[CH13] CHAPTER 36 - Extension

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DAVID: "By the heavenly ones! What the hell are you?" David mumbled in astonishment.

The berserk girl ignored his question and let out a fierce roar, causing him to take another step backward. With her clawed arms poised for attack, she prepared to launch herself at him, her feral instincts driving her onward.

Yet, in the pivotal moment before her onslaught, fate intervened in the form of an unexpected interruption.

Modred and an entourage of Scale Shield forces suddenly burst onto the scene, their arrival fueling the already charged atmosphere.

The soldiers at Modred's command instantly became alerted while the sorcerer himself, gasped in horror at the sight that greeted him.

MODRED: "Curse you, David Blaze! How dare you release the descendant of the cursed Behuga bloodline. You have doomed us all!" He grimaced with panic.

At the sound of Modred's voice, the savage Behuga girl's attention abruptly shifted from David to the looming figures of the sorcerer and the poised elite soldiers. Seeing this, David felt a temporary reprieve, breathing a sigh of relief as he slowly distanced himself from the escalating tension.

Meanwhile, the Behuga girl let out another fierce roar, enveloping her body in swirling purple flames. She surged forward with unprecedented speed, her predatory instincts driving her toward Modred and the elite soldiers.

The sorcerer's survival instincts kicked into overdrive, and with a swift gesture, he vanished into a shroud of impenetrable darkness, leaving his unwitting allies of Scale Shield behind to face the full fury of the girl's onslaught.

Caught off guard by Modred's sudden betrayal, the Scale Shield soldiers braced themselves for the impending clash. They hastily released fire at the berserk girl with unrelenting force, but she remained unfazed by the onslaught hurtling her way. Without fear, she surged forward, meeting the barrage head-on. Despite the bullets and energy triggers piercing her flesh, she showed no signs of faltering. Instead, wisps of heated smoke billowed from her mouth and nostrils as she rapidly regenerated, defying the onslaught with her resilience.

In retaliation to the elite soldiers' assault, the savaged Behuga girl gathered an imposing amount of fiery energy within her mouth before breathing out a powerful burst of raging purple flames at them. The impact of the destructive flame reduced one-quarters of the elite soldiers to feeble ashes, despite the protective barrier of their power-resistant tech suits. Against the indomitable might of the Behuga descendant, they stood no chance.

Having eradicated a good number of her victims, the savage girl gave a powerful roar of excitement. This was the power of the legendary Behuga flame, the state of the rampaging 'Flame Riot.'

David's breath caught in his throat as he witnessed the unfathomable might of the Behuga descendant. (Such diabolism! Is this the power of true chaos?) he mused in the depths of his mind, his thoughts filled with uncertainty amidst the events unfolding before him.

Yet, as the girl's triumphant roar echoed through the chamber, David felt an unsettling shift within the very core of his being – a strange sensation that clawed at the edges of his consciousness, igniting a primal thirst for violence and bloodshed.

(Shit! If this is the Behuga descendant, then the incarnation of the ominous seal must be trying to take over my consciousness,) David realized with a sinking dread, his thoughts grappling with the sinister forces that threatened to consume him from within.

As he struggled to restrain the burgeoning power of hatred that surged within him, the ominous seal suddenly echoed excitedly within the recesses of his mind, voicing its sinister proclamation.

HATRED: "[Speaks in David's mind.] Haaaaaaaaa! The 'Riot Flame' calls out to me. Wretch! You've only glimpsed its power. But together, we can achieve far greater feats. Unleash me, and I'll reveal the full extent of our potential – The true power of chaos!"

Hearing this however, David still avoided the ominous seal's influence, not wanting to buy into its temptation.

Meanwhile, on the heels of witnessing the grim fate of their fallen comrades, the remaining elite soldiers trembled with fear, their resolve shattered as they scattered in frantic disarray, desperate to escape the wrath of the Behuga descendant. But with a predatory gleam in her eyes, the fiery-haired figure unleashed another searing breath of fire, her every movement twirled in all directions as she engulfed her fleeing victims in the relentless inferno of her flames.

The aggressive scorch of the Behuga flames consumed everything in its path, reducing its hapless victims to smoldering ashes amidst their anguished cries of pain and despair. Not even the other imprisoned creatures were spared from the onslaught, their cries joining the chorus of agony as they too succumbed to the merciless blaze within their cells.

Amidst the charred remnants of the fallen, the Behuga descendant bared her razor-sharp claws with a feral snarl, her eyes ablaze with an insatiable hunger for carnage. With savage drive, she launched herself at the few remaining survivors, her movements swift and merciless as she tore into them with a brutality beyond comprehension.

The air echoed with the sickening sounds of rending flesh and agonized screams as she unleashed her fury upon her helpless prey. Limbs were torn asunder, bodies rent asunder in a frenzy of violence that left no room for mercy or remorse.

In the end, not a single soul escaped her merciless onslaught, their blood staining the ground as a grim symbol of her unyielding ferocity.

Having dispatched the last of her foes, the Behuga descendant threw back her head and let out a triumphant roar, her chest swelling with pride. In that moment, she stood tall and formidable, a bloodthirsty predator reveling in the spoils of her conquest.

But as the echoes of her victorious cry faded into the ether, a sudden shift in her demeanor caught David's attention. With a low, menacing growl, she turned her gaze upon him, her eyes flashing with a predatory intensity.

Refusing to be intimidated, David met her predatory gaze with steely resolve. He ignited his brawler flame with a determined flicker in his eyes, channeling its fiery energy into his hands as he held them aloft in a defiant stance.

Furiously disgusted, the Behuga descendant unleashed a torrent of purple fire from her gaping mouth, aiming to engulf David in its scorching embrace. The teenage boy quickly reacted to the onslaught, countering back with massive fiery beams from both his eyes and hands.

The clash between the brilliant yellow hues of the brawler flame and the ominous purple inferno of the Riot Flame erupted into a cataclysmic explosion, the deafening roar of their collision echoing through the underground chamber with earth-shattering force.

But sadly, David's valiant efforts were swiftly overwhelmed by the overwhelming might of his opponent's flame, his fiery defense crumbling beneath the superior power of the Behuga girl's onslaught.

With a swift and decisive maneuver, she unleashed the devastating technique known as 'RIOT STYLE: CURSE OF THE FLAME,' inflicting upon her adversary the dreaded 'FLAME OF CORRUPTION.'

In an instant, the vibrant yellow hue of David's flame was tainted by the insidious purple hue of the Behuga's corruption, a violent backlash of energy rippling through his body as he was hurled through the air with bone-jarring force.

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