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With phantom-like speed, the Behuga girl darted toward David's airborne form, intercepting him mid-fall before he could plummet to the ground below. Gripping his face tightly, she whirled him around and then flung him with savage force.

David found himself careening into the unforgiving walls of multiple prison cells, each collision sending shockwaves rippling through his battered form. With each impact, the cell walls crumbled like paper, leaving trails of destruction.

A sense of helplessness overwhelmed over David as he came to grips with the stark reality of his situation - he was utterly outmatched by the savage ferocity of the Behuga descendant. With aching limbs and battered resolve, he struggled to regain his footing, but before he could muster a defense, she launched a relentless barrage of punches and slashes, each blow driving him further into the depths of despair.

With a merciless grip, she seized his face in her clawed hands, her strength overpowering his feeble attempts to resist as she slammed him to the unforgiving ground below. The sickening crunch of shattered ribs echoed through the chamber as pain seared through his body, his agonized screams filling the air with a symphony of suffering.

Before he could even gasp for air, the Behuga girl delivered a brutal stomp to his already injured abdomen, the force of the blow driving the breath from his lungs as darkness descended upon him, his consciousness fading into oblivion amidst the excruciating pain of his injuries.

With her foot still pressed against her opponent's abdomen, the Behuga girl threw back her head with a triumphant roar, her primal cry echoing through the chamber in a declaration of victory.

However, her moment of glory was short-lived.

She suddenly sensed a shift in the atmosphere and reflexively withdrew her foot from the abdomen of her unconscious opponent.

As David lay unconscious, she watched as a dangerous aura emanated from his prone body, observing his inert form pulsate with dark energy.

Unbeknownst to her, his survival instincts had been triggered, perilously awakening the ominous seal as it forcefully seized control of his body. With an eerie calmness, the power of hatred surged through him, its malevolent energy coalescing around him like a shroud of darkness as he became the vessel for its unfathomable wrath.

Slowly standing on his feet, David became cloaked in a dense aura of reddish-black energy, pulsating with raw power. His injuries were swiftly mended, the wounds of battle vanishing beneath the surge of the dark energy that surrounded him.

His energy levels peaked to an alarming degree, his eyes gleaming with a sinister red hue that reflected the depths of the darkness that now coursed through his veins.

In a voice that reverberated with a chilling resonance, he let out a terrifying roar, his voice deep and husky.

INFLUENCED DAVID: "[Laughs in a sinister manner.] Hahaha! I have awoken at last! Behold, the true embodiment of hatred and chaos!"

Having assessed his transformed state and dark power, David fixed his gaze upon the Behuga descendant, regarding her with an imposing demeanor.

INFLUENCED DAVID: "You! This newfound freedom and control owes much to your chaotic influence. But make no mistake - there can only be one true emissary of chaos between us. So ask yourself, you insignificant creature - Who shall reign, and who shall SERVE?"

Hearing David's chilling words, the Behuga descendant's fury reached a boiling point, her primal roar echoing through the chamber as she surged forward with blinding speed, her claws aimed for the former's chest.

With eerie calmness, David stood his ground, his gaze unflinching as he accepted the oncoming blow without so much as a flinch. As the impact landed, the force of the Behuga girl's attack reverberated through the chamber, but to her astonishment, her opponent remained unfazed, a sinister grin playing upon his lips.

She recoiled in disbelief, her eyes widening in surprise at the phenomenon. She made an attempt to withdraw her hand but David quickly seized hold of it, his grip firm and unyielding as he effortlessly propelled her away from him with a single, decisive motion.

The force of his push was like a sudden gale, sending her stumbling backward several feet as she fought to regain her balance amidst the onslaught of his strength.

INFLUENCED DAVID: "Surely, this is not the extent of your power. Unveil your true strength! Reveal to me the pure chaos of your cursed bloodline!" David taunted with a commanding tone, his voice thick with challenge.

With her fury reaching its crescendo, the Behuga descendant drew upon the raw power of her cursed flames, channeling it into a swirling blazing vortex that erupted from her gaping mouth in a torrent of purple fire.

Not one to be outdone, David summoned forth a colossal ball of dark energy, its ominous vibe crackling with unfathomable power.

As the two opposing forces collided, the chamber trembled with the intensity of their clash, each entity pushing against the other with defiance. For a fleeting moment, it appeared as though the Behuga descendant held the advantage, her purple flames threatening to engulf David's energy ball in a relentless onslaught.

But David's resolve remained steadfast, his will unbroken as he summoned forth an additional surge of power. His energy ball erupted with newfound strength, surging forward with unstoppable momentum. With a deafening roar, his energy ball smashed through the Behuga's fiery onslaught, its destructive force tearing through the flames before bearing down upon her with explosive fury.

With a resounding impact, she was sent hurtling through the air, her form crashing into the unyielding walls of the chamber with bone-jarring force. Each collision sent shockwaves rippling through the air, until finally, she came to a crumpled heap upon the ground.


~Upper grounds of the Scale Shield's building~
With the building's self-destruct countdown at fifty-five percent, Modred swiftly materialized within the confines of the engineering department. A sense of satisfaction washed over him, his thoughts lingering happily on the awareness of Kozak's demise.

Without hesitation, the greedy sorcerer mystically retrieved the teleportation machine and other valuable assets from the room, his movements quick as he gathered what he needed before disappearing once more into the shadows.

He could only report the news of the Scale Shield's fall; to the Netherworld higher-ups and plan out a precise moment when he would exact his revenge upon every of his adversaries.


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