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Bernard stood properly on his feet, staring intensely at Kozak.

KOZAK: "Run away, little twig!"

BERNARD: "Humph. I've grown bored of your rantings. To hell with you,"

With a deep breath, Bernard centered himself, his nerves steadying as he focused his energy and concentration. He drew upon his inner strength, summoning forth an aura of steaming ash energy that swirled and surged around his arms with raw power.

This was none other than his innate ability, 'Monstrous Strength' - a formidable skill that amplified his physical prowess to unparalleled levels, rendering Kozak's mechanized defenses futile in its wake.

Kozak's eyes widened in stunned disbelief as he beheld Bernard's unveiled ability, taken aback by the unexpected display of strength. He had braced himself for another onslaught of fiery flame attacks, but what he witnessed now was something altogether beyond his expectations.

As Bernard stood before him, radiating with raw energy, his expression darkened, knowing that he faced an adversary with formidable abilities.

BERNARD: "[Observes Kozak's unease with a smirk.] Ha! Are you frightened, old punk? Sure, you might be able to repel my flames, but how about we put this one to the test?"

KOZAK: "Humph! No matter what, the end result will still be the same, you little son of...."

Kozak's voice trailed off into stunned silence as he received a devastating blow to his face, the force of the unexpected strike sending him hurtling across the room. With a sickening crunch, several teeth were dislodged from the impact, leaving him reeling in agony as his body collided with the unforgiving walls of the third floor.

Struggling to cope with the blow, his eyes flickered with disbelief, his mind struggling to comprehend the sheer ferocity of Bernard's assault. He spat out a mouthful of blood and grimaced in pain, his armor-shattered body down to a knee.

(D...Damn it!) he cursed through gritted teeth, his face contorted with agony. (Was that... the punch of a colossal monster?) he pondered in confusion, his thoughts swirling amidst the haze of pain.

The impact of Bernard's punch had left him feeling weakened and vulnerable, his once-impenetrable armor and weaponry ill-prepared to withstand such devastating brute force and raw physical power. As he struggled to rise to his feet amidst the wreckage, he knew that he faced an opponent unlike any he had encountered before.

Meanwhile, Bernard shifted his fighting stance, adopting the 'Iron Breaker' - a fighting style known for its bone-crushing blows and unstoppable force. With vigor, he charged at Kozak once more, his every movement poised to deliver a crushing blow that would shatter his opponent's mechanized defenses.

Kozak's attempt to fend off Bernard with a defensive wave of his hand proved futile, his move easily maneuvered by his deadly adversary.

In one swift motion, he felt Bernard apply crushing force to his outstretched arm, his elbow shattered with a sickening crunch. Undeterred, Bernard pressed on with his unrelenting violence against him, brutally bashing the Scale Shield leader's head against the surrounding walls. Each impact echoed through the chamber, every blow fueled by the raw power of his 'Monstrous Strength' ability.

Kozak let out a frustrated roar of pain and fury, lunging at Bernard with his other hand in a desperate attempt to turn the tide. But his adversary was too quick and nimble, effortlessly sidestepping the punch. His flailing leg got seized by the ruthless Crestivenian, who spun him around and slammed him repeatedly with a relentless barrage of punishing blows that reverberated throughout the chamber.

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