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MODRED: "Now, with your death, I can finally finish what Mako Blaze could not. The taint of your existence ends here, today David Blaze. Die you pathetic scum of nature!"

Modred's ominous utterances reverberated as a potent flash of purple lightning erupted from the heavens. With a authoritative downward sweep, he directed the magical surge toward David's entranced and unconscious form.

Upon colliding with the target, a cataclysmic explosion ensued, unleashing a shockwave of devastation that echoed through the nearby expanse.

A sly smirk graced Modred's face, relishing the spectacle as David's form gradually dissipated before him; in a subtle burst of flames.

However, his delight was short-lived.

Fate took an unexpected turn, casting a tableau of astonishment upon the sorcerer's countenance. Much to his chagrin, he caught sight of yet another version of David's body being spirited away into the distance, cradled by none other than Fiona. Shifting his focus back to the unconscious form before him, Modred's bewilderment intensified as the body dissipated into utter nothingness.

Now, It was at this moment that he finally realized what had gone wrong. The David's body he had initially struck with lightning was nothing more than a mere mirage-an unforeseen illusion posed by Fiona's elusive and fiery trickery.

The elusive Crestivenian had tricked him, costing him the loss of David's true body.

~How it truly happened~
<<Earlier on, Fiona, having recovered from her battered state, descended upon the scene with silent scrutiny, keenly observing David's vulnerable predicament. She witnessed Modred preparing to unleash a lightning-charged strike upon the defenseless teenager. However, the sorcerer's malevolent intent was met with her steadfast resolve.

She summoned her 'Ultrasonic Flame,' a captivating fusion of fire and sound, intricately designed for moments of peril like this. Unlike its mundane counterpart-the 'Sonic Flame,' the Ultrasonic flame was deployed for defense, diversion, and swift escapes.

In a blaze of sonic fire, Fiona darted to David's side like a swift comet, moving with such speed that she went virtually unnoticed in Modred's brief lapse of attention. Upon reaching David, she deftly substituted his actual body with a false but realistic imagery before evading the lightning's assault, using its sizzling sounds as a makeshift to escape.

As they disappeared from the scene, only the illusory projection of David remained, cleverly left behind as a diversion to facilitate their escape and fool Modred.>>

The sorcerer groaned in rage. Despite his cunning nature, he couldn't believe that a teenage girl had just outsmarted him. Frustrated, he turned to retrieve Gary, but once again, he was confronted by another elusiveness. The figures of some captives, including Jeffrey and Prof. Oliver, had vanished from his sight. The elusive Fiona had simultaneously orchestrated their movement, whisking them away from his presence.

(What the heck just happened now? Damn it! I underestimated this Yali whore! She's becoming a thorn to my flesh.) Modred's eyes widened with a blend of surprise and grim fury as he witnessed several captives vanish before him without his notice.

(Humph, but no matter. The Map of Mysteries is mine now. It's all I need to sow true chaos. No one can stop what's coming next.) Modred eventually substituted his scowl with an unsettling sneer as he thought to himself.

Without hesitation, he pricked his right finger, letting the blood flow as he formed a circle with it. Next, he stepped back, heading toward the few remaining captives' location. Extending the Map of Mysteries, three spell books materialized out of thin air, swirling around him. Then, he commenced chanting a lengthy sentence in abyssal words, his voice echoing with a creepy and ominous tone.

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