Episode 12: Rei's Gramps pt 3

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"Okay guys, it's time to party."(Captain Rogers)
"Yeah!"(The whole crowd chants)
(There is a whole group of warriors including the Avengers, Pokemon [Lugia, Mewtwo, Latias, Latios, Rayquaza, Ho-oh, Palkia, Dialga], other members from Maho no Kuni[Serena, Darien, Amara, Michelle, Tristan])

They all march to the battle field. They meet with the other side
[Loki, Chitauri Army, Thanos Army]

Doctor Strange goes to the front of the battle field and so did Loki.
"So, do you really want to do this? Over this heart? Just hand her over it's that simple."(Loki)
"It's not just for her. What do you need her grandfathers heart for?"(Doctor Strange)
There was a long silence.
"I didn't"(Loki)
"So give it to me"(Doctor Strange)
"I said I didn't need it, why would I keep something that I don't need?"(Loki)
"What do you mean?"(Doctor Strange)
"You know what I mean."(Loki)
Doctor Strange gets furious.
"He's gone"(Loki)
Doctor Strange just pauses and turns around in disbelief.
Everyone behind heard his conversation.
"There's no way he's telling the truth. He'd need it for black mail."(Captain Rogers)
"I don't get why we are here to fight anymore."(Doctor Strange)
"That is true but he did threaten to take over the world"(Captain Rogers)
"So he really doesn't need his heart..."(Doctor Strange)
Doctor Strange turned back around.
"Why are you here then Loki."(Doctor Strange)
"Are you serious? I said it like 7 times."(Loki)
"HA, I almost forgot"(Doctor Strange)
"Well we are not interested in fighting you anymore. The scouts are locked safely away in another place. You won't be able to get to them anyway."(Doctor Strange)
"So do you forfeit?"(Loki)
"For now...not worth the fight and getting other people hurt"(Doctor Strange)
"Oh, so you are not fighting for this..."(Loki)
Loki pulls out the heart crystal from under his coat.
It was a different color and it was losing function.
"It's been out of his body too long anyways."(Loki)
Then Loki crushes it in front of Strange's eyes.
Strange was at a lost for words and start violently attacking Loki.
Then...War broke out.

Henrique's house
Five days after Rei arrives home she's been feeling down but also anxious.
Henrique had to stay with her and try to comfort her. Doing everything he can to keep her calm.

Day 1:
"Rei, it's gonna go the way it's supposed to be"(Henrique)
"Did I do the right thing? I wanted to fight but I didn't get the courage"(Rei tells him sobbing).
"Yes, absolutely you did the right thing. If you fought, you, Strange, your grandpa could've been hurt."(Henrique)
"But isn't it worth it if we are gonna get a solution? Isn't that the point of War?"(Rei)
"It would be but he wanted you and nothing else. It wouldn't be right to let you fight when he didn't even want to fight you. He wanted to snatch you up."(Henrique)

Day 2:
"Henrique...Why am I always targeted by the bad guys?"(Rei)
"Even back on Earth...me and Ami were the most victimized."(Rei)
"You want the truth?"(Henrique)
"I know people usually say this to make people feel better but Rei, sometimes the pretty ones and the cute ones are the most victimized. No one knows why. They might seem more vulnerable. I mean look at Ami. She's looks like a puppy."(Henrique)
"Then why choose me over Lita and Mina?"(Rei)
"Remember when you were kidnapped first?"(Henrique)
"Kidnapped? You mean coming to Maho no Kuni?"(Rei)
"It wasn't just picked by random. The Negaverse was literally plotting to capture you first."(Henrique)
"What?"(Rei was shocked)
"I really think it's either because you are the most pretty or because you were the closest to Serena and she talks about you a lot."(Henrique)
"But aren't the other scouts pretty to??"(Rei)
"They are but it's hard to explain. They don't have that vulnerable beauty that you have. It's really hard to describe it. Lita has a strong persona and Mina is also courageous. You and Ami are naturally reserved and shy."(Henrique)
Rei didn't know what to think.

Day 3
"What am I gonna do if he dies?"(Rei)
"If he does end up dying...I'll be by your side for as long as you need. And I'll invite all the girls to stay with you as well."(Henrique)
"I don't think anything will ever help.."(Rei)
"Why not?"(Henrique)
"I wouldn't be able to help but to blame myself. Also if he dies it's technically everyone's fault. If I wasn't here none of this would've happened."(Rei)
"That's why I want you to know that it's NOT your fault and I'll do anything to make you not think otherwise."(Henrique)
Long pause.
'What is it gonna take for her to know that I do care about her mental, emotional, and physical health? Does she still think I do this because I have to?'(Henrique uses his empath ability)
He can only sense what she is feeling and draw obvious conclusions from that but he doesn't always know what she wants exactly...or is it that she doesn't know what she wants?

Day 4:
All the girls were playing in Rei's Room with Henrique out of the room but still using surveillance to watch them. Can't take any chance.
He cracks open the door and whispers for Ami to go to him. He picks her up and takes her to the living room and puts her on other floor.
Ami and Henrique sit on the floor in front of Henrique's couch.
"Can you tell me about Rei? I feel like I've been trying to get close to her but nothing seems to be working."(Henrique)
"Oh...You know about her dad right?"(Ami)
"As a matter of fact no, I have no idea. She only talked about her grandfather"(Henrique)
"Her mom passed away and her Grandpa is her mom's dad. Her dad doesn't really love Rei as a father. He cares about his job more than her. Because of that she doesn't trust men almost at all. She barely even trusts Darien. The only Men she's trusted was a guy that a huge crush on her."(Ami)
"Oh, Really?"(Henrique)

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