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Jeffrey was about to receive his final blow from David when a phenomenon transpired.

The sky suddenly lost its radiance and was replaced by dark thick clouds, rumblings were heard and the sun was nowhere in sight. David and Gary observed what was at play while every other person ran for safety.

GARY: "Hope this isn't what I'm thinking, Dave?"

DAVID: "The Chaos Force." David mumbled under his breath, sternly staring at the rumbling clouds.

Silhouetted against the expansive, crackling skies, three sorcerers defied gravity itself, their bodies suspended in an ethereal ballet. They were adorned in concealing black cloaks and their bodies were shrouded in smokes of menacing dark auras.

These weren't mere spellcasters; they were living conduits of arcane might.

David felt the weight of their power, a palpable force that instinctively got him on guard. By merely looking at them, he could discern their true nature. They were 'High Mage' sorcerers, orchestrators of enchantments that transcended their lower counterparts, the 'Mage' sorcerers.

(Tsk! At first it was school bullies and now, this. Such a pain.) David's frustration etched vividly across his expression.

Given the fate of his victims the night before, he had anticipated the possibility of the Chaos Force sending more minions his way. However, he hadn't expected to directly confront three high mages just yet.

This confrontation gave David a clue - their shameless leader, Modred, was undeniably desperate to have him killed.

His past adversaries, who were mere mage sorcerers in comparison, now seemed like illusions as he faced these new set of sorcerers. It was a Herculean task that even someone as capable as him couldn't underestimate.

Still maintaining his focus on the three levitating sorcerers, David simply tossed Jeffrey's body aside before instructing Gary to help take everyone else to safety.

GARY: "What about you?" Gary asked worriedly.

DAVID: "No need to worry about me, pal. I'd manage." David replied with a reassuring smirk that concealed his tension.

Gary's unease persisted even after David's reassurance. But eventually, he had to face the honest truth: there was nothing he could do for his friend at the moment. The best he could do was guide everyone to safety just as instructed.

Meanwhile, the triumvirate of suspended high-mage sorcerers gracefully descended toward the earth. The air pulsated with arcane energy as they narrowed the gap between them and David. Abruptly, one of them uttered a call that echoed through the mystical currents, reaching out to him with a haunting resonance.

SORCERER 2: "David Blaze, son of Zakael Blaze and the heir member of the Blaze fortune...."

DAVID: "Yeah! Thanks for the hype, that's me. Now get straight to the point."

SORCERER 3: "Humph, how arrogant you are for a mere brawler of the saint realm's hierarchy. You dared to kill six of our low-tier brethren a night ago. Retribution awaits you." The third sorcerer unveiled a menacing scowl, pointing an accusing finger at David.

DAVID: "Heh, if it hurts you that much, I can help you reunite with them in the underworld." David responded with a sneer.

SORCERER 1: "No jokes, kid! Surrender the Map of hidden Mysteries and beg that you die a painless death."

DAVID: "In your dreams, wanker. You'd have to pry it over my dead body."

SORCERER 1: "Humph! Then so be it. We'd happily grant your death wish."

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