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Warning ⚠: highly descriptive language and intense violence.

David offered Fiona a sarcastic salute before dramatically leaping off the edge of the hill. With worried expressions, Aurora and the others hurried to the edge, their hearts pounding with concern as they watched David's descent.

Halfway down the hill, David flashed a confident smile, adjusting his body mid-fall. He soared down effortlessly, eventually planting his feet firmly on the rugged terrain. As he picked up speed, his body blurred with inhumane agility, striding down the steep slope in a graceful motion.

With a burst of momentum, he launched himself into the air, the wind whipping through his hair as he defied gravity and executed a flawless front flip. And then, with a soft thud, he landed safely on the ground and straightened up, offering a satisfied smile that graced his lips.

Upon confirming David's wellbeing, a wave of relief washed over Aurora, her tense muscles finally relaxing as she watched him with a mixture of admiration and concern. However, David's gaze turned upward, his expression morphing into a sneer as he challenged Fiona, daring her to do what he just did.

In response, Fiona met his gaze with a scoff, her eyes flashing with determination as she pretended to turn her back on the hilltop. But in the blink of an eye, David felt a tap on his shoulder, and to his astonishment, found Fiona and Aurora standing right behind him.

DAVID: "By the heavenly one! How the hell did you do that?"

Aurora couldn't help but find David's surprised expression adorable, a soft chuckle escaping her lips as she watched his reaction. However, Fiona's response was notably different; her expression remained stoic, her eyes betraying none of the amusement that danced in Aurora's.

FIONA: "I made an image projection, you idiot!" she sternly revealed, gesturing toward the hilltop.

As Fiona's direction at the top of the hill became clear, David's realization dawned upon him. She had utilized the techniques of her Sonic Flame to create a convincing fiery illusion, transporting herself and Aurora from the hill without his or anyone else's notice.

A wry smile played upon David's lips as he accepted the truth of his defeat. (Heh! She's got me,) he admitted to himself, a sense of admiration mingling with his folly of underestimating Fiona's speed. (I'm really a dumbass to have thought that I could possibly beat her.)

As the playful interlude came to an end, the crew knew it was time to refocus their efforts and press onward. Rim and her army troop soon joined David and his companions, their presence bolstering the numbers.

Together, they marched forward, their sights set on the imposing structure of the Scale Shield's building.

With David and Fiona leading the way, the group finally approached the entrance door of the building. With a confident nod exchanged between them, they pushed open the door, leading the others into the enemy's lair without facing any resistance.

Inside the building, the group observed the aftermath of a fierce battle, evidenced by the damaged surroundings and the scattered corpses of Scale Shield minions strewn across the passage grounds.

Among the carnage, David's keen eyes caught sight of a dead Scale Shield elite, whose body bore the recent signs of being burned alive. As he examined the charred remains of the corpse, he deduced that it had fallen victim to someone proficient in the manipulation of flames.

DAVID: "Hey Fiona! You've got to check out this body. It seems to have died recently by the hands of a fire wielder," David beckoned, drawing Fiona's attention to the deceased body.

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