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A/N: highly descriptive language and intense violence.

Amidst the relentless onslaught, Bernard's frustration grew as he and his comrades fought valiantly against the Scale Shield minions. Despite their obvious disadvantage, the enemy seemed determined to press forward, showing no regard for their own safety. Bernard couldn't help but find their resolve somewhat absurd, given the vast difference in power between them and their adversaries.

BERNARD: "Bethany! Shadow!! Swiftly dispatch these bothersome pests with your lethal moves. This skirmish has grown tiresome," Bernard directed his comrades nonchalantly, his hands casually tucked into his pockets.

Taking heed of Bernard's demand, Bethany and Shadow surged forward, synchronizing their fire techniques to decimate the relentless enemy once and for all. Shadow tapped into the technique of his hidden shadow flame, activating the 'Flame Shadow: Movement Seal,' which instantly immobilized the enemy forces. Meanwhile, Bethany unleashed her 'Sonic X Blade' move, conjuring a massive blade of fire that sliced through the stunned foes with blistering efficiency, leaving nothing but smoldering remnants in its wake.

However, the massive blade of fire, did not dissipate after its devastating onslaught. Instead, it surged forward with unrelenting force, slicing through the air and surging for the building's main entrance door.

But nonetheless, the fiery onslaught was met with an unexpected resistance from two emerging Chaos Force sorcerers. With retaliatory prowess, the minions unleashed a barrage of magical wave attacks, aiming to halt the advance of the three teenagers with chaotic force.

The magic waves hurtled toward Bernard and his companions with startling speed, catching them off guard. Upon impact, Bethany and Shadow were forcefully propelled backward, their bodies engulfed in searing pain and severe injuries as the arcane energies tore through their defenses.

However, Bernard's swift reflexes allowed him to partially shield himself from the attack, minimizing the damage to his own body. He stood firm with gritted teeth, his muscles straining against the force of the magic waves as he weathered the storm with resolve. But despite his efforts, the sheer force of the waves pushed him several steps backward, his arms crossed protectively as he struggled to maintain his footing.

As the assault subsided, Bernard lowered his arms and surveyed the aftermath of the unexpected attack. He observed the condition of Bethany and Shadow, who lay sprawled on the ground, visibly wounded but resiliently attempting to heal their injuries.

<<In the world of superhumans, those of the saint realm's hierarchy and below were acutely vulnerable to the machinations of magic practitioners. Their formidable physical prowess offered little defense against the mystical onslaughts unleashed by those versed in the arcane arts, leaving them exposed to potentially fatal blows with each encounter.

Meanwhile, the magic practitioners' magical prowess granted them natural resistance to conventional powers of lower superhuman hierarchies.>>

BERNARD: "... Sorcery! What a dark surprise. The Scale Shield now has mages on their payroll, it seems. I can't help but wonder what other surprises lie beyond those walls," Bernard muttered to himself, his expression a mix of bemusement and curiosity.

Meanwhile, Modred and Kozak made dramatic appearances, revealing themselves to Bernard from the top floor of the building's window.

KOZAK: "As expected, it's the western freaks - mere bags of trash spouting despicable flames. Let me guess, you've come for your people,... No! It's more than that; you seek retribution. Hah, I suggest you three cease your resistance now, lest your deaths become even more agonizing. You stand no chance of victory!"

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