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~Back to the current events~
David yelled out in a blending expression of rage and panic as he woke up from his trance. And with him, an aura of suffocating, dark energy was unleashed.

However, San Pedro quickly came to David's intervention, touching his forehead and invoking a declaration skill called the 'Light of Redemption.' This Crusader ability was employed to crush dark forces and subdue negative energies.

In an instant, the light of redemption skill quickly took effect and dispersed the surrounding dark energy shrouding David, bringing him back to his senses.

He felt disoriented at first but soon, his disorientation transitioned to one of profound shock.

DAVID: "Uncle San Pedro? Is that you? You're alive!" David gasped in surprise as he once again set his eyes on his second uncle, whom he thought was dead.

SAN PEDRO: "Of course, nephew. It is I, and I am very much alive. You've grown so much since we last saw each other. As regards my survival, it will be a long story for another time. Right now, we've got bigger issues at hand." San Pedro replied.

San Pedro quickly helped David get to his feet before pointing to the spatial crack's location, which was growing wider despite the Crusaders' intervention. The greater devil had managed to bring out its upper body from the crack, leaving only its lower half behind.

Meanwhile, Fiona had already left San Pedro's side to help the military forces and the Crusaders fend off the greater devil.

SAN PEDRO: "See? We don't have much time, nephew. We have to end this once and for all, but to do that, I will need you to transition back to the Spirit Mode's state."

DAVID: "Heh. That won't be a problem, uncle. Let's do this!" David responded with eagerness. He was shockingly excited to see his uncle alive and sound.

Awakening the power of the Spirit Mode once more, David deftly ignited his palms with the holy flame. He was ready to join San Pedro and the the others in the fight.

Meanwhile, the military forces and Crusaders persisted in their assaults against the greater devil, igniting the malevolent entity's fury. With a furious groan, it smashed the ground with its bare hands, erupting a wave of dark energy that blasted through the area, destroying armor tanks and fighter jets.

However, the Crusaders shielded themselves with an aura of light to protect against the energy waves, but it wasn't enough. The demon's dark energy still swept some of them away, hurtling them like rag dolls. Their power levels were generally lower compared to their commander, San Pedro, who was renowned as a Divine Priest within the Order of Light's distinctive hierarchies. As a divine priest, San Pedro's power level was said to be comparable to that of the superhumans' hierarchy of the Pillar realm.

Vanquishing some of its adversaries, the greater devil slung its face toward the sky and unleashed a loud roar of excitement. It was only going to be a matter of time before it completely got out of the spatial crack to unleash true chaos in the city.

GREATER DEVIL: "Hahaha! You puny insects will all serve as nice delicacies for the almighty me. Accept your fates and await your days of reckoning. You shall all be dealt with accordingly!"

Hearing the arrogant demon spill nonsense from its mouth, Fiona glared at it in disgust. She unleashed a continuous barrage of unrelenting blades of sonic fire against the demonic entity, though the impact of her fiery onslaughts was minimal. But nonetheless, Fiona still got the attention of the demon as it stared at her with deep animosity and swung its huge hand at her. Reacting with lightning-quick reflexes, she deftly utilized the speed of her Ultrasonic flame, escaping the demon's onslaught before its hand could reach her.

Meanwhile, David and San Pedro finally got to the greater devil's location, obliterating and vanquishing several sorcerers and summoned dark creatures that dared stood in their way. Fiona, upon sighting both David and his uncle, quickly ceased her confrontation with the greater devil and retreated to the approaching duo's location.

FIONA: "I trust you had a good nap out there for a moment! Now do the needful and clean up your stupid mess!" Fiona instantly nagged at David with an underlying tone of ridicule the moment she regrouped with him.

DAVID: "Humph! And they said you were a girl of few words." David teased her.

FIONA: "Who said?... "

SAN PEDRO: "Both of you! Cease your banter and concentrate. It is time!" San Pedro abruptly interjected to David and Fiona's teasing conversation.

Heeding the words of San Pedro, David deftly concentrated on the situation at hand, squatting down and placing his hands on the ground. Huge pillars of holy flames erupted from the grounds, surrounding the greater devil and trapping it from every side. Afterward, David called out to San Pedro to assist.

DAVID: "Uncle! Summon your holy wind!"

San Pedro heeded his nephew's instruction and cast a divine declaration. Suddenly, a strong tornado wind suddenly took form amidst the location of David's burning, holy flames, fueling its aggressiveness.

The greater devil, trapped within the terrifying storm of wind and fire, roared in anguish. Out of desperation, it released spheres of dark energy waves from its mouth against its attackers but all was futile.

The aggressive wailing of the holy wind kept the greater devil in a disturbing state as it growled in discomfort, while the scorching heat of the holy fire tormented it relentlessly. Soon, thereafter, panic eventually enveloped the demon's very being. It relentlessly made attempts to retreat back into the spatial crack, but was unable to. All the present Crusaders already had it trapped with multiple ropes of holy light, ensuring its escape was impossible.

Feeling helpless and oppressed, the greater devil immediately regretted why it had even tried to enter this world in the first place. It never anticipated that the unfolding events would turn out bad against it.

In the wake of the devastation, David and San Pedro decided that it was time to end the demon's misery once and for all. To their surprise, their energies began to converge, creating a powerful bond that linked them together in mind and spirit. Without even realizing it, they simultaneously began to recite the ancient phrases of divine judgment, calling upon the power of the heavens to strike down their foe and put an end to its evil once and for all.

SAN PEDRO/ DAVID: "May thy soul find redemption in the sight of our blessed Creator, else may it return to the great lake of damnation! Shalom!!"

Once the divine phrase was completed, the incarnation of a mighty winged angel wielding a greatsword suddenly materialized before everyone. With an imposing demeanor, It glared at its tormented prey, greater devil, with eyes of righteous fury for a few seconds before making its move. The angel's incarnation mercilessly lunged its great sword at the hapless demon, blasting it below the earth's crust and shattering the spatial crack before vanishing away.

As the soul of the greater devil vanished its place of divine punishment, which was the lake of fire, it yelled out a series of curses against the one who had summoned it in the first place.


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