange was furious and couldn't control his anger.
Everyone went home after 4 days of war. They made the enemy surrender and they all went back to their home planets.
(Nick Fury, Ancient One, Wong, the six Avengers, Shang Chi, and Wanda were all in the headquarters to hopefully, nicely confront Strange on what happened)
"What were you thinking?"(Tony Stark)
"I'm sorry, I couldn't control myself at that time..."(Strange)
"I understand him."(Wong)
"But Strange, I've been trying to teach you about controlling your anger."(Ancient)
"I know but, I couldn't help myself. You saw what Rei said. She's going to have a very hard time about this."(Strange)
"I know."(Ancient One)
"But it wasn't worth all those soldiers' lives that were lost."(Nick Fury)
"What did Rei say that made you lose it?"(Natasha)
"She already started to blame herself for not turning herself over to the bad guys. She was already filled with regret. So I told her, Rei, I'll do everything I can to save your grandpa, but...that was a big lie obviously. Her grandpa is dead."(Strange)
"It's not her fault though."(Captain Rogers)
"I tried telling her that but you guys know how it is. And she's a kid too. They're all younger than Peter Parker. I told her that I didn't want her here because I really didn't want her to be blaming herself, I told her to put all the blame on me so that she doesn't have to carry this big burden. That's why I had to cut her trip shorter. Out of the scouts she is the hardest to get along with and this whole trip has been hell for her. Loki actually broke into our training ground and actually grabbed her and almost took her away but luckily she attacked and got away."(Strange)
"If it makes you feel better, only Peter got at least somewhat close with Ami. It took her long enough to get comfortable. And she's considered an easier scout"(Bruce Banner)
"Don't put too much pressure on yourself, Strange"(Captain Rogers)
Strange gave a slight smile.
"Thanks guys, that does lift something off my chest."(Strange)
"We didn't get close with Mina at all. Granted she's only been here for a day and it was after a very rough night too."(Tony)
"The only reason why I got close with Lita because we worked together and it was a situation where she had to depend on me."(Thor)
"Yes that's true."(Bruce Banner)
"I want to know how Rei is doing now..."(Strange)
"Well we can ask Tiana"(Nick)

Henrique's House
As Rei's care taker, Henrique had to take a lot of concentrated time on Rei.

Day 1:
Rei wakes up, finding herself held against Henrique's body, closer to his stomach.
She squirms as she tries to shift her body.
"Rei. You're Awake?"(Henrique)
Rei answers with no words since she is feeling groggy.
Henrique lifts her up to his face and wipes the eye boogers out of her eyes and puts her hair behind her ear.
He uses his power to gently blow on her and her hair becomes less messy.
He has warm Udon soup prepared on the stove.
While he was holding her he makes a sailor size bowl. Picks up the bowl brings it to his table. He sits down and puts Rei right next to him.
The whole time Rei had a dead blank expression with no emotion. This was to be expected initially after finding out her grandpa died. It's ok, he' was gonna work on this until she's herself again. He's going to be by her side and if she wants to talk she'll talk.
"Rei, try to eat a little bit."(Henrique).
Rei looks at the bowl and after a while she picks up the spoon.
It took her about 20 minutes to slowly slurp 5 spoons of soup.
She starts to have a breakdown. That's when Henrique picks her up and cradles her and tries to soothe her.

Days 2-4
For the next three days Henrique definitely wouldn't leave her side. She would have periodic breakdowns and it got the the point where Henrique asked Artemis to be with her as well.
Henrique would do all sorts of relaxing things such as origami, drawing, or watch tv with Rei. The whole time soothing music would play. Artemis would be right next to Rei so that when she does have a breakdown he gives her his tail to touch so that she can hug it and calm her self with the soft surface.

Overtime she would have less breakdowns and more emotion would come to her face. But Henrique isn't done until she tells him about how she's feeling. He knows that things must've been piling up since she's gotten here. He wants to let her know that it was all worth it and that everything was for her sake. With his empath ability he can sense that his therapy was working but she was using him to cheer herself up, it wasn't them getting closer. Which is okay for now.

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