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It was not by chance that this tragedy came to him.

Beverly Hills had become a projection of his past losses. The city that was once his cherished and nurturing childhood home now stood as a mere reflection of his profound personal grief.

Yet, he was unwilling to move on, unwilling to leave the tragic past behind.

Over time, he even began to serenely embrace the distressing recollections and harrowing experiences associated with the city.

It was a tragedy that had become his inner demon, a catalyst for his profound hatred against those responsible.


MODRED: "[Studies Mako with an uneasy expression.] Using that foreboding skill was rather bold. It might stir concerns within the Chaos Force if he manages to endure the ominous seal in the future," Modred noted with caution.

MAKO: "[Offers a confident response to Modred.] Fear not, sorcerer. While the iteration of this ominous seal remains unpredictable, none shall elude its grasp on sanity and the enslavement of will." His words carried a subtle undertone of both assurance and dark anticipation.

<<Mako wasn't always like this. However, he proved to be a profound disappointment to his nephew. He had allied himself with not only the enemies of the Blaze family but also those who threatened the very fabric of reality known as the TRIBE.

Yet, the motives behind this wicked endeavor remained shrouded in mystery, a revelation with the potential to impact everyone who has ever known him.>>

Mako turned toward his crying infant niece, Alexa Blaze, retrieving her from the clutches of one of the Chaos Force minions. In a heartless grip, he ensnared his palm around her fragile, little neck, his expression devoid of sympathy.

YOUNGER DAVID: "[Sobs in grief.] ....Why, uncle? Why do this?"

MAKO: "[Turns his gaze toward David's battered figure.] I can smell the profound grief and hate that emanates from you, little nephew - the absolute stench of despair. It's a good thing - embrace it." Mako spoke out in a dark and sadistic tone while maintaining his grip on Alexa.

DAVID: "[Grits his teeth.] Tsk... In that case, it's pointless to ask a heartless beast like you. If I don't meet my end today, rest assured that someday, you will all face your reckoning at the fiery depths of hell!" David's anguished voice resonated with a dark promise.

MAKO: "[Unveils a subtle sneer.] Humph. Someday, but not today."

Uttering these chilling words, Mako ruthlessly snapped the neck of infant Alexa before her brother, David, her lifeless body dropping limp and motionless, her haunting cries abruptly silenced.

This phenomenon struck David so hard to the very core of his being. He could already feel his sanity fading away and in the next moment, following his grieving cry for vengeance, a huge blast of reddish black energy engulfed everything......!!


~Main story: Seven years later~
Suddenly, David jolted awake, gasping in panic. Sweat poured from him, his body weighed down by an overwhelming exhaustion.

It was the haunting nightmare again, a companion to his harrowing past experiences that seared within him. It had now become a norm for his every night's slumber.

With a weary effort, he rose to his feet and made his way to the central table, where a relic called the 'Map of Mysteries' lay awaiting him.

His gray eyes fixated on the intricate details, his attention focused on uncovering the elusive clues that led to a mysterious gateway.

It was through this gateway that he believed he could traverse into the world of superhumans - the TRIBE. As he studied the map, mysterious symbols subtly appeared, etched in a corner, hinting at challenges yet to be unveiled.

DAVID: "[Scratches his dark curly hair as he struggles to understand the map's content.] Ah, never thought that uncovering the secrets of this relic would be a tough nut to crack. If only father was alive to guide me," his voice exuded a wistful tone while scanning through the confusing content of the map.

He expressed his boredom and lack of focus and safely stowed the relic in his backpack. Afterwards, he headed his way toward the bathroom, preparing for another day of lectures at Beacon Seed Academy, where he had recently admitted himself.

However, before he could reach his destination, a loud bang echoed in his ears, grabbing his attention.

DAVID: "By the heavenly one... Who the heck is at the door?" David's voice resonated with an agitated tone, demanding the other person's immediate clarification.

GARY: "Yo, dude, relax. It's me - your buddy, Gary Humbusberg. Seriously, man, are you ever gonna get it together? We're gonna be late for class again!" Gary stormed into the room, his eyebrows furrowed with concern.

DAVID: "Tsk, Gary! I haven't forgotten about today's lecture. Well, if you've got time to spare, then I'm gonna go take a long shower." David expressed a tired sigh before entering the bathroom.

<<Gary Humbusberg was just an ordinary teenager studying at Beacon Seed Academy. He was jovial and came from a quiet family background.

His jovial and carefree nature contrasted with David's more calm and reserved nature. It was likely due to their different experiences in life.

But they both shared something in common. It was watching out for each other as well as those around them.

David had come to know about Gary when he rescued the school teenager from a ruthless squad of street thugs one fateful night.

It happened that despite Gary's carefree nature, he was often targeted by bullies. This plight had initially cast a shadow over his life, fueling thoughts of despair. It was only when he encountered David that his spark for hope resurfaced.

Grateful and awe-struck by his savior's prowess, Gary wholeheartedly embraced his self-proclaimed role as a loyal sidekick, eager to glean wisdom and techniques from his newfound friend. Ever since that fateful encounter, he had became a regular visitor, accompanying David on various outings, and eagerly absorbing every fighting trick and strategy he could glean from their shared experiences.>>

Twelve minutes later, David emerged from the bathroom, refreshed from his invigorating long bath. Adorned in a dapper ensemble, he donned a suave gray suit jacket paired elegantly with matching pants.

He completed his attire with a pair of polished brown boots, appearing both stylish and confident, preparing for the day ahead. His backpack was securely packed and with Gary faithfully by his side, he readied himself to embark on their journey to the campus, ready to face whatever challenges awaited them with unwavering determination.


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