Past- lll

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Author's pov

A sinister smirk played across Allesio's lips as his cold  stare lingered on the unconscious Fiora. He took her limp body into his arms and held her  with a strange, comfortable ease that left no room for regret. The energy of the party was an exact opposite to the sinister picture playing out in the shadows as Allesio vanished into the darkness with Fiora in his arms.

Meanwhile, Chan and Seokkie found themselves  trapped in a room. Concern grew as they tried to reach Fiora, only to be met with a silent phone on the other end. Fearing the worst, they called Jungoon for help, but to their surprise, he claimed to be at his place.

Something felt off, and their worry escalated. When Jungoon arrived, he sensed the urgency and took them with him to search for Fiora. Panic set in as they realized she was nowhere to be found.Their suspicions turned to Mirae as they corner her with accusations.

"Where is Fiora? What did you do?" Chan demanded, frustration and fear evident in his voice. Mirae, cornered and distressed, finally admitted.

"I helped Allesio take Fiora," she confessed, tears streaming down her face.

"Why would you do that?" Seokkie shouted, unable to take her betrayal.Mirae, broken and remorseful, revealed the shocking truth.

"He threatened to expose something. I had no choice."
Chan, Seokkie, and Jungoon left her crying and hurried to find Fiora, their concern for her overtaking the shock of Mirae's confession. They were in a race against time to save Fiora from an danger more evil than they could have ever imagined when they discovered the disturbing truth behind Allesio's activities.

As Fiora woke up in the unfamiliar surroundings,her head throbbing with intense pain. Blinking to clear her vision, the memories of recent events flooded back. Panic set in, and her eyes widened as she frantically scanned the unknown room.

She staggered out of the bed, her head spinning, as she rushed to the locked door. Desperation surged as she tried to force it open, only to realize her efforts were in vain. Anxiety gripped her, intensifying as the sound of another door unlocking encho through the room.

To her horror, Allesio emerged from the washroom, a sinister smile playing on his lips. The realization hit her like a  wave, and her body trembled uncontrollably. Tears streamed down her cheeks as the most dreaded nightmare unfolded before her, as the reality of being captive in his kingdom stuck her.  Fiora's voice trembled as she spoke

"Why are you doing this? Let me go." Allesio's smirk.

"You can't escape, Mi Amour. This is where you belong." Allesio said taking his steps near her.

"Please, just let me go." Fiora pleaded.  He chuckled darkly, as Fear intensified in her eyes.

𝐈𝐝𝐨𝐥'𝐬 𝐃𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐫𝐞┃ 𝐊𝐓𝐇 𝐅𝐅 ┃Where stories live. Discover now