Episode 29: Unlocking Bonding Hearts pt 1

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Henrique comes back through the portal holding Lita.
Terence was there waiting.
"Here, she wants you."(Henrique puts Lita in Terence's arms)
Terence was a bit taken aback at the sudden action of Lita being shoved into his arms.
Lita didn't care, now she was more comforted.
Henrique just gave him Lita and walked away and made his way to his apartment.
"Wait, Rei isn't in her house. She's with Mina in Hawk's apartment."(Terence)
"Ok, thanks."(Henrique)
"What's the rush?"(Terence confused)
"I just want to see her and show her that I'm ok."(Henrique)
Henrique walked away.

Terence followed Henrique.
Lita just was curious about what the hold up was and was observing everything sitting in Terence's hand.
"Hey, Hawk."(Henrique)
"Hey Henrique. She has been waiting for you" (Hawk)
"She has?"(Henrique said excitedly)
He walks up to Mina's apartment.
"Rei,"(Henrique called her to come out to the balcony)
All the girls come out.
Rei came out first.
"Rei, I'm back."(Henrique put his hand to Rei)
Rei hugged his hand relieved that he's back.
Then her power bracelet started to glow.
Henrique got excited and hyped.
"I knew it."(Terence)
All the girls, including Rei were concerned and confused.
"What's happening, Henrique?"(Rei)
"It's okay, just watch."(Henrique assures her)
Then it stopped glowing, her bracelet had transformed.
"What just happened?"(Lita)
"This means that Rei has become bonded with Henrique"(Hawk)
"What do you mean?"(Rei)

Then Damian arrived in the room and walked up to the girls.
"Oh, Ami! I missed you so much"(Damian pet her head)
Ami giggled a bit.
"Oh hey, Rei's bracelet"(Damian realized)
"This means that Rei's heart has finally opened and now you guys have a real father and daughter connection."(Terence)
Rei softly gasped and watched for the girls' reaction.
"That's great, Rei. That means you probably finally got comfortable here."(Mina)
The girls tried to show their support.
"Are you guys really okay with it?"(Rei asked them genuinely)
"Does this make her stronger?"(Lita)
"Yes, since she can fight with love, it makes her more powerful and more capable."(Hawk)
"How come no one told us about this?"(Mina)
"We didn't want you guys to feel forced to get close. Also, it's better if you see it happen first. It's a better encouragement overall."(Damian)
"And it's okay if it takes time for some of you."(Hawk)
"So...if for some reason we stopped getting long, would my bracelet switch back?"(Rei)
"Unfortunately yes, Rei"(Henrique)
"Is something bothering you Rei?"(Terence)
"I don't know. I don't think I deserve it. And it is a bit embarrassing to show people that I'm enjoying here."(Rei)
"Well, it doesn't necessarily mean that you love it here. It mainly means that you love him back."(Damian)
Henrique touches Rei's cheek.
"Are you embarrassed that everyone knows that you are that close to me now?"(Henrique)
"Not exactly. I just don't want the other girls to feel bad and possibly alienate me."(Rei)
"Rei, we would never do that."(Ami)
"We'll see about that."(Rei)
Rei looked up at Henrique.
"I might choose to be away from them more often than not."(Rei)
"Rei, you don't have to make it so hard for yourself"(Terence)
"I feel really bad right now. It's not because I care about them. It's because I care about myself."(Rei said rather roughly)
"Rei, don't say that."(Henrique)
Rei reached for Henrique.
Henrique was kind of confused on what she was trying to do but he walked up closer.
Rei grabbed his sleeve to pull his hand closer to her.
She buried her face into his sleeve to cover how she was feeling.
Henrique bent down to be on her level.
"I want to go to my room."(Rei)
"Rei, it's really not a big deal."(Terence says with compassion)
"I just want to process this."(Rei)
Everyone watched her process her emotions.
"I understand. Go spend time with Henrique"(Hawk light tapped Rei's back to comfort her)
Henrique lifted her up and supported her body.
"Don't worry, girls she'll be back to spend time with you, and maybe we can find a day to take you guys to the 100 acre woods"(Henrique assures them)
When Rei heard that word she twitched a bit.
"Rei, when you feel better we can start talking about it again."(Henrique)
Rei nods.

On the way to the apartment Henrique calmly spoke to Rei.
"Rei, you know you could say anything and you could never hurt me."(Henrique)
"I know. I think that's why I like you. But I didn't know I've been getting this close to you until now. Now that I see real physical evidence."(Rei)
"Well, I'm glad you can finally talk to me about anything and call me over if you ever need anything."(Henrique)
"Do...you think that the girls are jealous?"(Rei)
"It's a possibility. but more than that, as friends, I think they are happy for you."(Henrique)
They make it to the apartment.
"Did you want to talk more or did you want to sleep?"(Henrique)
"I want to talk more, but aren't you tired now?"(Rei asks genuinely)
"A bit. But if you are still uncomfortable you can say it to me. I'll listen to you."(Henrique)
"I really hope that I didn't make the girls mad in any way."(Rei)
"Even if they do get mad, you guys will get through it. It's really not a big deal. Just don't be big headed about it. As your father figure, I lecture you to never brag."(Henrique)
"I'll try to not make it sound like I'm bragging."(Rei)
"That's my girl!"(Henrique)
They go to sleep.

All the scouts make it back to their rooms with their dads.
"Damian? Did you get scared during the mission?"(Ami)
"A bit. But it's ok since Tiana was keeping an eye on us."(Damian)
"Do you ever get scared on a mission?"(Damian)
"Not for a mission. But I get scared of meeting new giants."(Ami)
"But you do great whenever you do."(Damian)
"Hmm, maybe."(Ami)
"But why'd you ask? Did you get scared watching me?"(Damian)
"I did..."(Ami said shyly)
Damian was touched.
"Say Ami, how did you feel about Rei becoming connected with Henrique?"(Damian)
"I was really...happy for her. You know, she's never experienced fatherly love until now and I'm glad that she can now."(Ami)
"Why do you think Rei had a hard time looking at you guys?"(Damian)
"She thinks that we'd get mad at her. But the truth is we wouldn't. It's not her fault."(Ami)
"Does it make you want to get more close with me?"(Damian)
"Honestly, I like where we are. I'm more comfortable than I was before."(Ami)
"That's good."(Damian smiled)
"Now, are you sleepy? Hungry?"(Damian)
"I'm sleepy."(Ami)
"Then get ready for bed now."(Damian)

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