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The regent ascended from her bone-forged throne, her movements imbued with an elegance that commanded the rapt attention of the assembled multitude.

She traversed the space of the elevated platform, flaunting a flicker of emerald flame at her fingertips to display her power and authority.

One by one the assembly knelt in obeisance, offering her their gesture of respect and reverence. Having gotten the mass attention, she then proceeded to address them.

REGENT: "Heed me, Outlanders! The rule of the Netherworld has brought prosperity to the wastelands for centuries. But the TRIBE and human world seek nothing but our utter destruction. They view us as savage beasts and heretical rebels simply because we refuse to bow to their hypocrisy... Simply because we choose to forge our own path.
"Who are we?"

CROWD: "[Voices out in unison.] We are the Outlanders!"

REGENT: "They assume us as sinners! They say we are out of control, but who are we?"

CROWD: "We are the Outlanders!!"

REGENT: "Now, let us address the pressing matter at hand. The initial goals of Netherworld, which would have benefited all who duel in these wastelands, have been sabotaged by the Crestivenians.
"We owe this failure to the Chaos Force and their affiliate, the Scale Shield. But fear not, for their incompetence will not hinder our ultimate goal.
"The Origin of Power has been held by our greatest foes for far too long. It is time for us to claim what is rightfully ours and reveal the universe's true salvation and domination under our reign.
"So, who are we?"

CROWD: "We are the Outlanders!!!"

REGENT: "[Smiles maliciously.] Soon, a decisive battle for change will ensue, and those who stand in our way will be crushed beneath our feet. We call upon all forces of the Outlands to unite under the banner of Netherworld and aid us in our conquest.
"Those who dare to oppose us will meet a cruel and merciless end. I ask now, who among you will have the audacity to stand against my authority?"

The air hung heavy with anticipation, the silence of the throng indicating their tacit agreement with the regent's decree.

In the absence of dissenting voices, a subtle curl of amusement graced the regent's lips, a fleeting glimpse of mischief dancing in her concealed glowing eyes as she acknowledged the unspoken compliance of her subjects.

With a graceful pivot, she turned her back to the gathered assembly, preparing to deliver her final decree.

REGENT: "Your silence speaks volumes, and I take it as a sign of your submission. Let this be a warning to all who secretly plan to oppose us. The price of defiance is high, and the consequences shall be severe. We shall show no mercy to those who stand in our way. Let darkness and fear guide us as we usher in a new era of dominance and power. In the name of the Netherworld, this meeting is adjourned!" The regent declared before departing the scene.

However, everyone maintained their bowing gesture till she completely faded from view.


~The Land of Flames, Crestivenia~
Three months after the events of the Scale Shield organization, Sarah gradually began to master her power and newfound abilities. She was also adapting to her new existence as a superhuman.

Drawing upon the formidable genetic legacy of the Deity family and infused with the divine essence of Aurora's DNA, Sarah became a vessel for the potent energies of the saint realm's hierarchy, wielding the cyan sky flame akin to those of the most adept practitioners.

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