[CH16] CHAPTER 54 - 4th Sequel's Opening

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Three days later, news of the Universal Tribes Tournament began to spread like wildfire within and beyond the superhuman world.

Notifications, messages, and advertisements flooded all corners, reaching not only the superhuman nations but also humans in various states and countries.

The buzz surrounding the tournament was contagious, and fighters from all walks of life, within and outside the superhuman world, began to prepare for the momentous event. Even those dwelling in the Outlands, far from civilization, were aware of the upcoming tournament and the opportunities it presented.

~A week later, Hidden Hills, L.A~
As the sun began to set, a small campfire crackled in a secluded clearing amidst the woods of Hidden Hills. Suddenly, a red-headed girl lying by the fireside jolted awake with a loud gasp. She seemed to have slept for a long while and had just woken up.

Hastily, the girl sat up, blinking and disoriented as she looked around her surroundings, noticing her change of clothes and gazing in confusion at what she was doing here in the woods.

She could barely remember her last encounters and only had flashes of memories flicker within her thoughts. A headache began to set in as the girl tried to make sense of what was happening.

However, her attention was drawn to a handsome-looking and brunette-haired boy who appeared to be collecting firewood nearby. She watched as he stoked the campfire and settled down, his back turned toward her.

This boy in question was none other than David Blaze, who was believed to be deceased.

He was accompanied by the perplexed girl who happened to be the descendant of Behuga, the same girl he had previously confronted at the Scale Shield building three and half months ago.

With a keen intuition, David abruptly called out to the elusive Behuga girl, despite not looking directly at her.

DAVID: "Heh! You finally woke up, sleepy rose," he addressed her by a nickname she never asked for.

BEHUGA DESCENDANT: "How did I end up here, and who the hell are you supposed to be?" the Behuga girl flared rudely with anger.

DAVID: "[Pauses with what he's doing.] By the heavenly one, don't yell at me. Your amnesia hasn't completely left you, despite many months spent. We need an alternate solution to this,"

BEHUGA DESCENDANT: "Huh? What are you talking about?" the girl asked in confusion.

While maintaining his back toward her, David casually turned his head to the side, revealing a small flicker of yellow flame that illuminated around his finger.

Sporting a smirk, he spoke in response to the Behuga descendant.

DAVID: "Hehe! You'd find out soon ENOUGH!"



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