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David and Milla swiftly dashed across the street with inhumane speed, blazing simultaneously toward the bewildered sorcerers in a burst of both mystical and divine flames.

David transitioned into Spirit Mode, his form enveloped in a radiant aura of cross-like symbols swirling around him. With each step, he emanated the scorching intensity of his holy flame, incinerating sorcerers in his path with divine power.

Beside him, Milla moved with the aggression of a raging wildfire, her movements fast and unprecedented.

She cloaked herself in the mystical Behuga flame, wielding dual fiery daggers. Her attacks were precise as she slashed down her victims in a brutalized manner, her movements almost imperceptible by the sorcerers.

In mere seconds, she and David had swiftly eliminated all the lurking adversaries who had been concealed in the shadows of the night. All that remained were now the frightened ten sorcerers, along with their soon-to-be-victims, the three teenagers.

DAVID: "Heh! Don't you wankers feel ashamed to pick on harmless civilians? Fucking blood sacrifice, is it?" David addressed the panicked sorcerers with a sneering tone, his arms folded as the radiant crosses continuously swirled around him.

He gave a subtle dismissive nod, signaling for the terrified teenagers to make their escape. Without a moment's hesitation, the trio quickly fled the scene, not daring to look back in their fear.

Meanwhile, the ten sorcerers realized with dread that their fates were sealed the moment they recognized the unmistakable aura of the Spirit Mode, hearing the familiar haunting voice of the last person they expected to encounter.

The name of "David Blaze" echoed repeatedly in their minds, reminding them of the impending doom that awaited them.

SORCERER 1: "Y-you truly survived the explosion? I prayed it not to be so," a sorcerer expressed his surprise, stumbling back in absolute fear.

DAVID: "Well, unfortunately for you, cunts, I'm here in the flesh. But on the contrary, you all won't be returning back to Modred in one piece," David responded to the sorcerers while directing a meaningful glance at Milla.

Heeding to the former's signal, Milla stepped up from behind, taking charge of the situation.

She cast a cold glance at the shivering sorcerers and ignited her hands with menacing purple flames, poised to deliver her swift and chaotic judgment.

Recognizing the accursed purple hues of the Behuga fire, the sorcerers scrambled to flee from Milla's sight in a desperate attempt to save their lives.

However, their efforts were in vain.

With a single graceful movement of Milla's arm, a whirling pillar of ominous purple flames materialized out of thin air and engulfed the fleeing sorcerers, reducing them to piles of floating ash. The sight was reminiscent of a serene snowfall, albeit with a macabre twist.

The exterminated adversaries were no match for the one who wielded the accursed 'Behuga Flame' - a manifestation of chaotic sorcery that left no chance for survival.

With the nuisances taken care of, Milla died out her flames and rejoined David, who appeared to be impressed with her fiery prowess. Their task was complete, and they prepared to depart from the scene, intent on returning to the comfort of their home.

However, Milla's finely honed senses alerted her to the presence of two other fire-wielding individuals lurking in the shadows, causing her to halt in her tracks. She signaled to David with a subtle nod, silently communicating the presence that she had detected.

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