Episode 5: Baking with the scouts pt 1

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Terence's House

Lita is spending time with Pachirisu on the floor while Terence is laying on the couch.
"Man, it's been a hot minute since me and the scouts baked together."(Lita)
Lita walks to Terence.

"Hmm?"(Terence responds)
"Is Mina back yet?"(Lita)
"Yes, she is back safe and sound."(Terence)
Lita gives a sigh of relief.
"Now that she's back...can we be together again?"(Lita)
"I'll have to ask Tiana, but Mina will need to be with her friends after all the uproar, doesn't she?"(Terence smiles)
"I really want to bake with them."(Lita)
"Sure Lita, let's ask the queen,"(Terence)

After a moment.

"She said 'alright'!"(Terence)
Lita starts to gleam with excitement.
"Do you guys want to go to the supplier shop first?"(Terence)
"Of course, we will need stuff."(Lita smiles)

Terence picks up Lita and props her upon his shoulder.
"Let's go pick them up."(Terence)

Henrique's House

Rei is relaxing on the floor doing nothing but stretching it out.
"Rei! Get ready Terence will be here with Lita to pick you guys up, you guys are going grocery shopping!"(Henrique walks up to Rei)
Rei sits up excitedly.
"Really? That's great! Mina is back?"(Rei)
"She sure is."(Henrique)
"Now, Terence will be here any minute now."

*Knock Knock

"Hello, Terence! Rei is up and ready"(Henrique)
Rei skips to the door.

"Mina! You're okay"(Rei)
Terence already has Ami, Mina, and Jupiter.
Henrique picks up Rei and gives her to Terence, and Terence puts Rei to sit on his head while Ami is on the other shoulder to Lita and Mina is in his hands.
"Looks like you are quite full."(Henrique chuckles)
"Haha, yea, but it's okay, they are light.

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