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~The Scale Shield Organization~
Empowered by the backing of the Chaos Force, Kozak felt a newfound sense of confidence, assured that this time, nothing would go wrong. With the sorcerers under his command, he orchestrated a formidable defense around the Scale Shield's building and its facilities, leaving no room for error or interference.

In a synchronized effort, Kozak led Modred on a comprehensive tour through the labyrinthine corridors of the Scale Shield's building, showcasing their projects and technological resources. His voice echoed off the sleek walls as he narrated the stories behind each innovation, painting a vivid picture of the Scale Shield's relentless pursuit of progress.

Their journey culminated in a visit to the heart of the operation: the engineering base. Here, cutting-edge weaponry and machinery gleamed under harsh fluorescent lights, while a myriad of gears and motors remained stored and meticulously maintained.

Meanwhile, Modred surveyed the engineering base, his keen eyes taking in the sight of machine tools and futuristic vests and suits in various stages of production. However, his focus was swiftly captured by the sight of a towering machine - the same teleportation device that had previously transported Bernard and his crew.

Modred walked toward the machine and had a feel of its rare metallic substances, - his eyes glittering with insane greed as he scanned its features.

'Fascinating indeed,' he murmured under his breath, his voice a husky whisper laden with the weight of ambition. 'The Scale Shield hoards treasures beyond measure, hidden within these walls of innovation and secrecy. But they are mere custodians, unworthy of such power.'

A smirk played across Modred's lips as he envisioned a future where this wondrous machine rested in his grasp, a tool to bend the very fabric of reality to his will. (Once this alliance has served its purpose,-) he mused, his thoughts contemplating deception and betrayal, (-this marvel shall find its rightful place at my side. With it, I shall pierce the veils of distance and time, guiding my path to the TRIBE.)

However, while he stood immersed in his sinister thoughts, Kozak's voice abruptly shattered the silence, jolting him back to the present moment.

KOZAK: "You have to stick to your duty, sorcerer! Now is no time to be absent-minded." Kozak cautioned.

MODRED: "Nonsense! You should be having your minions scout out for the damned boy I mentioned to you about. His head hanging in my altar of chaos is a priority to me and the Chaos Force!"

KOZAK: "I'd say you meant Marietta's altar of chaos. Moreover, what's it about this David Blaze kid you keep bringing up? You seem too wary of him."

MODRED: "You would likely be if you encountered him yourself. As far as I can testify, he is a product of destruction! A breed of true chaos, and potentially deadlier than the untamed Behuga descendant caged within your walls."

KOZAK: "Interesting, sorcerer! Very interesting!! So if this child of chaos is really a threat as you have described, yet you intend to send my minions to fetch such a person?"

MODRED: "Seize from your irritating Fuse, Kozak! You captured the cursed Behuga descendant, did you not? Moreover, this threatful description only matches what the boy poses to the Chaos Force only. His ability is void before your organization and expertise." Modred gave false assurance to Kozak.

KOZAK: "Humph! Whatever I shall have my men track down this boy if you say so, but as agreed, you must have your sorcerers assist my men in catching the superhumans who infiltrated this building!" Kozak bargained.

MODRED: "That is not an issue for the Chaos Force to handle, but yet again, how do we find these superhumans that you speak of?" Modred questioned Kozak.

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