One Hundred and-fourteen

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"Trust me, my little flower," I breathed, my voice a strong vow.

"Trust in our darkness, and together, we shall conquer the world."

And as we stayed there in silence, bathed in the soft glow of the moonlight, I knew that no matter what the future held, I would always cherish the time we had spent together. For in Fiora, I had found something worth fighting for, something worth risking everything for. And I was determined to do whatever it took to make her mine.

Fiora's pov

As I lounged on the porch, watching the sunset paint the sky in hues of pink and orange, I couldn't shake off the events of last night. My mind was like a ping pong ball bouncing between annoyance and amusement, all thanks to Taehyung.

"Seriously, Fiora?" I muttered to myself, shaking my head.

"You almost fell for his  charm? What happened to your self-respect?"I scolded myself, feeling a mixture of frustration and amusement at my own mess . How had I let myself get so close to succumbing to Taehyung's antics?

"Come on, brain," I chided, tapping my temple lightly. "Get it together. You're better than this."

But it seemed like my heart had taken a holiday, leaving me to deal with the aftermath of Taehyung's magnetic pull all on my own.

"And don't even get me started on those eyes," I continued, rolling my own eyes at the memory of his smoldering gaze.

"It's like he's trying to hypnotize me or something. Not today, Taehyung, not again."

I sighed, running a hand through my hair in frustration, completely unaware of the amused observer standing just behind me.

"You think you're so smooth, don't you?" I muttered, addressing the imaginary Taehyung in my mind.

"Well, newsflash Mr. Kim , I'm not into  you. Your dark and mysterious act might work on some, but not on this girl." I said flipping my hair.

"Alright, Fiora," I said to myself, standing up and dusting off my pants. "Time to put this little episode behind you and move on. You've got better things to do than waste your time on someone who likes to eavesdrop." I said and side eyes him, trying to control my embarrassment and flush face.

As I hurried into the house, my cheeks burning with embarrassment, I couldn't help but replay the entire conversation I'd just had with myself on the porch. How could I have been so oblivious? So wrapped up in my own inner conversation that I didn't even notice Taehyung standing right behind me, listening to every word.

I cursed myself for being so transparent, for letting my guard down and allowing him to witness my internal struggle with his infuriatingly charming ways. How could I face him now, knowing that he had heard all of my witty retorts and sarcastic remarks?

My heart raced with a mixture of embarrassment and anxiety as I tried to come up with a plan to salvage the situation. Maybe I could pretend that I hadn't seen him, that I hadn't heard his amused chuckles as I ranted and raved about him to myself.

With a heavy sigh, I leaned against the doorframe, my head spinning with thoughts of what to do next. Should I confront him and demand an explanation for his eavesdropping? Or should I pretend like nothing had happened and hope that he would do the same.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19 ⏰

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