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~Somewhere in South Africa~
Bernard, Shadow, and Bethany materialized alongside the rescued humans and Crestivenians, finding themselves abruptly deposited in a desert expanse, located somewhere in South Africa. The unexpected turn of events left Bernard visibly surprised, grappling with the unanticipated shift in their circumstances.

BERNARD: "Damn it! I did not see that one coming. It turns out that the strange machine had the properties of teleportation," Bernard mumbled to himself in deep thoughts.

SHADOW: "[Disrupts Bernard's thoughts.] ...And your recklessness has cost us our mission, Bernard. You should be proud." Shadow mocked Bernard, finding his moment of provocation.

BERNARD: "[Expresses a deep scowl.] Humph! Though I have not anticipated this, but everyone's escape from Scale Shield's hold was secured. Moreover, would a fly like you have fared any better, Shadow Bane? At least, Boid, Donald, and Bethany proved very useful. But you, you were just an additional burden to the team." Bernard replied to Shadow in disdain.

SHADOW: "[Unveils a sneer.] Heh! I never anticipated this height of ignorance and foolishness from you, Bernard Deity. Look around you and see the result of your epic stupidity. You have done nothing but only warranted our loss of Donald, Boid, and even your so precious, little sister, Aurora Deity!"

Though enraged by Shadow's provocation, Bernard's scowl transformed into one of shock as he surveyed his surroundings. The bitter truth began to sink in—Aurora, his sister, was indeed absent. The realization hit him like a tidal wave, leaving him seething with frustration. Without her presence, what was the purpose of his rescue mission? She was his utmost priority before anybody else.

In an explosive release of cyan flames, Bernard's frustration echoed in a resounding yell that reverberated through the desert.

Observing Bernard's frustration, Bethany stepped forward, offering comfort by gently patting him on the shoulder. It was no secret that Bethany harbored a significant crush on Bernard. Despite his lack of reciprocal feelings, she remained steadfast in supporting him, always standing by his side in moments of distress.

BETHANY: "[Softly intertwines her hand around Bernard's.] Hey, Bernie, do not beat yourself up for this trivial stuff. Hope isn't lost. Your sister might still be safe somewhere... Out there, you know?"

BERNARD: "[Bluntly shrugs off his hand from Bethany's grasp.] Humph, don't be stupid. Anything that concerns Aurora can not be trivial! If she gets hurt, the world should be ready to burn and I wouldn't care who dies. I must find her right away. Her safety remains my one priority."

Bethany experienced a moment of dejection following Bernard's harsh remarks, yet she swiftly brushed it aside, choosing to overlook the negativity. Soon after, a genuine smile graced her features as she directed it once more towards Bernard.

BETHANY: "Okay, how about I come with you, Bernie?" Bethany pressed on with a dramatic, playful frown.

BERNARD: "[Remains adamant and unmoved by Bethany's persistence.] Finding Aurora should be my problem to worry about alone. Hence, I'll find her on my own. However, you can assist that annoying bastard, Shadow, in returning these people to their respective destinations. Update me when we next meet!" Bernard instructed Bethany before turning his back toward her.

Bernard traversed the desolate desert, distancing himself from Bethany and the others, leaving them to navigate their own paths as he embarked on a solitary quest to find his younger sister, Aurora. His destination was the familiar confines of Hidden Hills City.

Bethany released a sigh as Bernard departed, redirecting her focus to the immediate task at hand—the rescued hostages. Striking a deal with Shadow, she secured an agreement with him to guide the Crestivenians back to the Land of Flames through one of the stationed mysterious gateways concealed in South Africa.

Meanwhile, Bethany herself, who was a South African native by origin, took charge of safely escorting the human hostages out of the desert, navigating the terrain with ease.


~Somewhere at Beverly Hills, L.A~
Reclining by the tranquil spring, Aurora gradually fluttered her eyelids open and shut, the warm sunlight casting a blurry play of visions upon her. As her eyes sharpened into focus, she finally discerned the details of her surroundings.

The revelation of her present location elicited a gasp of surprise. For as long as she could recall, her brother and his team were engaged in a daring rescue mission to liberate her and numerous other hostages from the clutches of Scale Shield's imprisonment.

(This is insane. How did I end up here, wherever 'here' is? I was on the verge of leaving the Scale Shield's building with my brother and the others, and now I find myself beside this burgeoning grassy spring,) Aurora mused in silent contemplation, her thoughts swirling with the puzzling nature of her current circumstances.

Surveying the surroundings in search of her brother and companions yielded no familiar faces, only random human residents strolling casually along the streets and areas. Aurora, feeling a sense of weariness, rose to her feet and approached a passerby in his mid-fifties, hoping to gather information about her current location.

AURORA: "Please excuse me, Gramps! If you don't mind, may I have a second?" She asked politely with a weary smile.

MAN: "[Stares surprisingly but listens.] Um, alright. How may I help you, kid?"

AURORA: "Alright, thanks. So, I'm kinda lost, may I know what state or city this is?"

MAN: "Kid, this is Beverly Hills City in Los Angeles. Did you get separated from your parents? Come, I'll take you to the nearest police station. They can help you out."

AURORA: "[Gets surprised at the elderly man's selfless offer to help her out.] Huuuhhh, that won't be necessary, sir. Anyways, thanks for your help. I'll get going now." Aurora swiftly dismissed the man as soon as she understood where she was. She wasn't used to talking to normal humans couldn't trust them yet.

Aurora was momentarily bewildered by the abrupt turn of events, finding herself alone in Beverly Hills City without the company of her brother Bernard or any other companions. The perplexity deepened as she grappled with the certainty that her fire ability did not grant her the privilege of teleportation.

As Aurora pondered her peculiar situation, a gradual recollection surfaced in her mind. She suspected that her sudden appearance in Beverly Hills City was linked to the energy explosion originating from the Scale Shield building's machine. Armed with this hypothesis, Aurora resolved to locate the others.

They could be trapped in the building or scattered across random countries or locations due to the aftermath of the explosion. In either case, reuniting with her brother, Bernard, became Aurora's unwavering goal.

However, she hadn't ventured far when, to her surprise, she encountered a group of Scale Shield elite guards. (Shit! It seems I'm not the only one who got teleported to this city, after all. Is this my bad luck, or is fate playing tricks on me?" Aurora trembled with shock at the sight of encountering her captors once more.


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