Episode 14: Mission Possible pt 3

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Ami and Mina untransformed and sat against the headboard of the big bed and started talking to each other.

"I really want to go home."(Mina)
"I understand. But stay strong Mina."(Ami)
"What do they even need us for anymore?"(Mina)
"I guess they have something else?"(Ami)
They both lay back in the comfy bed next to each other.
"Do you feel uncomfortable? I felt bad about leaving you and going to Steve"(Ami)
"What do you mean? If you're cold you're cold."(Mina)
"That's true but didn't you feel left out?"(Ami)
"It's not like you like Steve more than me, do you?"(Mina)
"Of course I don't!"(Ami)"
"That's why I trust you. And Of course I didn't feel bad."(Mina)
"But, do you feel uncomfortable."(Ami)
"A little"(Mina)
"Are you sure it's a little?"(Ami)
"Ok fine, a lot."(Mina)
Ami giggles.
"I don't feel 100% confident either but at the same time they taught me a lot here."(Ami)
"Yea. But if you think about it, we both came back here. I just came here unplanned and all of a sudden. I came here after being kidnapped by the negaverse. I came here with a nervous feeling and I still kind of feel that and honestly I'm not looking to get close with them. I couldn't give less of a crap."(Mina)

"Thats a lot of trap coming from a small mouth."(Rumlow)
Mina and Ami got shocked and got up.
Rumlow's ice hand finally melted a bit and he can kind of move his hands.
Also Rumlow brought a group of people.
Mina and Ami quickly transformed.

"Listen girls. If you don't do what we say I'll tell everyone what Mina said."(Rumlow)
"Tell them. See if I give a rip."(Mina flew up to look down on him)
Ami follows her and flies up next to her.
"Come on girls, girls. If you come with us we'll give you everything you want."(Rumlow)
"How would you know what we want?"(Mina)
"Ever wanted to grow up to your regular size?"(Rumlow holds an pym disk)
"This is the disk that will turn you into your old regular size."(Rumlow)
Ami's eyes expanded.
Mina and Ami started contemplating. Were they actually tired of this life?
"What do you want us to do?"(Mina)
"Wait! Mina we have to think about this."(Ami whispered)
"What's wrong Ami? Don't want to go back to this regular size?"(Rumlow)
"Well, we deserve to know what this deal entails."(Ami)

Then Wanda arrives to her room and sees all the commotion.
Wanda's hands and eyes glowed.
"get out of my room!!!"(Wanda)
The commotion attracted attention.
Rogers, Banner, Nat, Barton arrived.
The bad men left in temporary defeat.
"Mina, Ami. Come here."(Rogers)
Ami starts flying towards him then Mina slowly follows her.
"It's ok. Just come here."(Nat)
They all get to the lounge room.
They all sit on the floor in a circle and the little ones sit on the floor as well.
"What did they say, Ami?"(Barton)
"Umm, they were threatening us at first. Then they tried to get us to do something by trying to give us something and then that's when you guys came in."(Ami)
"Threaten you? Can't you guys dust them super easily?"(Rogers)
"Mmm, Mina and I were having a private conversation and they were threatening us at first that they would expose our conversation but they quickly found out that we don't care if he does, because we really don't care if everyone knows."(Ami)
"Mina, why aren't you talking?"(Banner smiles at her)
Mina just stared at him and took it as a rhetorical question.
"Ok, not ready yet, we get it."(Wanda)
"But what did he offer you guys?"(Rogers)
"He offered us pym disks..."(Ami)
"To get back to normal size?!"(Banner)
Mina looked down in truth and Ami struggles to get words out.
"I would've had no clue that you guys hated this life."(Natasha)
"Mina, why do you want to be normal size?"(Wanda)
Mina pinches her skirt trying to contain her feelings.
"I really miss being with my friends and family on Earth..."(Mina)
"I do feel comfortable and safe on Maho no Kuni and I love being with the other scouts. I know that all of our friends and family were conditioned to forget about us..."(Mina)
"Oh come on Mina, then what difference does it make if you're big or small? Doesn't it feel nice to be together with your friends. Isn't fun to be in your own small world with them?"(Natasha)
"But sometimes I wish all of this never happened."(Mina)
"Ami, were you interested in that disk too?"(Rogers)
"It would be nice to live a normal life..."(Ami)
"It's not that bad guys. I get it can be emotionally challenging but challenges are how you're guys are getting stronger. You guys should be proud that you are stronger than all of us, physically and emotionally."(Fury)
"Anyways we are gonna fire Rumlow and get his team away from you guys."(Captain Rogers)
"But, we have to figure out what they want."(Natasha)
"I have a plan. Ami and Mina. Are you willing to help us?"(Barton)
"Yes."(Both of them said plainly)
They are not in the mood to be determined but deep down they are determined.

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