One hundred and-seven

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Taehyung's pov

As I carried Fiora to our new home, a sense of possession washed over me, engulfing my senses in strom of conflicting emotions. The walls of our new home whispered promises of security and control, a haven where I could finally have her all to myself.

With each step, I felt her weight pressing against me, her warmth seeping into my skin and igniting a fire deep within me. My gaze lingered on her delicate features, the soft curves of her face bathed in the gentle glow of the moonlight filtering through the windows.

In that moment, I was overcome by a  urge to claim her as my own, to possess her completely and utterly. The desire to make her, body and soul mine , consumed me like a fire, fueling the darkness that simmered beneath the surface of my being.

As I laid her down in our room, I couldn't help but gaze at the sight of her, vulnerable and beautiful in her deep slumber. A surge of possessiveness coursed through me, a need to protect her from the outside world and keep her by my side forever.

In the silence of the room, with only the sound of our steady breaths filling the air, I knew that I would stop at nothing to ensure that she remained mine. No force on earth could tear her away from me now, she was mine to cherish and to possess, now and for all eternity.

Gently tucking her into the soft, comfortable sheets, I couldn't help but feel a surge of protectiveness wash over me. Seeing her flinch in her sleep, with the mere touch of me, sent a pang of guilt through my chest, a reminder of the pain I had caused her. But as I drew her close, her warmth against my chest, I felt a flicker of hope stir within me.

Cradling her in my arms, I buried my face in her hair, inhaling the sweet scent of her shampoo. The soft sound of her breathing, the gentle rise and fall of her chest, filled me with a sense of peace I hadn't felt in far too long. Despite everything, she was here with me.

As she nuzzled her face into my neck, I felt a flood of emotions overwhelm me. Guilt, for the pain I had caused her. Regret, for the mistakes I couldn't undo. But above all, there was love, raw and intense, coursing through my veins with every beat of my heart.

In that moment, holding her close, I vowed to do whatever it took to protect her, to make things right. No matter the challenges that lay ahead, I would fight for us, for our future together. And as I drifted off to sleep, her warmth pressed against me, I allowed myself to believe that maybe, just maybe, we could find redemption in each other's arms.

Fiora's pov

As I stirred in my sleep, a sense of uneasiness washed over me. Blinking sleepily, I felt a pull against my body, anchoring me in place. Slowly turning my head, I was met with the sight of Taehyung's face nestled against my neck, his breath warm against my skin.

A rush of memories flooded my mind—packing my bags, sitting in Taehyung's car, his comforting gestures, and then  blank. Panic welled up inside me as I struggled to piece together what had happened during that missing time.

Feeling his lips brush against my neck sent a jolt of fear through me, and I flinched instinctively. But when I tried to put some distance between us, I found myself pulled even closer into his embrace, his arms wrapped tightly around me.

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