CHAPTER 11 - Resolution

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The battle was concluded and all the cities of Los Angeles were safe once again thanks to the valiant military forces, the resilient Crusaders, and the three heroes of the day-David, San Pedro, and Fiona. The rampage in the cities ceased to an abrupt halt as all the summoned creatures unwillingly retired back to their respective hellish domains.

However, having failed yet again in his sinister attempt to kill David and ruin the cities, Modred chose to flee away with his forces. He chanted an abyssal word and faded away alongside his surviving minions in a cloud of darkness.

David and Fiona, upon sighting the fleeing sorcerer and his minions, both made attempts to chase after them. However, the both of them were stopped by San Pedro who assured them that it wasn't necessary.

SAN PEDRO: "Ignore the Chaos Force for the time being. Let them wallow in their taste of defeat!"

While everyone savored their moments of victory, Gary, Jeffrey the bully, and the other rescued hostages emerged to thank their heroes. Jeffrey, who had once been Gary and David's opposer, now extended his hand in a gesture of respect, acknowledging the bravery and skill that had saved his life. But when he tried to flirt with Fiona, she simply gave him the cold shoulder, uninterested in his advances.

As they basked in the afterglow of victory, David, San Pedro, and Fiona shared a moment of silent camaraderie, proud of what they had accomplished together.

As for Gary, he hugged his best friend, David, before apologizing for nearly dragging him down. But David told him not to blame himself for anything, assuring him that there was no need for any apology.

Shortly afterward, Fiona, accompanied by San Pedro, Dexter, the Crusaders, and some of the military troops came around and joined David and Gary. She unveiled the retrieved Map of Mysteries from her back pockets and handed it over to David.

FIONA: "Here! You can have this." She said to him.

DAVID: "[Stares surprisingly at Fiona.] You would entrust this to me despite losing it previously to Modred?"

FIONA: "You had no choice at the time. I would not have done otherwise if I were in your shoes. Moreover, I would not deprive you of your reason to seek retribution against those responsible for your family's tragedy. The mysterious gateways you seek is no longer veiled, not anymore."

DAVID: "You understand the map?"

FIONA: "Do you forget that it's a relic owned by the TRIBE? Understanding how it works shouldn't be a problem for me. Now, go south ways and trust in the Map of Mysteries guidance. Only then shall you find the path you seek!"

DAVID: "I see, thank you, Fiona Deity. I believe we'll meet again someday. However, when do you plan on returning to your tribe, the Land of Flames?"

FIONA: "Dude, I am a soldier. I've still got duty calls, and will only return home whenever I deem it necessary."

DAVID: "Hmm. What about you, uncle? We still got a lot of catching up to do." David abruptly casted a sidelong glance at San Pedro's direction.

SAN PEDRO: "Of course, nephew. But time frowns upon us at this very moment. The Order of Light needs its Crusaders and so does the whole of Los Angeles. We would one day, make out time to catch up on the lost moments." San Pedro replied with a warm smile as he patted David's shoulder.

JEFFREY: "Enough with the chatty, and réunion. What do you really intend to do going forward, dude?" Jeffrey abruptly questioned David's real motive.

Pondering on how to give his response to Jeffrey, David gazed intently at the brawler flame that flickered from his palm, observing its yellow-hued color before extinguishing it with a firm clench of his fist. With a final, intense look at Jeffrey, David turned his back on him, his eyes alight with a resolute determination.

DAVID: "First, I will find the mysterious gateway, and then, I shall eventually put an end to everything! My true journey for retribution begins henceforth."

Having given his stern response to Jeffrey, David walked out on everyone as they watched him from behind until he eventually fade away from view.


~The mysterious gateway~
Following Fiona's instructions, David diligently followed the Map of Mysteries' guidance until he finally arrived at a gateway that led to the home of the TRIBE duelers. As soon as he touched the gateway, he was overwhelmed with a profound knowledge of the TRIBE'S legacy. The intensity of the enigmatic encounter left him awestruck, and he couldn't help but wonder about the unknown path that lay before him.

David removed his hand away from the gateway and stared at it one last time. And with a heavy sigh, he descended wholly into the gateway this time, anticipating whatever fate and mystery awaited him on the other side.



Hold on! Sequel's Spoiler is ahead...

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