One Hundred and-four

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Taehyung's pov

I felt like someone had punched me in the gut. The words I had just heard were difficult to digest. All this while, I remembered Fiora's words, how she always denied anything with Seokkie and Chan. I allowed myself to feel a bit relieved, thinking that I at least had something against her.

But now, learning the truth about Seokkie and Chan, I felt worse than before. It all came rushing back to me, the accusatory words I had thrown at Fiora.

"How could you do this to me?"

"How could you betray my trust like that?" I remember my words, how I treat her.

I accused her without having all the facts. Now, the weight of my words felt heavy on my chest. The realization hit me like a ton of bricks, and I couldn't help but feel flooded with an overwhelming mix of regret, guilt, and sadness.

"I'm so sorry, Fiora," I whispered, my voice filled with remorse. "I should have listened to you. I should have trusted you. I never should have accused you without knowing the truth." I want to tell her.

The pain in my heart was unbearable, knowing that I had driven her away with my accusations. I couldn't erase the hurt that I had caused her, but I vowed to make things right. I have to  make amends with her with my girl, to apologize for the pain I had inflicted upon her.

As I gathered my emotions and determination, and think about how to ask forgiveness from her.It would be a long and difficult road, but I couldn't live with myself knowing I had caused such pain to someone I love and cared about. I had to find her and beg for her forgiveness, hoping that she could find it in her heart to give me a second chance.

As these thoughts raced through my mind, a darker side of my emotions began to surface. I couldn't help but think that none of this would have happened if Fiora had just been honest with me from the start. If only she had shared everything about Seokkie and Chan, about her past, maybe things would have been fine.

But she chose to hide it all, allowing this web of deceit and betrayal to spin out of control. And now, she blame me for everything that had happened.

I agree, I should have trusted her more. I shouldn't have doubt her. But shouldn't she have done the same? Shouldn't she have trusted me enough to confide in me, to let me in on her secrets?

The anger within me began to grow, intertwining with the guilt and sadness that had engulfed my heart. How could she just let all of this happen? How could she put both of us through such pain and heartache?

I deserved to know all about her and her secrets her past. We could have faced this together, overcome it. But she kept it all hidden, and now we're left with nothing.

The weight of betrayal settled heavily on my shoulders, and a dark cloud of resentment passed through my thoughts. I couldn't help but feel a sense of injustice, a haunting sensation that made me question everything we had shared.

But despite these  emotions, deep down, I still loved her. I wanted to save our relationship, to find a way to rebuild the trust that had been broken. I knew it wouldn't be easy, and forgiveness would be hard to come by, but if there was a light of hope, I had to chase it.

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