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Messages spread across the other tribes from Central Continental, calling for reinforcements at the tribes' leaders' behest. All other tribes became aware of the Symphony of Dawn's situation, heeding their leaders' and rulers' instructions to navigate the crisis in Galehold.

The patriarchs' from the Land of Flames commanded a hundred Crestivenian reinforcements to join the ongoing battle. Among the participants were a few notable figures, including Fiona; Bethany, who chose to join the fight upon hearing of her rival's participation; and Sarah, who had been convinced to join the battle by Fiona's persuasive arguments, eager to improve her own fighting experience.

Above all, there was the new figure, Sally Bane, a high-ranking military official from Crestivenia.

The Sky Fortress also sent a hundred Terasvian warriors to join the fight. They were led by the renowned lightning genius, Benjamin Blazers, who spoke on behalf of the other families of Terasville. With a commanding presence, Benjamin rallied the remaining ninety-nine soldiers to charge alongside him toward the Symphony of Dawn, ready to lend their aid in the battle.

As for the Imperial Fang, they dispatched an army of 200 Willower soldiers from the Crust Empire to aid in the fight against the infiltrating Outlanders in Galehold. Meanwhile, the Ice Nation released fifty-one Paramoir soldiers from Crystal-Falls city, with Vand Kelson, a renowned frost warrior in the saint realm's hierarchy, assuming command of the troops.

A total of 452 superhuman reinforcements from the other tribes came together to join the fight. All participating warriors accessed their respective tribe's gateways, eager to make the journey to the Symphony of Dawn and take part in the decisive battle that would determine the fate of Galehold.


~Galehold City~
Meanwhile, Lord and Grail were locked in a death battle, each determined to overcome the other with their formidable abilities.

The clash of their powers reverberated through the battlefields, shaking the very foundations of the land and causing destruction in their wake.

With the privilege of flight and levitation granted by the hierarchy of their powers, the two wind masters took to the sky to settle their conflicts with windy blows. Though both were evenly matched, Lord gradually gained the upper hand and sent Grail hurtling toward the ground.

Moving with incredible speed, the old man chased after Grail's descent, seizing him by the face, and slamming him mercilessly into the unforgiving concrete below.

Having concluded his assault, Lord strategically created some distance between himself and the motionless Grail. He needed a moment to catch his breath and tend to his healing injuries before approaching his opponent again.

Meanwhile, Grail slowly rose from the ground with his back facing Lord.

The savage wind's face contorted with anger as he wheeled around to face his ex-mentor, his labored breaths evidence of the injuries he had sustained. Without warning, he enveloped himself in a furious whirlwind, hurtling toward Lord with remarkable velocity. The impact was brutal, slamming Lord's body against a nearby building and causing the walls to shatter under the force of the blow.

But despite the ferocity of his opponent's attack, the old man swiftly regained his footing and counterattacked with lightning-fast reflexes.

With precision, he slammed his palm into Grail's chest, unleashing a shocking burst of air that sent the savage wind settling backward into a stooped, backward slide.

Attempting to follow up his attacks, Lord charged forward and attempted to deliver a sprinting forward kick on his opponent. But Grail was too quick, dodging the strike by nimbly moving his body to the side and creating an opening. Seizing the opportunity, he struck Lord with a swift punch to the face, leaving the old man momentarily stunned and off-balance.

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