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The sky regained its color and the sun's radiance erupted from the horizon. Aside the ruined vehicles and some broken building blocks at the academy, everyone was fine and safe, including Jeffrey and the gang of bullies.

Everyone frantically began to find their way to their respective places and destinations as they came out of their hidden corners.

Gary also emerged from his hiding spot and reunited with David. He had silently been watching the battles from the sidelines and was awe-struck by the events that had unfolded.

The intensity of the fight had fueled within him an impossible-to-achieve goal. Besides always wanting to improve on his fighting skills, he now harbored a fantasy desire to command flames just like his friend, David.

GARY: "Damn, dude. You're fucking awesome. You cleared these motherfuckers like shit!" Gary yelled excitedly.

DAVID: "Cut the flattery, mate. These twats were no walk in the park. I hate to admit but they were capable foes, a big pain in the ass." David replied while yawning and stretching his muscles.

GARY: "[Expresses a thoughtful look.] Maybe, but spill it, Dave. How do I learn to control flames? I've persisted for a long time now. I want in." Gary begged.

DAVID: "[Raises an eyebrow.] Seriously, Gary? I've told you before, it's not something you can learn. You're born with it. No shortcuts."

GARY: "Come on, man! There's got to be a way. I want to stand beside you, not behind." Gary persisted.

DAVID: "[Sighs in a mix of frustration and resignation.] Gary, I understand your willingness to help but our elemental powers aren't something you can pick up. You've got to accept that some things are better left unattained. Power isn't everything." David explained in disapproval.

GARY: "So, if power isn't the way, then what is?" Gary inquired, his expression laced with anticipation.

DAVID: "[Reveals a sad smile.].... Family.... It is everything, but also the one precious thing I lack currently."

GARY: ".... You forget you're not alone, buddy. You've still got me." Gary reminded playfully, his words carrying an underlying tone of honesty and subtle disappointment.

Grasping the concealed emotion and sincerity behind his friend's words, David nodded his head slightly in approval before shifting his focus to assessing the current state of the school environment.

He and Gary walked past the defeated sorcerers, and as he reached for his neck, he realized his cross necklace was missing. He suddenly became restless, his eyes scanning around the surroundings for the sentimental accessory that held value. But in a short while, he spotted it near a trimmed flower.

(Damn it. How was I careless enough to drop mother's necklace off?) David pondered, his face expressing a mix of relief and subtle sadness.

He emotionally stooped down to retrieve the necklace. However, within that moment, memories of his mother flooded in.

He recalled with clarity how his mother had given him her cross necklace to console him after tending to a childhood bruise. She had assured him that the chain was special and would safeguard him from harm.

Now, the necklace stood as the sole tangible reminder he possessed of her.

With a bittersweet smile, David retrieved the chain and wore it back around his neck before making out a relieved sigh.

As he and Gary prepared to leave, their attention was diverted by a sudden commotion from the Beacon Seed Academy's building. The dean, Prof. Oliver, had emerged with an angry yell.

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