Episode 11: Meeting the Sorcerers pt 2

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2nd Day of Rest
So far, Rei doesn't get the hype of being on Earth with the Avenger.
'I guess it's as expected to be nervous on the first day.'(Rei)
Rei was in a room alone laying on her stomach playing with the charms that she had.
She turns on her communicator to call Mina.
"Mina? I'm here now, did you know?"(Rei)
"Yup, I knew. Show me around."(Mina)
"I can't I'm stuck in the room. But It's nice. It reminds me of my temple."(Rei)
"Oh, that's good."(Mina)
"But everything else is creeping me out. I met Nick yesterday."(Rei)
"Oh, How was it?"(Mina)
"Meeting him was the worst. I'm so scared of everyone."(Rei)
"Come on, Rei, you're the fearless one out of all of us. You can get through this."(Mina)
"Okay, but I seriously have nothing to do. I'm alone now,"(Rei)
"I bet it's your fault."(Mina)
"Oh, maybe your right. Ughh."(Rei)
"But it's not my fault that everyone here is so scary."(Rei)
"You can do this friend."(Mina)
They hang up the call.
Rei goes back to sleep some more.

Rei wakes up to the sound of a knock.
She sits up quickly to see who it was.
She sees Strange.
She nervously looks at him, because he gave off a different vibe. Something about him was different.
"You must be hungry."(Strange)
He walks up to her and reveals a fruit in front of her in his hands.
She cautiously reaches to grab it.
"DON'T EAT IT REI!"(Said a man behind her[Wong])
He then shoots something at him.
Then a Strange comes up from behind and starts attacking.
"Rei! That's not me, it's Loki! Get away from there!"(Strange)
Rei not knowing which way to go tries to run.
Then she was grabbed and the room turns quiet.
Loki takes out his sword.
"I'm keeping her, if you strike once more, I'll slice her in half."(Loki points that sword at her threatening to kill her at any moment).
"Rei, Transform."(Strange)
Rei quickly transforms.
She forms a fire force field around her and burns Loki's hand then Loki drops her.
She faces Loki while backing up.
Keeps backing up until she is picked up by Strange.
"Get out now, Loki"(Strange)
"This won't be the last of me, I'll destroy Earth until I get her back."(Loki)
"Let me go!"(Rei starts to struggle)
"No,"(Doctor Strange forms a cage around her).
Now she can't escape. Great.
"Go ahead, we'll stop you regardless. We'll call the Hulk"(Wong)
"Ughh, fine, I'll wait till she's unattended."(Loki)
"Then I guess she will never be unattended."(Doctor Strange)
"That's Impossible, good luck"(Loki disappears)
Doctor Strange makes the cage around Rei disappear.
"Are you okay?"(Doctor Strange)
Rei looks at him with an angry expression.
"It was for your protection."(Strange)
"Now transform back"(Strange)
Rei with the same expression, Rei turns off her transformation while still looking at him.
"Ha, this is going to take mad time."(Wong mocks Strange)
Strange sighs and puts Rei back on the floor.
"Well, now we can't leave her here alone."(Strange)
"What do you want to do Rei?"(Wong)
"I don't know...anything I guess."(Rei)
"Oh, so you only speak to Wong?"(Strange)
"Why don't you come to the Library with me?"(Wong)
Wong picks her up and carries her to the Library.
"What did I do wrong?"(Strange)
Ancient One comes from behind.
"I think she's still salty from how many times you caged her"(Ancient One)
"But it was for her own good."(Strange)
"So, give her time. As Tiana said, she's the hardest to get along with."(Ancient One)
"I'm calling Tiana"(Strange)

"Do you know why you don't like Strange"(Wong asks as he looks down on his book)
"Because he's scary. And I don't like how he treats me however he wants."(Rei)
"Don't I look scary?"(Wong)
"A little bit, but not as much as everyone else"(Rei)
"I feel like you spoken to me more than with other people here."(Wong)
Rei thinks and realizes that he's right.
Maybe it's because his voice and appearance are very gentle and grandpa-like.
"Did you eat yet today?"(Wong)
"Let's go to the kitchen then."(Wong)
Wong scoops her up and takes her to the kitchen to make seared fish and rice.

Doctor Strange
Strange is video calling Tiana and Serena.
"Serena, how do I get close to this girl?"(Doctor Strange)
"Come on, getting close to her is not that important."(Tiana)
"What? Isn't that the whole point of this program?"(Strange)
"I mean, it is. But I wanted to focus on her skills on sorcery."(Tiana)
"But, it'd be nice to get along with her. She's beautiful."(Strange)
"Is that the only reason?"(Serena)
"I mean, even if she was ugly, it would be important to me."(Doctor Strange)
"Then be nice to other people in front of her. She'll feel more comfortable with you."(Serena)
"Okay...I'm not mean."(Strange)
"Well, then show that to her."(Serena)
"Okay, I'll try."(Strange)

Back In the Kitchen
Wong and Rei are sitting at the table eating the seared fish and rice.
"Hey, Wong!"(Strange comes into the kitchen with a tray)
Rei and Wong look up at him.
"I brought you some tea."(Strange)
"Your, so welcome."(Strange)
Strange bends down to Wong's ear.
"I need to tell you something."(Strange gestures him to follow him)
They leave Rei and go to the room next to the kitchen.
"Ok, be quick. We can't leave her like that."(Wong)
"I can still see her."(Strange)
"So what is this about?"(Wong)
"I want to get along with her. So Serena told me to be nice to people in front of her."(Strange)
"Oh, ok, I'll help you I guess."(Wong)
Wong goes back into the kitchen.
"So, Rei, after this week, we are going to learn spells. I always read this book to review the spells."(Wong)
Rei takes a look at the book.
"Can you teach me how to read it?"(Rei)
"Sure, I'll take time this week to teach you everything through this book."(Wong)

They get to work the next day.

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