CHAPTER 12 - Sequel Intro

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~The Land of Flames(Crestivenia)~
One month later within the TRIBE, the fire-wielding superhumans known as the Crestivenians, were currently undergoing a great crisis.

The Scale Shield, an organization led by anonymous human scientists, had infiltrated their lands by mysteriously utilizing the gateways through unknown means.

The elite minions of the Scale Shield donned power-resisting tech suits, launching attacks on the people of Crestivenia in an attempt to breach the sacred lands. However, their endeavors ultimately ended in failure.

Triumph also came at a heavy cost for the Crestivenians. They bore the weight of casualties inflicted by the Scale Shield's infiltration, losing some of their people and loved ones to the unanticipated enemy, either lost or captured.


Now, in the conference hall of Crestivenian family leaders and elders, each positioned at the Pillar realm's hierarchy or, at the very least, within the later stage of the Saint realm's hierarchy, a decisive meeting unfolded. The gathering aimed to determine the fate of their assailants.

Nevertheless, a Scale Shield minion, captured during the attempted evasion, now confined in hot chain metals, was presented as a prisoner before the council's leaders.

The prisoner, coughing blood from its mouth and nostrils, endured brutal beatings and scorching from hot rods wielded by two armed Crestivenian soldiers on either side. Despite the relentless torture and haunting screams, the prisoner remained defiant, refusing to succumb to despair.

Eventually, council leaders, their shadows casting judgment, finally signaled an end to the torment, leaving the prisoner battered but unbroken in the haunting aftermath. Subsequently, the two soldiers heeded their masters' commands and bowed respectfully before withdrawing from the hall.

Thereafter, a middle-aged man's voice resonated within the council, interrogating the bound and battered prisoner about the motives behind the Scale Shield's actions and their pursuit of Crestivenians. The elderly man sought answers regarding the location where the Scale Shield held their captive people and their intentions for them.

But the captured minion displayed defiance, steadfastly refusing to divulge any secrets to the council. Instead, the prisoner threatened the council, revealing that the Scale Shield was merely beginning their conquest. It declared the organization's intention to extend their influence beyond the Crestivenian tribe to other elemental tribes in the near future.

PRISONER: "[Breathes heavily.] The Scale Shield owes you no explanation. It is time for the oppressed to become oppressors, and the intimidated to become intimidators!" The prisoner unveiled a crazed expression.

As the prisoner concluded their ominous revelation, a sudden spectacle gripped everyone's attention, directing their gaze to the dim lit entrance of the conference hall. With a resounding bang, the door swung open, heralding the arrival of an uninvited guest.

Gradually, the figure of a teenage male silhouette emerged, walking elegantly but precisely toward the prisoner. As the mysterious youth advanced, a woman's voice abruptly echoed, cautioning him to halt and not disrupt the council's proceedings.

But the young male was adamant, disregarding the woman's caution. He pressed forward with an aura of unmistakable fury, sternly approaching the captive prisoner, and tumbling out a series of probing questions from his lips.

???: "Now, on behalf of the council I would ask for the last time, you filthy pest. Tell me where your forces are holding my sister?"

Upon glancing at the new arriving figure, the prisoner couldn't shake off a sense of unease. There was something about this teenager that unsettled it, a feeling it couldn't quite pinpoint.

PRISONER: "[Expresses restlessness at the young male's figure.] Wh-What do you mean? What sister?"

???: "That was a wrong answer, human!" The young male replied to the prisoner a tone of wrath, his palms cracking and stretching with lethal determination.

PRISONER: "[Immediately begins to panic as he senses the murderous aura from the young male.] W-wait, young man! I'll tell you! Your sister... She's at Hidden Hills of....!!"

Regrettably, the prisoner's words were cut short as the young male swiftly charged at him, seizing his throat.

Deaf to terrified pleas, the young male ruthlessly snapped the prisoner's neck and incinerated the lifeless body with intense cyan flames, reducing it into a pile of ashes.

???: "You should have said something meaningful sooner, human. You would have at least, still kept your bones." The young male silently muttered to himself while coldly staring at his victim's ashes on the floor.

Now that the deed has been done, the woman of the council yelled at the young male, demanding an explanation for his abrupt and violent intervention.

COUNCIL WOMAN: "Now, kindly explain your impulsive behavior to the council, young man!"

???: "Humph! There's nothing to explain, you old folk. What's more important right now is that we have the location of where our people are held as hostages. Judge me if you must, but I won't tolerate anyone standing in my way."

COUNCIL WOMAN: "Humph! You forget your place, kid! Your arrogance knows no bounds!!" The woman rebuked the young male with a deep scowling expression.

???: "... And that's because I have what it takes to back it up!" He retorted with an air of arrogance while casting a disdainful sidelong glance at the council's woman direction.

After delivering his arrogant response, the young male strode out of the council chamber, his broad back turned resolutely to the council leaders gathered within. As he departed, the emblem of his noble lineage was emblazoned upon the back of his attire, the distinctive wings of his family crest leaving a lasting impression.




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