CHAPTER 10 - David's Haunted Past

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~David's past memories in his tranced state~
David was currently undergoing an infinite loop of madness as he relived the memories and deaths of his parents and sister in repetitive succession.

Once more, a fresh cycle of his past memories commenced, compelling him to revisit those events yet again.

But while it commenced, he soon forgot that he was stuck in an endless memory loop, unconsciously immersing himself in the unfolding events.

In the vivid tapestry of his memories, he witnessed through the eyes of his younger self as he, alongside his parents, disembarked from their family vehicle. They were in the process of moving into their opulent mansion nestled within the upscale Vegas Neighborhood of Beverly Hills.

His mother, the smiling Ciarah Dantes, gently cradled his cooing baby sister, Alexa, within her arms. Simultaneously, he assisted his serious-looking father, Zakael Blaze, with their luggage.

<<Ciarah, known for her easy-going nature, served as a balance to Zakael's no-nonsense demeanor, as many would attest. Similar to her older brother, San Pedro, she was a devoted believer in the Order of Light, actively participating in the services of the Crusaders.

Frequently, she would enthusiastically gather her husband and children for the weekly fellowship of the Order of Light. Additionally, during summers, she and San Pedro would joyfully devote time to her family by the tranquil riverside.

There, she would eagerly watch with great excitement as her son, David, practiced his innate fiery skills under the watchful supervision of Zakael.>>

Life flowed peacefully for the family, and before they knew it, time, days, and months slipped away, each passing moment marked by a harmonious rhythm.


On a fateful day, Zakael summoned his son, David, for a practice session. Together, they strolled down to the tranquil riverside location.

Upon reaching the riverside, Zakael turned to David, playfully patting him on the head. Despite his portrayal as a no-nonsense man, he never exhibited such an attitude toward his beloved family.

ZAKAEL: "Son! You have excelled greatly in learning the Blaze family's fighting style. However, you are yet to learn our most unique fire techniques."

YOUNGER DAVID: "What could that be, father?" David asked with curiosity.

ZAKAEL: "It is a family's signature technique-a legendary technique that will set you apart as a true member and successor of the Blaze family! Today, you'd be learning the Fire Beam. But depending on your level of creativity, you can even evolve it into a better one like the Ultra Flame Beam."

YOUNGER DAVID: "Woa, seriously?" David's face lightened up with excitement.

ZAKAEL: "Indeed, son. You must watch closely on what I do next." Zakael instructed.

<<As the current patriarch of the Blaze family, Zakael once held sway over the red Imperial flame aligned with the Pillar realm's hierarchy. However, his Imperial flame mysteriously left him to his son, David, the moment the latter was born.

This uncommon and peculiar occurrence designated an infant David as the new fire master within the Pillar realm's hierarchy. Simultaneously, it demoted his father, Zakael, to the lower hierarchy known as the Saint realm. This was attributed to the stipulation that within a family in the superhuman hierarchical order, there could not exist two fire masters.

Against the odds, Zakael took pride in his son's succession at such a tender age, acknowledging the immense talent the boy possessed. In fact, this revelation fortified Zakael's determination to groom his son, David, for the promising future that lay ahead.>>

Zakael drew a deep breath, activating his beta flames-a stark contrast to David's superior Imperial flame. He released a focused beam of azure fire from his hands, directing it toward the opposite end of the river with formidable force. The impact was such that the affected area evaporated instantly.

David, amazed by his father's technique, expressed his eagerness to try it out for himself. Sensing his son's enthusiasm, Zakael encouraged him to give it a shot.

Emulating his father's example, David took a deep breath, summoning his Imperial flame. With unwavering determination and a poised outstretch of his hands, he effortlessly unleashed a potent beam of fire toward the opposite side of the river. The force of the blast surpassed his father's earlier attempt, erupting with cataclysmic power akin to a devastating explosion, posing a threat to dry the very river itself.

Observing his son's exceptional display, Zakael wore an impressed smile. With just a glance, David had surpassed him in the Fire Beam technique. Now, there was nothing more for him to teach his son for the day.

But just as they were about to depart, a resounding bang echoed from the distant Vegas Neighborhood, seizing the attention of both father and son.

YOUNGER DAVID: "Father look! Something's happening to the Vegas." David pointed his finger at the blast's location.

ZAKAEL: "[Unveils an alarmed expression.] No way! The Chaos Force found us. We must hurry home to your mother, son."

David and his father sprinted all the way home, fortunate that the riverside wasn't far from the Vegas Neighborhood. However, upon their arrival, a daunting sight interrupted them. They stumbled upon a group of menacing sorcerers, accompanied by a squad of superhuman fire wielders-the notorious 'Nether Guards.' These brawny warriors, known for their prowess within the Saint realm's hierarchy, were minions of the Netherworld. Leading them was none other than Mako Blaze, Zakael's younger brother, and his Chaos Force's accomplice, Modred.

Ciarah, not able to defend herself, had already been taken hostage by Mako and Modred. Witnessing this scene, Zakael was consumed by both fury and bewilderment at the actions of his younger brother.

ZAKAEL: "Mako! What is the meaning of this? You now team up with the filthy sorcerers of the Chaos Force?"

MAKO: "Tut-tut, brother. Those words hurt you know. Is this how you treat your younger brother?"

ZAKAEL: "What brings you here, Mako? What do you want from us?"

MAKO: "Brother. I have come only to claim what's rightfully mine. The mantle of leadership should be bestowed upon me!"

ZAKAEL: "Sighs... Fine then. Have it if you want, but leave me and my family be!"

MAKO: "Hmm? Just like that? You think me stupid, don't you? If I must have this come to pass, then I must eliminate any potential threat to my rule in the future, starting with him!" Mako ominously exclaimed as he extended a finger toward David.

ZAKAEL: "You have gone mad, Mako! You are beyond redemption! If you wish to hurt my family, then you'd have to go through me first!"

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